***Official Political Discussion Thread***

"My defense of Trump was to offer another view from the overwhelming left wing talking points that pervade this thread."

"They're out there and deserve fair and balanced discussion."


boy is on a roll
But to you, and others in here, he does not and can not and will not... lose.

Then why didn't I vote for him? I was team Rubio and anti-Hillary. My defense of Trump was to offer another view from the overwhelming left wing talking points that pervade this thread. And once again, I'll point to all the lurkers that popped into the thread on election night. They're out there and deserve fair and balanced discussion.

Not criticizing trump or republicans when they F up because the majority of the people ITT already are doesn't make you look bipartisan.

Playing devil's advocate because someone lurking who is ill-informed will see another view point :stoneface: :lol:
But to you, and others in here, he does not and can not and will not... lose.

Then why didn't I vote for him? I was team Rubio and anti-Hillary. My defense of Trump was to offer another view from the overwhelming left wing talking points that pervade this thread. And once again, I'll point to all the lurkers that popped into the thread on election night. They're out there and deserve fair and balanced discussion.
The issue we take with you and the other indapendents is that you refuse to be honest, refuse facts and refuse to have a fair and balanced discussion. I have friends and family I discuss politics with that are staunch Republicans, most probably voted for Trump after seeing the election results, but they don't ignore facts and dismiss them as "leftist talking points." They don't absolve their hands of any wrong doing by the right. And they especially don't refuse to acknowledge when the GOP does something morally, fiscally or legally wrong. Your side of the thread paints themselves as victims of the left's arguments, but the simple truth is that the Republicans in here are basking in their own ignorance, unwilling to learn or engage in discussions that challenge their views/biases.

I'll give you credit Rico in that you've openly noted you'll study up on economics (unless I missed a joke here), but there's still joke lot of misinformation and intellectual dishonesty coming from your cohorts.

You want a fair and balanced thread? Then meet us in reality.
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No softer tone. I'm just not smug.It was a under a Dem President that it happened. So like all things it falls on their shoulders. No one is going to blame the Congressman from North Dakota unless he tries to run for election post recession.

As an Independent, I'm for whatever keeps more money in my pocket. But I am for distributing blame where it's due. And Bill Clinton deserves a hell of a lot for taking actions that exacerbated the effects of the great recession.
i dont see you critiquing Bush Jr. about what happened when the housing bubble burst. it happened during his time as president 
No softer tone. I'm just not smug.It was a under a Dem President that it happened. So like all things it falls on their shoulders. No one is going to blame the Congressman from North Dakota unless he tries to run for election post recession.

As an Independent, I'm for whatever keeps more money in my pocket. But I am for distributing blame where it's due. And Bill Clinton deserves a hell of a lot for taking actions that exacerbated the effects of the great recession.

i dont see you critiquing Bush Jr. about what happened when the housing bubble burst. it happened during his time as president 

Da consistency :lol:
California was a "red state" until 1992. [emoji]129300[/emoji]
Hell we had a celebrity republican governor a couple years ago
That experiment did not work out at all

those were good times :rofl:
He essentially broke all his campaign promises and left us in a record deficit
You would think a Republican can at least balance the books
But nope, nothing changed

but i still think at the same time, if you asked 10 californians if he was good you'll get 10 different answers.

it was a weird time
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i dont see you critiquing Bush Jr. about what happened when the housing bubble burst. it happened during his time as president 

It did. But that's common knowledge. But many people don't know that the seeds were planted years before. So I brought it to the forefront.
California was a "red state" until 1992. [emoji]129300[/emoji]
Hell we had a celebrity republican governor a couple years ago
That experiment did not work out at all

those were good times :rofl:
He essentially broke all his campaign promises and left us in a record deficit
You would think a Republican can at least balance the books
But nope, nothing changed

but i still think at the same time, if you asked 10 californians if he was good you'll get 10 different answers.

it was a weird time
Well Enron ruined our state and it lead to people being mad at Gray Davis, which caused the whole political instability to happen. The candidates that came out were mostly weird, and Arnold was the "best" because of his "promises".
Granted, the positives I can give the governator was that at least he admitted he was wrong when he made a mistake and was progressive in climate change policies. Something our future president coming in a month doesn't do.
The issue we take with you and the other indapendents is that you refuse to be honest, refuse facts and refuse to have a fair and balanced discussion. I have friends and family I discuss politics with that are staunch Republicans, most probably voted for Trump after seeing the election results, but they don't ignore facts and dismiss them as "leftist talking points." They don't absolve their hands of any wrong doing by the right. And they especially don't refuse to acknowledge when the GOP does something morally, fiscally or legally wrong. Your side of the thread paints themselves as victims of the left's arguments, but the simple truth is that the Republicans in here are basking in their own ignorance, unwilling to learn or engage in discussions that challenge their views/biases.

I'll give you credit Rico in that you've openly noted you'll study up on economics (unless I missed a joke here), but there's still joke lot of misinformation and intellectual dishonesty coming from your cohorts.

You want a fair and balanced thread? Then meet us in reality.

It's on both sides. Deflection,spin, moving goal posts. All rhetorical devices used heavily in this thread. As far as I know, I'm the ONLY person that has ever conceded being wrong and not adequately informed on a topic to keep up with the debate. So I do not operate in ignorance or misleading information, I fight facts with facts and at that point it's up to others to decide which argument they agree with more.

That last spat with Rusty and I is a prime example,I didn't lie and neither did he. We presented different information and opinions on the same subject and that was that. Obviously everyone will crown him the victor because of who he is, but I did not lie or skew the truth. I don't know how others feel but that's my perspective on the discussions we have in here.
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i dont see you critiquing Bush Jr. about what happened when the housing bubble burst. it happened during his time as president 

It did. But that's common knowledge. But many people don't know that the seeds were planted years before. So I brought it to the forefront.

:rofl: :rofl: Such ********

But glass Steagall didn't cause the crash or recession, you already admitted that. Using your logic, Bush is responsible because it happen under him
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So because he's a businessman, it's ok for him to do these things because he's not a politician but by making him run for office and even winning makes him a politician. Yall dudes are somethin else man.

da public doesn't scrutinize businessmen making flips da way it does public officials self aggrandizing via Foundations.

The public, mainly those that don't see the negatives this could bring, are fools to not do so. At this point in time of our version of capitalism, politicians and businessmen/women are one in the same and anyone who doesn't see that deserves whatever misfortune those in charge bring upon them. Trump is a politician. The moment he threw his hat into the arena, he became a politician and people refuse to see it. Not to mention that he's about to hold the highest office in the country.

Ninja needs to go home anf ask his parents why and what they fled from when they left the DR.

The behavior he is willing to overlook is what dictatorships are made of: open-air influence peddling, media manipulation, lack of transparency, partisanship above country, demonization of people in higher education and unions. Overlooking this kind of stuff doesn't end well.
:rofl: :rofl: Such ********

But glass Steagall didn't cause the crash or recession, you already admitted that. Using your logic, Bush is responsible because it happen under him

My main contention was that its repeal exacerbated it. I also said the blame can be spread to a lot of people, and yes, dubya included.
I can't wait for Rico and Ninja to defend their mans when we hit a recession in 2 years (maybe sooner if they get everything they're asking for). "It ain't a recession, we're just not producing as much! Savings all around! Cut spending!"

u know if da economy explodes under Trump imma come here & snicker at u later right? :nerd: :lol:
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