***Official Political Discussion Thread***

My neighbor adopted a kid from Ethiopia several years ago. He's like 9 or 10 now. On Wed morning, just before they left for school he was sitting on the couch putting on his shoes when he asked his mother if Hillary won. When she said no, tears began rolling down his face & when his mother rushed to console him, she asked him what was wrong. He said that since chubby aka male sarah palin won, he have to move back to the orphanage in Africa since the president wants everyone not born here out.

:\ :smh: So so sad. Kid is a sweet heart of a kid to.
Can someone repost that post from a while back about 'first they came for the Jews, then they came for___, and then when they came for me, there was no one left to speak for me'

I wanna post that **** on social media
First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—  
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—  
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

Martin Niemöller



bruh....that woman....lookin like one of those possessed jawns from the conjuring
bruh....that woman....lookin like one of those possessed jawns from the conjuring

I haven't seen ONE good looking Trump supporter ever. No wonder they're always upset; being broke, unskilled, illiterate, AND ugly would piss me off too
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Except in reality they

1. Didn't vote at all (100,000,000)
2. Voted for 3rd party ala Ernie Johnson
3. Voted for Harambe and posted it to Snapchat
Trump replaces Christie w/ Pence as head of transition team.

Probably unlikely, but I wish he'd distance Flynn as well.
Its good those people voted for Harambe because otherwise they would've voted for Trump

I know these Harambe memers are extremely racist squeaker white kids
Schumer is backing Ellison as DNC chair :wow:

Warren too

:smh: Another ******* part time chair

WTF is wrong with Democrats

Must say I'm a fan of the direction they seem to be heading though...


They need to mobilize everyone they can. I don't give care about the ideological leanings of the DNC chair.

Dean was fair to Obama, he would do it full time.

The Dems are probably losing the Clinton machine too, so it is time the dig in, not just hope for the best.
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so global warming is not something to be taken seriously? anything for you to get some piece of **** muscle car i suppose 

in regards to demonizing Carbon Dioxide so government can effectively tax it and make it extremely expensive for energy companies to do business which would stifle economics? no thanks.

muscle cars was just icin on da cake. [emoji]128522[/emoji][emoji]128522[/emoji][emoji]128522[/emoji]

You don't get economics, and you don't get energy either.

We are past coal as a source of energy. The initial investment to develop and improve alternative sources of energy has been done. That is a sunk cost that has been realized to give us access to energy that is much more efficient, as cheap (or cheaper) and more accessible than coal.
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