***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Even if that happens, I will be there to point out your hypocrisy.

Da deficits gonna be poppin

riiiiight :lol:

You're so ignorant, you don't even see the obvious.

-Oh btw, as soon as Trump agree to cuts in entitlements, he would have already broken one of his promises. So there is no way he can cover his ***, and save yours.

You already lost this argument, and you don't eem know it.
Even if that happens, I will be there to point out your hypocrisy.

Da deficits gonna be poppin

riiiiight :lol:

You're so ignorant, you don't even see the obvious.

-Oh btw, as soon as Trump agree to cuts in entitlements, he would have already broken one of his promises. So there is no way he can cover his ***, and save yours.

You already lost this argument, and you don't eem know it.

riiiiight :lol:


Poor Edwin, you don't eem realize that you and your Papi already set the criteria to be judged.

Trump has to pull things off the defies decades upon decades of economic research and history.

Getting over 3%, even 4% GDP growth is not gonna cut it.

Dude is promising to cut taxes on everyone, and lower deficits at the same time

It is gonna be too easy to shade you. Look how you dropped the Reagan **** so quick. :lol:
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These pro electoral college arguments are so racially charged and conservatives think they are being slick when they say:

"high crime cities shouldn't get to pick out President, hard working people in rural areas should"

"with a popular vote, California and New York and Chicago (immigrants, minorities, gays and Jews) would dominate our elections. The rest of the Country (white people) should have a say"

"California (18% of the population) would decide every election, the heartland (82%) would have no voice in government."

It is the height of irony that conservative whites are opposed to any form of affirmative action of reparations for racial minorities but they are adamant that the downtrodden residents of Wyoming enjoy a permanent form of affirmative action to protect them from big, bad California.
Dont kno what that means kuz i dont speak kanadian, but we plenty stoned in Cali already thanks to prop 64 :smokin

#Calexit :smokin
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America's heartland needs to pull itself up by the bootstraps. They have the same opportunities as everyone else. America wasn't made great by whining and looking for handouts, it was made great by hard-working individuals who wanted to succeed! Go to school, get your education, and make a positive contribution to society. Stop hanging around the trailer parks and bars all day selling opiates to buy a lift kit for your truck. Spending your entire life living on government assistance; it's disgusting and you're wasting taxpayers money you damn welfare queens. That's not you obtain the American dream.
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America's heartland needs to pull itself up by the bootstraps. They have the same opportunities as everyone else. America wasn't made great by whining and looking for handouts, it was made great by hard-working individuals who wanted to succeed! Go to school, get your education, and make a positive contribution to society. Stop hanging around the trailer parks and bars all day selling opiates to buy a lift kit for your truck. Spending your entire life living on government assistance; it's disgusting and you're wasting taxpayers money you damn welfare queens. That's not you obtain the American dream.
Naw they just want Trump to magically bring back the 50's or 60's again :lol: ...they been struggling for decades but always telling other groups about "bootstraps " ...F em
Thanks Obama! 

President Obama announced on Tuesday what he called a permanent ban on offshore oil and gas drilling along wide areas of the Arctic and the Atlantic Seaboard as he tried to nail down an environmental legacy that cannot quickly be reversed by Donald J. Trump.

Mr. Obama invoked an obscure provision of a 1953 law, the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act, which he said gives him the authority to act unilaterally. While some presidents have used that law to temporarily protect smaller portions of federal waters, Mr. Obama’s declaration of a permanent drilling ban on portions of the ocean floor from Virginia to Maine and along much of Alaska’s coast is breaking new ground. The declaration’s fate will almost certainly be decided by the federal courts.

“It’s never been done before,” said Patrick Parenteau, a professor of environmental law at Vermont Law School. “There is no case law on this. It’s uncharted waters.”

The move — considered creative by supporters and abusive by opponents — is one of many efforts by Mr. Obama to protect what environmental policies he can from a successor who has vowed to roll them back. The president, in concert with United Nations leaders, rushed countries to ratify the Paris Agreement on climate change, putting the multinational accord into force in record time, before Mr. Trump’s inauguration.

