***Official Political Discussion Thread***

@Redistrict: Between House's geographic bias and a terrible Senate map, it's hard to see how Dems have any electoral recourse to check Trump in '18.

The Dems def have their work cut out for them.

I'd love to see them try to mobilize to generate some of the same enthusiasm we saw during the Tea Party movement post '08. Could you imagine if hundreds of thousands of protesters from every wing of the party took to the streets of Washington en masse? The symbolism alone would generate some badly needed momentum for the midterms and show that they won't roll over easily and mean business

Man, that would be something...A democratic version of the Tea Party. Hmmm...

I wonder if the state of VA would give them their own license plate?
That is a horrible plan.

Not only morally, but strategically.

Maybe they alter their message a little, but they should not alter their policies.

This is exactly how America got "Tough on Crime" laws.

That's what I mean maybe I wasn't being clear. But I'm saying they should probably stop positioning themselves rhetoricaly as the party of diversity.

They need to learn to dogwhistle that stuff.

I agree with its moral wrongness though.
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Trump/the GOP's gonna be playing with fire if the go after "entitlements" the way he talked about during the campaign. Cutting peoples medicare and social security benefits won't make a lot of folks happy...
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That is a horrible plan.

Not only morally, but strategically.

Maybe they alter their message a little, but they should not alter their policies.

This is exactly how America got "Tough on Crime" laws.

That's what I mean maybe I wasn't being clear. But I'm saying they should probably stop positioning themselves rhetoricaly as the party of diversity.

They need to learn to dogwhistle that stuff.

I agree with its moral wrongness though.

Oh ok, gotcha famb.

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The Dems def have their work cut out for them.

I'd love to see them try to mobilize to generate some of the same enthusiasm we saw during the Tea Party movement post '08. Could you imagine if hundreds of thousands of protesters from every wing of the party took to the streets of Washington en masse? The symbolism alone would generate some momentum for the midterms and show that they won't roll over easily and mean business

:lol: :lol: you have way too much faith in Democrats. If any shellacking were to take place it'd be from Republicans running against Trump for whatever he did for the earlier two years. While this actual movement is going on Dems will sit on the sidelines and salivate at the fact that the GOP is splintering. As you can tell there's nothing in there about Dems coalescing.
We do need to overhaul the educational system. I promise you, I went to very good schools in ny. They taught me a lot but severely glossed over basic stuff like this. Now imagine if you didn't have the benefit of going to the schools I went to. You ******
Paul Ryan says medicare privatization is on. If Trump let's this happen, DNC path back is clear.

Move to the right on cultural issues, move away from divirsity talking points, and drill down on stuff, mid western rust belt whites care about; Medicare, and social security.

so u gonna drag Slick centrist Willie outta retirement only to be repudiated by da maniacal leftist Looney bats :lol:

u know once da economy soars and da rust belt starts seeing gains u can pretty much guarantee 8 years of da Telfon Don. :pimp:
Trump is appointing the nuttiest right wing cabinet ever!!!!!!

I'm sorry you must be confused.

We were told he is a moderate populist and nationalist.

And his main goal is too bring back da OG Muscle Car Era to the United States, by using policies and economic philosophies completely different that what was used in that era.

He can't be filling his cabinet with right wing nutjobs and lobbyist. That just won't make sense.

Unless we where all deluding ourselves to what kind of president he will actually be.
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Barack Obama took great pains to not position himself as the black president.

In fact he made many infuriating, paternalistic comments about black people over the course of his two campaigns.

The new model for democratic presidential candidate might be a black person.

A black person who can say **** about black people that a white person could never get away with to convince white working that he's their president but be black enough to ensure black turnout.
What's going to happen if Trump does something to rent-control or subsidized housing?
Also pro establishment people too
The guys that Trump said he was against :lol:
Irony huh

Kind of like Obama filling his administration with lobbyists.
Yes he did too, I actually criticized Obama on taking in some of the bank lobbyists
However, Trump said he would be a populist and anti establishment in his speeches, and just did a 180 now
It's not void of criticism too
Barack Obama took great pains to not position himself as the black president.

In fact he made many infuriating, paternalistic comments about black people over the course of his two campaigns.

The new model for democratic presidential candidate might be a black person.

A black person who can say **** about black people that a white person could never get away with to convince white working that he's their president but be black enough to ensure black turnout.

Black people would turn on him. They'd call him out for being a **** or uncle tom. Can't say anything to black people that sounds like critique. Because Slavery. Racism. Poverty.
so global warming is not something to be taken seriously? anything for you to get some piece of **** muscle car i suppose 

in regards to demonizing Carbon Dioxide so government can effectively tax it and make it extremely expensive for energy companies to do business which would stifle economics? no thanks.

muscle cars was just icin on da cake. [emoji]128522[/emoji][emoji]128522[/emoji][emoji]128522[/emoji]
You're dumber than I ever could have imagined.

Anyways, many companies have already invested in clean energy solutions and will continue that course with or without the CPP... It's a better business model and they've already got skin in the game.

profit talks, bull ish walks. once FCA saw da most profitable highest selling products were jeeps, and ram trucks, they killed da dead weight, and now are going allllll in.

GM & Ford hedged their bets smartly, but now that its Green light status? psssh. Cadillac might even dust off da Sixteen :pimp:
Black people would turn on him. They'd call him out for being a **** or uncle tom. Can't say anything to black people that sounds like critique. Because Slavery. Racism. Poverty.

Did you read what I wrote? Obama did that and no one called him an uncle tom.
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