***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I'm armed and my wife is as well but the last thing I want to do is explain why I had to shoot a dumbass for trying to harm me.
-Bill and, especially Hillary (didn't even have a damb vote in the matter) didn't unilaterally ruined the lives of black families, and it was not there aim to so so. A lot of the tough on crime laws passed at the time had support within the black community.

We need to come to terms with that.

And we need to come to terms of why those policies have been so bad for the community. Beyond the "black people are in jail"

-And stop with the HRC red herring. This was never about bowing down to her. it was insuring the socio-economic system doesn't get worst for people, especially minorities, especially black people.

-Any shot at anycriminal justice reform, which would have happen if there were enough liberal in Congress, and Dem as President is dead. Dead for a very long time.

-Obama was releasing non violent offender from federal prison through executive action. That is dead.

-Stop the police from getting a hold of many military gear. Dead

-Bans on civil forfeiture. Dead

-No more Ferguson commissions that expose ****** up police departments and get money back for community that have been terrorized by municipal fines. Dead

-Eric Gardner civil right lawsuit looking into the Staten Island NYPD. Dead

-Any chance at the voting rights act getting reauthorized. Dead

-The ACA that disproportionate helps the poor, which black people are over-represented in. Dead

Don't preach to me about "things been bad'. Things are about to get worst, and it didn't have to be this way.

Everyone should be upset about that

Can't get no worse than mass incarceration, racist court system and getting away with killing black people. We been upset for for hundreds of years. Trump ain't doing **** that's new.
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I swear to god, this is the soundtrack to your life, geez..........

Am I supposed to stay indooors and stop my workout early and leave the gym because Trump supporters are talking bad about people? I don't care what they say offensive, I too can say offensive stuff. Dude said if blatant racism wants to beat my head in (which I associate with violence), then I'll respond with violence. Not going 0-100 just defending myself i bltatant racism wants to beat my head in.
It's done. It's over with. A WS is now running a WS country. Now we know where we really stand.

Like I said, I'd much rather deal with an upgront WS then a SWS.

Jesus ******* Christ man :smh:

People lives are gonna get ruined that don't have too.

Y'all ready to make martyrs outta regular folk in hopes a revolution will come.

People lives been getting ruined. Bill and Hilary helped ruin black families all over this country. Now we supposed to bow down to her cuz we scared of big bad Trump? Can't do it.

-Bill and, especially Hillary (didn't even have a damb vote in the matter) didn't unilaterally ruined the lives of black families, and it was not there aim to so so. A lot of the tough on crime laws passed at the time had support within the black community.

We need to come to terms with that.

And we need to come to terms of why those policies have been so bad for the community. Beyond the "black people are in jail"

-And stop with the HRC red herring. This was never about bowing down to her. it was insuring the socio-economic system doesn't get worst for people, especially minorities, especially black people.

-Any shot at anycriminal justice reform, which would have happen if there were enough liberal in Congress, and Dem as President is dead. Dead for a very long time.

-Obama was releasing non violent offender from federal prison through executive action. That is dead.

-Stop the police from getting a hold of many military gear. Dead

-Bans on civil forfeiture. Dead

-No more Ferguson commissions that expose ****** up police departments and get money back for community that have been terrorized by municipal fines. Dead

-Eric Gardner civil right lawsuit looking into the Staten Island NYPD. Dead

-Any chance at the voting rights act getting reauthorized. Dead

-The ACA that disproportionate helps the poor, which black people are over-represented in. Dead

Don't preach to me about "things been bad'. Things are about to get worst, and it didn't have to be this way.

Everyone should be upset about that

Can't get no worse than mass incarceration, racist court system and getting away with killing black people.

The only hope of the situation have a chance or getting even the slightest better institutionally just died for foreseeable future.

And I just listed the way things will get worse for our people, and you straight up dismiss it. Like because there are bugger issues, those things don't matter as well?
Brah, you famb, but...

