***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Aged steaks are delicous, they have that funky nutty flavor. :smokin

My buddy asks for his steaks to be so rare its purple in the center. Thats extreme. :lol: i prefer medium rare to medium, myself.
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A1 is good stuff on a nice medium steak. I'll never forgive you Amel for humiliating me and my kind in here

I'm sorry pa but I was always raised that asking for steak sauce at a legit Steakhouse is a no no. As in that's the highest insult you can pay the chef. Lol

I didn't mean to be embarrassing
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I've started trying dry aged. It does feel more concentrated but I had always used regular steaks in the past so I think I need to adjust my preparation and cook times to get the most out of a dry aged cut.
It's been a while since I had a legit steak. SMH.
i do surf and turf every xmas eve. Got a bunch of filets from omaha steaks and some nice strips from wegmans, and a ******** of costco alaskan kkng crab legs and a few lobsters, along with a lot of other dishes. Needless to say that xmas eve is always an enjoyable night for me and my family. :lol:
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The whole machismo of eating a practically raw steak is usually pretty dumb. Most meat tastes better if it is at least warmed all the way through and regulations in the US forbid restaurants from allowing meat to sit out and come to room temperature. In restaurants, I'd advise a medium or medium rare sear. At home, allow your steak to sit for at least an hour (eight hours is better) and always go medium rare.

You eat meat raw or "blue seared" if it is super premium, super fresh and from the filet (or at least two of those three things). Even then you eat that raw meat along with robust flavors added like chili and mustard and citrus.

As far as meat intersects with politics, this SJW (and yes we should embrace the term) hunts, loves to hunt and also feels kind of bad for doing so. California is a very progressive State but we're still a very large Western State with varied topography which means boar, elk, deer and a variety of birds are available to shoot, kill and eat, depending on the time of the year. Cure your own boar belly meat and you add it to Venison stews and roasts so as to lardon them, it's a good system.

As far as sauces are concerned, good steak usually don't need sauces. Quality meat that is generously seasoned needs little adornment, maybe some balsamic vinegar or a lemon wedge to cut the richness of certain cuts.

Donald Trump, try your steak medium and see where it goes. By the end of 2017, who knows, you may become as cosmopolitan and open minded as Tim Wise. It all starts by not burning your damn steak.
Rex's post. :pimp:

Dropped a little knowledge on steak. And unlike most of us - myself included - he managed to tie the topic a little bit to politics. :pimp:

I love steak. Would eat it 24/7 if my money and health would allow me.

I got to say. Out of all the subscribed threads I've been to where the topic has diverted to eating good steak - this is the thread that takes the topic the most seriously.

I'm Asian American but my taste in food is very anti Asian. Filipinos love their meat very well cooked :frown:

On my to do list is to travel to Argentina. Apparently that's the steak capital of the world and home of some of the best steak you can eat.

The other is to try true Kobe beef. I'm hoping I don't have to travel to Japan for that. I think I located a Steakhouse in NYC that legit sells it. I just haven't had the time to go.
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Rex's post. :pimp:

Dropped a little knowledge on steak. And unlike most of us - myself included - he managed to tie the topic a little bit to politics. :pimp:

I love steak. Would eat it 24/7 if my money and health would allow me.

I got to say. Out of all the subscribed threads I've been to where the topic has diverted to eating good steak - this is the thread that takes the topic the most seriously.

I'm Asian American but my taste in food is very anti Asian. Filipinos love their meat very well cooked :frown:

On my to do list is to travel to Argentina. Apparently that's the steak capital of the world and home of some of the best steak you can eat.

The other is to try true Kobe beef.
my mother is from argentina and her brother (my uncle) has always told me about the steak and how incredible it is. "Best in the world", from a 75 year old man who has been all over the world. My sister has visited, but shes vegetarian, i need to get down there at some point in my life. :lol:
A1 is the boss of all sauces for steak. Medium-rare only please. Don't debate me or I'll build a wall of mashed potatoes between us.....
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Water buffalo meat is also hella tender if y'all ever get a chance .. The taste imo was better . But it was fresh so will it age differently ?
Just to go off topic for a second...

Obama showed some serious fortitude,even if it was just an abstention, resisting all that internal pressure with that last parting shot at Bibi yesterday at the UN by siding with the rest of the world on the right side of history :lol: :smokin

The gall of them claiming after that they've been abandoned too when Obama just gave them the biggest aid package in their history just a few months back :lol:
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Can you go back to the beginning? What was the UN meeting about?


Nvm I'll google


Oh the Israeli settlements
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Yup,amazingly he didnt use the veto and the resolution passed :lol:. Its probably more symbolic than anything but it concretely outlines the international consensus that the settlements are a continued breach of international law

*Unrelated...these Trump-Russian ties date back to way longer than I ever thought,to even before the collapse of the USSR actually. Dude might actually be a legit Manchurian candidate...

Check this thread


@sarahkendzior: Trump 1987:
Jan: Invited to USSR
July: Goes to USSR
Sept: Takes out anti-US ads
Oct: Makes anti-US speech
[Month?]: Plans Russia nuke deal


Wonder what Republicans think of him going at the GOP God Reagan like that...
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My final thought on the steak discussion: I can accept someone eating his steak however he wants. But for someone to try selling a line of high end steaks (Trump steaks) when he obviously doesn't even get remotely close to the steak connoisseur experience himself is troublesome. It's like Nike starting a line of signature basketball shoes name after that guy who shows up to your pick up games who doesn't even know the rules. (Actually, that might be a good idea.) Or someone starting a university when they have no appreciation for higher education themselves. And so on.

Now to get off-topic again... Props to Obama on the Israel resolution. Peace is doomed if the US is unilateral every time. We need Israel to know they need to earn our support, just like any other country in the world.

As for Trump being the Manchurian candidate, it is crazy that the article you posted didn't come out during the election. But it's probably because there was so much crap coming out every day from Trump's mouth that we couldn't keep up. Hopefully Obama is able to leave in place a very skeptical US security apparatus that includes the CIA and NSA who will remain vigilant the next 4 years.
@sarahkendzior: Trump 1987:
Jan: Invited to USSR
July: Goes to USSR
Sept: Takes out anti-US ads
Oct: Makes anti-US speech
[Month?]: Plans Russia nuke deal

Wonder what Republicans think of him going at the GOP God Reagan like that...
Reagan rolling in his grave seeing GOP being treated like Russian puppets
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My final thought on the steak discussion: I can accept someone eating his steak however he wants. But for someone to try selling a line of high end steaks (Trump steaks) when he obviously doesn't even get remotely close to the steak connoisseur experience himself is troublesome. It's like Nike starting a line of signature basketball shoes name after that guy who shows up to your pick up games who doesn't even know the rules. (Actually, that might be a good idea.) Or someone starting a university when they have no appreciation for higher education themselves. And so on.

Taylor claimed to play professional basketball from 1918 to 1930 on various teams, including the Buffalo Germans and Original Celtics. If he ever did so, he must have used an alias, as no record of Taylor exists playing for any of the teams he claimed.

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