***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Because you're ignorant on economics, you don't realize what he is saying. He is not making a strictly economic argument Rico, he is saying that investment banking culture took over the industry, leading to more risk behavior. His argument is more behavioral finance than macro or monetary.

Glass-Steagall created condition that allowed a certain culture to dominate.

But I guess when some ignorant like yourself reads the word "economist", they might be confused as to what is being said.

GO BACK TO HITTING THE BOOKS!, you're showing your *** again.

Another embarrassment :smh:

Economics is not just numbers and graphs it's about behavior too. The Clinton administration repealed a law that had been around for decades that ended up exacerbating what possibly could have been a milder recession. Recessions are two be expected. But not like the one we experienced. I'm not making any sweeping claim and pinning it all on Clinton, but be deserves a large chunk of the blame, as do the bankers, and the consumers. There's enough to go around.
Because you're ignorant on economics, you don't realize what he is saying. He is not making a strictly economic argument Rico, he is saying that investment banking culture took over the industry, leading to more risk behavior. His argument is more behavioral finance than macro or monetary.

Glass-Steagall created condition that allowed a certain culture to dominate.

But I guess when some ignorant like yourself reads the word "economist", they might be confused as to what is being said.

GO BACK TO HITTING THE BOOKS!, you're showing your *** again.

Another embarrassment :smh:

Economics is not just numbers and graphs it's about behavior too. The Clinton administration repealed a law that had been around for decades that ended up exacerbating what possibly could have been a milder recession. Recessions are two be expected. But not like the one we experienced. I'm not making any sweeping claim and pinning it all on Clinton, but be deserves a large chunk of the blame, as do the bankers, and the consumers. There's enough to go around.

Look at the softer tone :rofl:

-Banking deregulation had bipartisan support, btw. (Mostly in the House)

-Right now, it doesn't. One party wants more, the other wants way less. So maybe finally, you can stop talking in circles and say the Dems are right on this issue.

-You know what is also hysterical. You want to argue that Glass-Steagall made the recession worst. But Obama's stimulus and auto bailout also helped stabilize the economy and make the recession not be even worst. yet you criticize those moves

As always, no damb consistency from you.

-Finally, let me fill you in on the major recession why Glass Steagall needs to come back, it is because it could get rid of "too big to fail". So if another financial crisis happens, we can allow banks to go under, bailout regular folk instead, and allow the free market and bankruptcy courts to deal with the failed banks.

But most of da free market loving capitalist in the GOP are against this for some strange reason.
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He does have a mandate. He blew passed 270. And that popular vote number is mainly from California. Which she was ALWAYS going to win. Now if those votes were dispersed throughout the country you MIGHT be in the region of a valid point.
Don led from start to finish and hill didnt even catch up when California came in.
California absolutely benefits from open borders the most. 
Its the place that pretty much founded all the silliness in every field.
It has too many ec votes lol
c'mon, now. the order that votes come in based on the longitudinal location of that state don't mean anything. this isn't sports where a fourth quarter run during a blowout doesn't mean anything.
Look at the softer tone :rofl:

-Banking deregulation had bipartisan support, btw.

Right now, it doesn't. One party wants more, the other wants way less. So maybe finally, you can stop talking in circles and say the Dems are right on this issue.

No softer tone. I'm just not smug.It was a under a Dem President that it happened. So like all things it falls on their shoulders. No one is going to blame the Congressman from North Dakota unless he tries to run for election post recession.

As an Independent, I'm for whatever keeps more money in my pocket. But I am for distributing blame where it's due. And Bill Clinton deserves a hell of a lot for taking actions that exacerbated the effects of the great recession.
Look at the softer tone :rofl:

-Banking deregulation had bipartisan support, btw.

Right now, it doesn't. One party wants more, the other wants way less. So maybe finally, you can stop talking in circles and say the Dems are right on this issue.

No softer tone. I'm just not smug.It was a under a Dem President that it happened. So like all things it falls on their shoulders. No one is going to blame the Congressman from North Dakota unless he tries to run for election post recession.

As an Independent, I'm for whatever keeps more money in my pocket. But I am for distributing blame where it's due. And Bill Clinton deserves a hell of a lot for taking actions that exacerbated the effects of the great recession.

This comment is gonna bit you in the *** real soon. Because by your logic, all things that happen under Trump, will be his doing.:lol:

And you should go check the Senate vote for the Bill. LINK
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This comment is gonna bit you in the *** real soon. Because by your logic, all things that happen under Trump, will be his doing.:lol:

And you should go check the Senate vote for the Bill. LINK

Still means nothing. Bill was practicing his triangulation politics during that time. He still owns this.
So because he's a businessman, it's ok for him to do these things because he's not a politician but by making him run for office and even winning makes him a politician. Yall dudes are somethin else man.

da public doesn't scrutinize businessmen making flips da way it does public officials self aggrandizing via Foundations.

The public, mainly those that don't see the negatives this could bring, are fools to not do so. At this point in time of our version of capitalism, politicians and businessmen/women are one in the same and anyone who doesn't see that deserves whatever misfortune those in charge bring upon them. Trump is a politician. The moment he threw his hat into the arena, he became a politician and people refuse to see it. Not to mention that he's about to hold the highest office in the country.
This comment is gonna bit you in the *** real soon. Because by your logic, all things that happen under Trump, will be his doing.:lol:

And you should go check the Senate vote for the Bill. LINK

Still means nothing. Bill was practicing his triangulation politics during that time. He still owns this.

This talking point gonna backfire on you soooooooo hard. :lol:

The first uptick in unemployment under Trump, and you'll be singing a different tune.
It's not a talking point, it's a fact. Warranted or not, the general public gives praise or condemns the President for whatever happens.
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Nope. It is a foolish talking point that you have pedaled for years to criticize Democratic presidents. Your boy Trump is about to become president, and this talking point is about to become your worst enemy.
I can't wait for Rico and Ninja to defend their mans when we hit a recession in 2 years (maybe sooner if they get everything they're asking for). "It ain't a recession, we're just not producing as much! Savings all around! Cut spending!"
I can't wait for Rico and Ninja to defend their mans when we hit a recession in 2 years (maybe sooner if they get everything they're asking for). "It ain't a recession, we're just not producing as much! Savings all around! Cut spending!"
Or just pull out the "Obama set Trump up to fail" 
Nope. It is a foolish talking point that you have pedaled for years to criticize Democratic presidents. Your boy Trump is about to become president, and this talking point is about to become your worst enemy.

I'm not a Trump surrogate. He'll be criticized objectively when I disagree and commended when he wins.
Nope. It is a foolish talking point that you have pedaled for years to criticize Democratic presidents. Your boy Trump is about to become president, and this talking point is about to become your worst enemy.

I'm not a Trump surrogate. He'll be criticized objectively when I disagree and commended when he wins.
But to you, and others in here, he does not and can not and will not... lose.
Nope. It is a foolish talking point that you have pedaled for years to criticize Democratic presidents. Your boy Trump is about to become president, and this talking point is about to become your worst enemy.

I'm not a Trump surrogate. He'll be criticized objectively when I disagree and commended when he wins.
But to you, and others in here, he does not and can not and will not... lose.

Then why didn't I vote for him? I was team Rubio and anti-Hillary. My defense of Trump was to offer another view from the overwhelming left wing talking points that pervade this thread. And once again, I'll point to all the lurkers that popped into the thread on election night. They're out there and deserve fair and balanced discussion.
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