***Official Political Discussion Thread***

That would be the ultimate troll job if Trump is a Democrat in Republican disguise. You literally could not make that up. [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji]

There are people who have studied Trump for decades that legitimately have no idea what he's about to do.

The world could end, he could be the greatest President in history we legit have no idea.

I wish I didn't live here so I couldn't be impartial observer.
except we're not in da 19th century...


folks wanna work? let em work :pimp:

Jeesh. You're a dense one, huh?

Engage with the point about non-unionized, paltry benefit jobs.

better than NO jobs sooooo...

btw right to work states that manufactures automobiles get great wages without unions.

when u lower da cost of doing business, da people have extra to push ,
on da employees.

bring on dem jobs :pimp:
Honestly Ernie's words just upset me and is not something i'm trying to here right now "I left the poll with a clear conscious" Yeah you have fun with that while 17 million people are trying to cope with losing their health care.

That's the reality of it but I like his conciliatory tone instead of the overtly extreme rheroic we've seen out in force. Trying to find common ground and understanding should be important with all the division right now but it just sucks that half the country doesn't have insentive to :smh:
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EJ is on the wrong side for sure but he's also trying not to be the enemy and actually looks open to discourse/ideas. Don't think he deserves much slander
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us vs them period.

why do we always have to be the bigger person?

they havent been the respectable the last 8 years im not giving trump or his supporters no passes at all

they haven't tried to work with the potus at all...they tried everything they could to block all his policies but we're supposed to be open to Trump...nah **** that 
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Brahs, what you'll say, over or under 12 months before Trump's approval rating dips below 35 percent and the "Man I miss Obama" talk starts?

-Remember, the economy is probably be good for the first year. It is usually a rule that the previous president takes credit or blame for the first couple quarters of a new presidency.

You, Rex, and whoever has the time...

Can you guys with the help of your rivals nin ja, rico and robot develop a metric or measuring system that we all can agree upon that we can use to determine what changes the next 4 years and how to measure it being better or worse.

For example, the unemployment for as long as i live was a tool used to determine how jobs were doing, but when it dropped under Obama, it was dismissed as not the "reall unemployment rate" cause folks stopped looking they said.

GDP can be used, median incomes maybe, % of folks with insurance, etc ?

Seriously. Since Obama was good to some, the worst to others, i want an agreed upon metric before the new group comes in, so we can have some sort of a measureable debate when discussing as this story begins.

better than NO jobs sooooo...

btw right to work states that manufactures automobiles get great wages without unions.

when u lower da cost of doing business, da people have extra to push ,
on da employees.

bring on dem jobs :pimp:

Thanks. I mean that sincerly.

You said that wages are "great" in right to work states. Prove it. And don't rely on some abstract definition of "great." Great wages relative to what? What's lost in return for so called great wages?
lol at Ernie. people are so delusional.

bunch of **** moral equivalence and burying your head in the sand.


Ernie, I'll pray for you.
You, Rex, and whoever has the time...

Can you guys with the help of your rivals nin ja, rico and robot develop a metric or measuring system that we all can agree upon that we can use to determine what changes the next 4 years and how to measure it being better or worse.

For example, the unemployment for as long as i live was a tool used to determine how jobs were doing, but when it dropped under Obama, it was dismissed as not the "reall unemployment rate" cause folks stopped looking they said.

GDP can be used, median incomes maybe, % of folks with insurance, etc ?

Seriously. Since Obama was good to some, the worst to others, i want an agreed upon metric before the new group comes in, so we can have some sort of a measureable debate when discussing as this story begins.

Will never happen. Everything is subjective.
Didnt even peep the part the beginning of Ernies speech where he said who he voted for but i could just tell by his tone that he aint vote for Trump nor wanted him to win.

But didnt make it overly negative either. Hes holding out hope that somehow this can work. I cant hate on him for any of that
Lol @ it being hard to be racist in NYC. This election got ppl out here legit doing mental gymnastics. I'm about to cut all media access off for a min. Y'all mf's cannot interrupt my spirit & logic with all the *** backwards thought processes going on.

