***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I can't believe it, if you think this dude is not gonna do what the **** he wants, you are wrong.....brace yourselves, this man became president on his own terms, saying whatever the **** he wanted, offending whoever he wanted, lying about whatever he wanted, with or without the support of his own party, let that sink in, bigotry won, this isn't a democracy....this county is going to ****

Can someone realistically explain what Trump will do that's so scary?

Like what is it that got yall so shook of dude?

2 years of MSM fear-mongering.

tell em...

no one here has yet to honestly critique da fact that Democrats put up da worst candidate since Mondale.
I don't know what is going to happen, but just remember one thing:

Hyperbole is dangerous.
I now understand bigotry and hatred is secondary in this country. Protecting your own interest is the number one priority.
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I know NYC will keep their **** together but I can't say the same for the rest of America.

cant even say that...Trump said he gonna defund sanctuary citie if they keep playing games abd harboring criminal illegal aliens.
Ruin international relations
This. Im not scared what Trumps going to do to America, I'm scared what others are going to do to America. We're the laughing stock of the world. No respect is gonna be given and countries are gonna be pushing a lot of buttons. This man cant even hold his tongue to everyday reporters, what makes you think he'll hold back on world leaders?
Can someone realistically explain what Trump will do that's so scary?

Like what is it that got yall so shook of dude?

- Obamacare is done. 23 million people will haev no health insurance.

- Financial markets complete deregulated again.

- gutting of the social safety net (Paul Ryans life mission in life is basically to repeal the new deal)

- Massive deficit exploding tax cuts for rich people.

- No criminal justice reform

- A justice department headed by RUDY GULIANI. :x

- Possible repeal of Roe V Wade.

- Reneging on NATO commitments, letting Russia take over eastern Europe, the return of the cold war. distablaization of western democracy.

- an emboldened FBI and institution that has historically been an enemy of civil liberties and progressiveism in general. (remember they pushed for this to happen. Why you think?)

- further destruction of the voting rights act, more voter suppression.

- a justice department that won't protect black and brown people

- massive destructive and almost certainly violent deportation force

- more spying by the NSA, less trancperency,

- more aggressive libel laws to deter densest, weaken free media and protect rich public figures.

- if there is an increase in race related hate crimes do you think Rudy Guliani's justice department will help you?

I could go on.
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and now for da midterms? Democrats gotta defend 20+ seats in da senate :lol: :smh:

ya kept calling da poor folks in fly over country irrelevant...them folks woke up.
I completely get the cause for concern.

But IMO I advice people to take a deep breath and wait until something actually happens or proposed in a realistic setting before hyperventilating :lol:

Remember when everyone was spazzing over Bush's war draft reinstatement?

Take a deep breath? How? Like last night when some of you were laughing at everyone who was panicking, talmbout its ok...he's not gonna win, Hillary got this, stop the pessimism....where y'all at?

We all know what this man stands for, this isn't a "give him a chance" type of thing
This. Im not scared what Trumps going to do to America, I'm scared what others are going to do to America. We're the laughing stock of the world. No respect is gonna be given and countries are gonna be pushing a lot of buttons. This man cant even hold his tongue to everyday reporters, what makes you think he'll hold back on world leaders?

We're a joke yes but it's an uneasy laugh with the rest of the nations in the world. The next country linked to a terror attack here in the U.S. will be blown off the map...
I hear ya but NEVER underestimate white supremacy champ. That line of thinking is how Trump got here and is now the next President to begin with.

I feel white supremacy is always gonna be a huge issue. It was huge during Obama's administration. It will probably be even bigger during the Trump administration that's why this is a ******* wake up call for us to band together and put a stop to it. Our people got real comfortable and complacent during the Obama era and thought we were "saved" and "change was coming" and those same type of beliefs would've permeated if Hilary was elected. What are
we gonna do for these next 4 years to show this country that we aren't taking it anymore ?

Very true and very well-stated. That being said "banding together" means for everyone of US or as many as possible to get on the same page. Just take the difference between you and me for example....you voted for a 3rd party candidate...I voted for Hillary. How can WE as a small sample size of the culture band together if we don't have a clear and strategic strategy collectively. As you and I separate the vote....white supremacy drives down the field and scores as brothers from another like you and I aren't on the same page.
We're a joke yes but it's an uneasy laugh with the rest of the nations in the world. The next country linked to a terror attack here in the U.S. will be blown off the map...
Thats how wars are fought b and countless young American lives will be lost again to defend "freedom"

I aint gonna fight a war for a Commander in Chief that wont fight for me.
and now for da midterms? Democrats gotta defend 20+ seats in da senate :lol: :smh:

ya kept calling da poor folks in fly over country irrelevant...them folks woke up.

I wanna see how you feel when momma hood loses that apt she holds on to so dearly....
Also the fact that King Koopa doesn't know the policy implications of this election is a hilarious indicment of the media.

But I bet you know all about HIllary's email server management? :lol: :smh:
Can someone realistically explain what Trump will do that's so scary?

Like what is it that got yall so shook of dude?

- Obamacare is done. 23 million people will haev no health insurance.

- Financial markets complete deregulated again.

- gutting of the social safety net (Paul Ryans life mission in life is basically to repeal the new deal)

- Massive deficit exploding tax cuts for rich people.

- No criminal justice reform

- A justice department headed by RUDY GULIANI. :x

- Possible repeal of Roe V Wade.

- Reneging on NATO commitments, letting Russia take over eastern Europe, the return of the cold war. distablaization of western democracy.

- an emboldened FBI and institution that has historically been an enemy of civil liberties and progressiveism in general. (remember they pushed for this to happen. Why you think?)

- further destruction of the voting rights act, more voter suppression.

- a justice department that won't protect black and brown people

- massive destructive and almost certainly violent deportation force

I could go on.

But Hillary was unlikable, she pandered to much, I dunno what were in some emails, so people couldn't be bothered to vote. :smh: :lol:

America really has to learn the hard way.

Trump lied to get elected, so many expert in their fields tried to warned America. **** is gonna be rough, and some damage will never be undone.
Can someone realistically explain what Trump will do that's so scary?

Like what is it that got yall so shook of dude?

- Obamacare is done. 23 million people will haev no health insurance.

- Financial markets complete deregulated again.

- gutting of the social safety net (Paul Ryans life mission in life is basically to repeal the new deal)

- Massive deficit exploding tax cuts for rich people.

- No criminal justice reform

- A justice department headed by RUDY GULIANI. :x

- Possible repeal of Roe V Wade.

- Reneging on NATO commitments, letting Russia take over eastern Europe, the return of the cold war. distablaization of western democracy.

- an emboldened FBI and institution that has historically been an enemy of civil liberties and progressiveism in general. (remember they pushed for this to happen. Why you think?)

- further destruction of the voting rights act, more voter suppression.

- a justice department that won't protect black and brown people

- massive destructive and almost certainly violent deportation force

- more spying by the NSA, less trancperency,

- more aggressive libel laws to deter densest, weaken free media and protect rich public figures.

- if there is an increase in race related hate crimes do you think Rudy Guliani's justice department will help you?

I could go on.

Exactly. For folks in here that voted for Trump or even voted for a 3rd party candidate this up above is what you voted for.
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