***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I thought Trump is for supporting Israel 
He still is

Not all Jews agree with Israel 150% of the time though,at least those that aren't on the right. There's a pretty big chunk of liberal Jews who don't even support the occupation or settlements
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Trump is probably like Bush 2.0

Wars and more war budget
Taxes up for middle classes and bizness
Tax cuts for upper classes & 1%

I do see immigration reform happening

You know like they say once U profit u can't really undo it, from here on out costs and profits will go up and society will be more divided

Trump aint a neocon thou...


His foreign policy advisor ,and likely secretary of state if rumors are to be believed, in this gif has never met a Muslim country he didn't want to bomb
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Trump is probably like Bush 2.0

Wars and more war budget
Taxes up for middle classes and bizness
Tax cuts for upper classes & 1%

I do see immigration reform happening

You know like they say once U profit u can't really undo it, from here on out costs and profits will go up and society will be more divided

Trump aint a neocon thou...


His foreign policy advisor ,and likely secretary of state if rumors are to be believed, in this gif has never met a Muslim country he didn't want to bomb

i thought Eye of Newt was supposed to be SOS
Trump is probably like Bush 2.0

Wars and more war budget
Taxes up for middle classes and bizness
Tax cuts for upper classes & 1%

I do see immigration reform happening

You know like they say once U profit u can't really undo it, from here on out costs and profits will go up and society will be more divided

Trump aint a neocon thou...


His foreign policy advisor ,and likely secretary of state if rumors are to be believed, in this gif has never met a Muslim country he didn't want to bomb

i thought Eye of Newt was supposed to be SOS

That could be even worse if it happens :lol: :x,at least Bolton's realm of "expertise" is actually foreign policy unlike slimey Newt.
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Speaking of Scumbag Newt,I'll just leave this here...


An excerpt

We are a country of 314 million people, the most diverse nation on Earth. This is one of our greatest strengths, and it means our president must be the president of an enormously complex and varied country...Unfortunately, the current system for electing presidents does not reflect this tremendous diversity. The winner-take-all-method of allotting electoral votes means candidates must focus their efforts on just a handful of closely divided states.

America would be better served with a presidential election process that treated citizens across the country equally.

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Yea, I'm pretty sure, as it is set now,

Trump - P
Pence - VP
Newt - SOS
Guliani - AG
Tom Carson - SG
Christie - Transpo - for obvious reasons :lol:
Ivanka - I'm sure he'll get something
It's funny
Trump isn't a neocon
But his staff is going to be filled with them

This is why I laugh when redneck illiterate piece of @#$@ Trump supporters try calling my bluff when I say I'm leaving this country. @#$@ like this is reason enough. Wouldn't even be mad if every single one of Trump's supporters met a horrible death. Hope those Mexicans, Cubans, and black people who voted for him get it the worst
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electoral votes is dumb af.

no other system in the world relies on the votes of the people..until it doesnt.

the people dont pick the winner, the system does. of course its fine when it picks who you want, but when it doesnt, you see how legitimately stupid it is.
Yea, I'm pretty sure, as it is set now,

Trump - P
Pence - VP
Newt - SOS
Guliani - AG
Tom Carson - SG
Christie - Transpo - for obvious reasons :lol:
Ivanka - I'm sure he'll get something

But, but he's an Ousider!! He'll shake things up! .....

... By bringing in trash politicians that would have no business anywhere near the White House other wise :x :smh:
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Yea, I'm pretty sure, as it is set now,

Trump - P
Pence - VP
Newt - SOS
Guliani - AG
Tom Carson - SG
Christie - Transpo - for obvious reasons :lol:
Ivanka - I'm sure he'll get something

But, but he's an Ousider!! He'll shake things up! .....

... By bringing in trash politicians that would have no business anywhere near the White House other wise :x :smh:

Swamp got 10 feet deeper
But, but he's an Ousider!! He'll shake things up! .....

... By bringing in trash politicians that would have no business anywhere near the White House other wise :x :smh:

The spin is going to be hilarious. I have a feeling in 3 years, folks will deny voting for this man. Time will tell.
electoral votes is dumb af.

no other system in the world relies on the votes of the people..until it doesnt.

the people dont pick the winner, the system does. of course its fine when it picks who you want, but when it doesnt, you see how legitimately stupid it is.
To give some history on the the electoral vote system was created to make sure the president would have a "broad appeal" nation wide because the country is so large. It was a compromise with the south after the civil war to make sure not all presidents would be from the north. If we didn't have the electoral college a person could win the office only focusing on major and heavily populated cities. It would basically be what we see now with campaigning in battle ground states but kicked into overdrive. So now the electoral college was made to make sure more voters voices where heard and kind of balance it out. So I get the logic behind it but it still kind of has the same affect of the thing it was trying to prevent being where you win your votes being more important than how many votes you get in total.
Yea, I'm pretty sure, as it is set now,

Trump - P
Pence - VP
Newt - SOS
Guliani - AG
Tom Carson - SG
Christie - Transpo - for obvious reasons :lol:
Ivanka - I'm sure he'll get something

But, but he's an Ousider!! He'll shake things up! .....

... By bringing in trash politicians that would have no business anywhere near the White House other wise :x :smh:

Swamp got 10 feet deeper

Swamps getting repurposed with all of the losers of elections past he swore he hated :lol: :smh:

They'd all still be reduced to Fox/MSN punditry or back to being on the back page of history without him
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Yea, I'm pretty sure, as it is set now,

Trump - P
Pence - VP
Newt - SOS
Guliani - AG

Tom Carson - SG
Christie - Transpo - for obvious reasons :lol:
Ivanka - I'm sure he'll get something

Forget Trump, THOSE are the scumbags people truly should be up in arms over. Trump is just the loudmouth lightning rod the Reps trotted out there to "divert status quo" and "bring a change". The people under him, specifically those 3 will be far more crippling than Trump himself. But we have people both offline and online puffing their chests out, some in this very thread, as if this regime will be a positive for them. Such naivety, which is sad, as a bunch of these people are in their late 20s to mid 30s.
Bernie Sanders@SenSanders 2h2 hours ago

If Donald Trump takes people's anger and turns it against Muslims, Hispanics, African Americans and women, we will be his worst nightmare.

Bernie Sanders@SenSanders 47m47 minutes ago

We can't be a party which cozies up to Wall Street, raises money from billionaires & stands with working families. We've got to pick a side.

what info yall got on keith Ellison?

Ken ThomasVerified account @KThomasDC 5h5 hours ago

.@BernieSanders tells me in an interview that he's backing Rep. Keith Ellison to become next DNC chairman.

Shaun King@ShaunKing 1h1 hour ago

I am joining @BernieSanders & so many others in calling for Congressman @KeithEllison to lead the new DNC. A progressive with integrity.

**** anyone, on the left or right, that dears say this was just about economics and rebelling against the establishment

And **** anyone that says this is a good things because people will wake up to the fact there racist in the country.

There are god damb children being terrorized right now. My 16 year old cousins is the only black girl in her class and got in a fight yesterday because she got called the n-word to her face.

If there is a silver lining, I don't see it.
Bernie :pimp: :pimp:

Ellison is one of the most vocal progressive voices in the Dem party
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Building a fortress of solitude at Trump Plaza NY.. vetting all guests and residents. Laughing @ Trump being afraid of Americans now. Let's make his 4 years a living hell for him and his businesses
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