Like I couldn't get past that dumbass part. Plenty racists and racism in NYC.

I definitely played with the idea of conartist Donald being liberal on the low very early on but that's not the case. It would only fly if his VP pick was some independent or a moderate conservative/centrist. Than it would be funny if he ditched most of his surrogates and filled his cabinet with democrats.

That ain't happening though. I expect erratic behavior and hair brain schemes the first 100 days as more and more Donald realizes he's far too deep in this ****.

Ninja talking that Donald gonna do w/e he wants like his entire campaign didn't offer the VP spot to Kasich so he could do all of the presidential duties while Donald "makes American great again" :lol: :smh:


ya believe this Clinton campaign rumor? :lol:
:rofl: What? Kasich a Clinton campaign agent now?

**** outta here ninja. Pence is running the actual presidential part of this presidency.
There are three puppet masters at the moment

Pence, Mitch, and Paul Ryan, all lowkey neocons

We are about to witness the taming of the shrew, I mean Trump
Yes most of the republicans ideology in the house and senate is neoconservative ideology
They won't say so but their policies reflect that thinking
Also when you look at Trump's list of people he wants to put in his cabinet, it's full of GOP establishment figureheads and neocons with the main guy being Pence
i'll say it.

ernie is stupid AF if he couldn't find a clear winner between trump and hillary
I'm sitting here and I just randomly thought about the fact that the U.S. really elected Donald Trump the President.

Forget all the inflammatory rhetoric.  Forget "grab them by the pxxxy".  Forget all of that.

This MFer is really gonna be President.  Donald ************* Trump.  Like we legit have to look at his orange face and awful hair for 4 damn years.  My mind is completely blown.

America done lost its damn mind. 
EJ a ******* clown for that write-in bull ****. Talking about his clear conscience.

Then he got the nerve to say give Donald Trump a chance after a year and a half of hate mongering. C'mon son. There's a take things as they are face value thing you can not ignore.

And **** your beliefs too.
they were interviewing a bunch of Trump supporters on the radio, and they were complaining about how industry has left them and that trump will bring industry back to the cities. and this guy who sounded a little drunk was saying we need to bring steel production back.

other than feeling like it's the 1980s again, it is illuminating to hear how they think. I'm trying to avoid reflexively calling them uneducated and ignorant (even if it's true) and instead trying to figure out their motivations. in doing so, i have to stop relying on whatever ingrained logic and objectivity I've built over the years and instead be a little loose with my thought process.

in doing so, I'm starting to understand a little more. only a little, but it's a start.

i think this is also an opportunity for the rest (liberals, Democrats, etc) to reexamine their own beliefs and how we got to them. in many cases we have prioritized some core values at the expense of other values, but to these others those values may be the most important thing.

anyway every road leads back to me thinking how awful of a human trump is and i can never stand for it. but the reason he won, that extra 2% of votes that makes all the difference, comes from something else, and we need to understand it.

It's a lot of wishful thinking by a lot of desperate ppl who believe gov. has failed them (and that they were suppose to save them in the first place) and that Donald will be the guy to be their savior cuz he's not known to be a politician but rich and more importwntly famous due to business and media cuz they don't have much else to lose.
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You, Rex, and whoever has the time...

Can you guys with the help of your rivals nin ja, rico and robot develop a metric or measuring system that we all can agree upon that we can use to determine what changes the next 4 years and how to measure it being better or worse.

For example, the unemployment for as long as i live was a tool used to determine how jobs were doing, but when it dropped under Obama, it was dismissed as not the "reall unemployment rate" cause folks stopped looking they said.

GDP can be used, median incomes maybe, % of folks with insurance, etc ?

Seriously. Since Obama was good to some, the worst to others, i want an agreed upon metric before the new group comes in, so we can have some sort of a measureable debate when discussing as this story begins.

Will never happen. Everything is subjective.

from YOUR subjective point of view, how would YOU go about determining/measuring the success?
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