***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Trump said what he had to say in order to win, pretty obvious now with the Washington tour today. My President, Mr. Obama, made Trump look like a grumpy old white man while sitting next to him. Obama's grace is apparent, meanwhile people are ready to burn...
“...some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn.”
Trump said what he had to say in order to win, pretty obvious now with the Washington tour today. My President, Mr. Obama, made Trump look like a grumpy old white man while sitting next to him. Obama's grace is apparent, meanwhile people are ready to burn...

That man didn't think the country would be stupid enough to elect him, I legit think he has no ***** idea what he got himself into :rofl:
Imagine how our new president is gonna step forth and discourage hate crimes? When the man was backed by the **** KKK :rofl: how silly he will look in the light, omg can't wait.
The KKK backing him argument is tired though. The KKK typically backs republican candidates.
That man didn't think the country would be stupid enough to elect him, I legit think he has no ***** idea what he got himself into :rofl:

Trump will act the part but I am pretty sure he's gonna let his Republican cronies do all the governing while he enjoys the lavish lifestyle of being the POTUS.

Doubtful he is even concern about tho Presidential Daily Briefing intel and just hand it down to Pence. America deserves everything that's gonna happen in the next 4 years... and a part of me doesn't even care anymore about the US of A.
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Imagine how our new president is gonna step forth and discourage hate crimes? When the man was backed by the **** KKK :rofl: how silly he will look in the light, omg can't wait.

Melania's anti-bullying campaign will be hilarious
The KKK backing him argument is tired though. The KKK typically backs republican candidates.

Ignore the bigger picture while you at it.

Wait you support trump? I'm not sure if I need to add you to my list underneath Ninja....let me know
Those 3 million votes are a DIRECT result of all we've been talking about regarding the DNC post election though. You don't want to acknowledge it for some reason though


Did the DNC make Bernie not campaign in the South, add criminal justice reform to his platform well after Hillary, underperfom in debates, and have economists point out he wasn't being forthcoming with his economic plans?

I would love to see the Wikileaks exposing that.

I'm getting lowkey tired of going around circles with you since you're being so rigid in your defense of how the Dems went about this election so here are my last thoughts on the matter :lol:

The DNC putting their resources and FULL backing behind one candidate from the ONSET was always gonna be almost insurmountable. The Clinton political machine was built over years in advance and had gotten to such a size that ANY Democrat opposing Hill had a mountain to climb. Given that the modern DNC, in all their corporate backed "New Dem" splendor, is absolutely terrified of any sort of modest "radical leftism" (the same "radical" ideas that are considered common around a lot of the West), half of the first debates were spent trying to undo the fear mongering behind the word socialist. Much of those same "radical" ideas are the exact kind of things that appeal to many Liberals, especially Obama voters, and get the enthusiasm going. In an election that was drenched in "anti-establishment" sentiment,you don't go with the same old "safe" choice or else you risk alienating all the people who are sick of all of that. some "radical" elements/ideas are needed to counteract the extremism on the other side.

Trump was leading the GOP primaries forever and looked like the candidate pretty early while the Dem primaries were much closer. The DNC could see the GOP having an unabashedly populist candidate in a political climate that favored that kind of candidate greatly over the "same old/establishment" candidate yet they still kept putting their institutional might and support behind that very candidate even when there was a strong opposition within the party. That turned off a decent chunk of their usual base who might've ended up not voting or going 3rd party as a result of the hostility that the very party they're supposed to believe in,treated any other "threat" to their favorite.

I'm not even talking about strictly Bern,things were set up so that even if a younger progressive candidate ran,they'd be tremendously handicapped by having to fight their own party on top of fighting for votes. It took a once in a generation political talent in Obama to defeat that machine and he had a perfect storm of factors coming off a disastrous GOP presidency and a changing electorate.

In theory and in a normal election,you'd be right that Hillary was by far the most qualified candidate and most "presidential" and she'd probably win most of the time but this was NOT a normal cycle man and that became obvious early. You don't run the same gameplan,you adapt and change with the times and that's what didn't happen.

All of this could've been preventable if the DNC had even the slightest interest in bringing objectivity to the party and encouraging a real variety of ideas instead of forcing the standard party line down the throats of their base.

I have a hard time buying that all turned off/3rd party voters this time who were former Obama voters,wouldn't have voted for a candidate who's platform was closest to that Hope and Change platform in '08. On top of that,I doubt the same candidate would've lost working class whites who ended up being one of the biggest deciding factors in the traditionally bles states they ended up losing like Michigan,Pennslyvannia,Wisconsin and NH.

I know you're probably gonna disagree and that's cool but those are just my last 2 cents on the subject looking from the outside...*shrugs*

If you can't accept the shortcomings of Bernie and progressives during the primaries, then I don't know what else to tell you.

But the DNC didn't fear monger "socialism", Hillary rightfully pointed out flaws in Bernie's platform. Hillary didn't make Bernie deflect questions an go into stump speech constantly.

And no one told Bernie to ignore the black vote as much as he did, or allow the divisive rhetoric around his campaign to bubble up as much as it did.

On one hand you want the DNC to be this impartial observer, on another you want them to realize Bernie is the better choice. And imply that Hillary should get screwed, because that was the only way Bernie could have stopped her, for the super delegates to screw Hillary. Bernie is not Barrack, the Clinton machine is not unstoppable, this has been proven multiple times.

Bernie got washed by Hillary, and could barely excited the DNC's minority base, and now after the general election I have to entertain that Bernie could have won more of the white vote, so the DNC should have tried to get him nominated. So now the DNC should focus on winning low turnout elections appealing to the white working class?

You keep getting upset I don't accept your talking points, but all I'm during is point out your logic, and the implications of your arguments.

If progressives want to keep their head in the sand and thinking the only victories to be had in the DNC is getting their preferred candidate nominated, then the movement is loss. Period. The platform is the most left has ever been, progressivism was going to be the brand of the party going forward, and class issue where back on the table, and the DNC is about to be purged.

But nah, I didn't get Bernie so lets burn the house down and look for strawmen to back up my feelings.
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The statement "every vote counts" is so bs when you don't go by the popular vote

It's not though, the electoral college goes by state and the person who has the most votes in said state wins. So yes every vote does count especially when the margin in several states was 1% difference or less.
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