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Can't get no worse than mass incarceration, racist court system and getting away with killing black people. We been upset for for hundreds of years. Trump ain't doing **** that's new.
Exactly those justice department reports that he mentioned haven't changed anything, but just told us what people in Bmore and Ferguson have been complaining about for years. Obama was a softy and we won't have real change until the Democratic Party moves more to Thebes's left and embraces populism. Ninja is right when saying good the libs elitist coastal politics have failed.
So the Cavs just made it to the white house. literally like an hour within Trump. They should give him the hands.
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Can't get no worse than mass incarceration, racist court system and getting away with killing black people. We been upset for for hundreds of years. Trump ain't doing **** that's new.

Reforms were being made to the criminal justice system/mass incarceration (for profit prisons gone, more transparency in a some of these police departments, Obama releasing non-violent offenders) and steroid to try and de-militarize the police. More initiatives were also within this democratic platform to extend and make progress on those initiatives. But now all that stops and goes back the other way, so yes things can get worse. Y'all just going to have to see it for yourselves.
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Here's a topic that I haven't seen touched on too much but is something to thknk about...

Trump's business empire poses unprecedented potential conflicts of interest


The "he's not corrupt" folks are in for a rude awakening...

he said he was going to leave it to his children, but the dude doesnt even know how business works. He said he was going to leave the company to them in a blind trust. uhmm what?
Here's a topic that I haven't seen touched on too much but is something to thknk about...

Trump's business empire poses unprecedented potential conflicts of interest


The "he's not corrupt" folks are in for a rude awakening...

he said he was going to leave it to his children, but the dude doesnt even know how business works. He said he was going to leave the company to them in a blind trust. uhmm what?

Dude is legit gonna be learning everything on the fly :rofl: :x
Brahs, what you'll say, over or under 12 months before Trump's approval rating dips below 35 percent and the "Man I miss Obama" talk starts?

-Remember, the economy is probably be good for the first year. It is usually a rule that the previous president takes credit or blame for the first couple quarters of a new presidency.

bruh he's planning to wash 25 executive orders DAY ONE. After that 1st hundred days, this country gonna be lookin like Tortuga

with energy production being fully unleashed without environmental wackos impeding? tax reform with incentives on bringing manufacturing and parked overseas money home to reinvest? Trump will hit 3% GDP in his sleep...
Too bad politics here isn't like in Taiwan where they start throwing hands.  Would like to see Trump get hands, feet, elbows, and knees put on him
Just seen this pic of Obama's staffers reacting to his congratulatory speech for Trump


Gotta be the worst feeling of all time :x
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New Balance backed Trump, New Balance has become the exclusive shoe of white privilege now. Mine will be trashed. Daddy Style will be expanded to other brands for sure.
Brahs, what you'll say, over or under 12 months before Trump's approval rating dips below 35 percent and the "Man I miss Obama" talk starts?

-Remember, the economy is probably be good for the first year. It is usually a rule that the previous president takes credit or blame for the first couple quarters of a new presidency.

bruh he's planning to wash 25 executive orders DAY ONE. After that 1st hundred days, this country gonna be lookin like Tortuga

with energy production being fully unleashed without environmental wackos impeding? tax reform with incentives on bringing manufacturing and parked overseas money home to reinvest? Trump will hit 3% GDP in his sleep...

And deficits will explode, and our economy will still be structurally weak.

If the GOp was cooperative, then economy under Obama could have hit 3% easily. You can go supply side and hit it easily, but that doesn't come fore free. Plus when you go supply side, you need way high level of growth to cover your budget.

Just watch how quickly Trump starts copping pleas on the deficit. Just watch
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Act like you know what the population of PA is, please....

Anything outside of philly might as well be North Carolina.
anything outside of philly, philly suburbs, and pittsburgh is called pennsyltucky for a reason

Whoa, let's fix this, Pennsylvania consists of Pittsburgh, Harrisburg (might as well include Hershey, excuse me, Derry Twp), and Philly (including suburbs) anything else is no mans land, even Lancaster and the outlets
Read on another board that someone thought that this whole Trump campaign is like a bad joke that's gone further than expected (in Trump's eyes.) He was probably never serious about being president and some think that he'll step down after 2 years saying he accomplished what he set out to do.

Honestly, I never thought of that POV...but I wouldn't be shocked to see it come true.
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