(see link for rest of article)
it'll be reversed on day one.... there's a clause in congress where they can repeal da last 6 months of da out going president's executive actions.
it'll be reversed on day one.... there's a clause in congress where they can repeal da last 6 months of da out going president's executive actions.
Wouldn't that 1953 law provision put a fork in the road there?

The 1953 law does not specify that a new president can undo  Obama's action.

Obama used Section 12A of the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act, which says the president may, from time to time, withdraw from disposition any of the unleased lands of the outer Continental Shelf.

Using Section 12A to indefinitely restrict drilling in those areas has not been done before so it's unclear how the next administration could tackle this legislation.

Congress could simply write a new law that explicitly allows drilling in those areas but that would likely go through a senate filibuster, correct?
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Here we go 

President-elect Donald Trump campaigned on a promised to “drain the swamp” in Washington of corruption, but now that he’s preparing to move into the White House, Newt Gingrich said the Manhattan billionaire is looking to distance himself from that message.

“I'm told he now just disclaims that. He now says it was cute, but he doesn't want to use it anymore,” the former House Speaker and close Trump adviser said of the “drain the swamp” message in an NPR interview published Wednesday morning. “I've noticed on a couple of fronts, like people chanting ‘lock her up,’ that he's in a different role now and maybe he feels that as president, as the next president of the United States, that he should be marginally more dignified than talking about alligators in swamps.”

While Trump made his “drain the swamp” pledge a major part of his campaign message in the presidential race’s final weeks, his transition team was, in its early days after the election, packed with lobbyists for the pharmaceutical, chemical, fossil fuel and tobacco industries. Under pressure, Trump’s team instituted a rigid lobbying ban that prompted some to leave, but the group orchestrating the president-elect’s transition still relies heavily on GOP insiders.

Trump’s cabinet and other high-level appointments seem to have deviated somewhat from his “drain the swamp” message. After attacking Democrat Hillary Clinton regularly throughout the campaign for being too close to Wall Street banks, Trump has put three former Goldman Sachs executives in prominent White House positions, including Steven Mnuchin as treasury secretary, Steve Bannon as chief White House strategist and Gary Cohn as the director of the National Economic Council.

Gingrich also suggested that Trump should quickly find a transparent solution to concerns about conflicts of interest between his presidency and the massive business empire he has pledged to hand over to his kids once he takes office. The former House speaker said putting such complex assets into a blind trust, the arrangement generally promised by presidents, would be “an absurdity” for Trump but that some other "common sense" arrangement will be necessary.

“This is not a country that wanders around trusting people with power. This is a country that wants accountability,” Gingrich said. "He has to understand and his family has to understand that there is a public interest which transcends them.”

As a solution, Gingrich suggested that Trump appoint a panel of experts that would have “total access” to oversee his assets and advise him as to what is appropriate and what is not. That panel could be populated by individuals like former Attorney General Michael Mukasey, Gingrich said.

“A large part of his holdings are Trump golf clubs, Trump hotels,” the former speaker said. “I mean, we have never quite had anyone of this scale to occupy the White House and it's going to require us to think about, how do you deal with this in a way that's effective and that serves the interest of the country, but also meets some kind of practical common sense test?”
it'll be reversed on day one.... there's a clause in congress where they can repeal da last 6 months of da out going president's executive actions.
Wouldn't that 1953 law provision put a fork in the road there?
The 1953 law does not specify that a new president can undo Obama's action.
Obama used Section 12A of the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act, which says the president may, from time to time, withdraw from disposition any of the unleased lands of the outer Continental Shelf.
Using Section 12A to indefinitely restrict drilling in those areas has not been done before so it's unclear how the next administration could tackle this legislation.
Congress could simply write a new law that explicitly allows drilling in those areas but that would likely go through a senate filibuster, correct?

da law gives da executive too much power and will be rendered unconstitutional if it gets that far, however Congress gotta 6 month kill switch on anything da outgoing president did..i read about him threatening this for months cuz all da environmentalists wackos wanted Obama to slash and burn on his way out da door.
In Trump's America, you don't need reading skills to be a scholar. You only need to repeat what comrade leader is saying.
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