***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Considering this didn't happen when Obama was elected, I'm not sure what's funny. Any sane person can see that it wouldn't have happened.
It's fine to protest and let your voice be heard, but busting windows because a guy (who actually does not have power as much as they think he does) is in the office and elected, is just absurd. These liberal Hilary supporters are throwing rocks, blocking traffic, etc in DC. And his little parade hasn't happened yet so it could get worst. I mean would Trump Supporters do this if he had lost? I don't think so. :smh:

It really is getting stupid man
Considering this didn't happen when Obama was elected, I'm not sure what's funny. Any sane person can see that it wouldn't have happened.
False equivalencies are the standard now. I'm not going to argue with you about hypotheticals. Facts stopped mattering in November. I'm just gonna laugh when you make a sweeping generalized assumption.
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Is that all you've got? "Oh no I can't think of anything intelligent to say so I'll just say they're racists, that'll get em" LOL

I wasn't talking about you, MR HIGHNESS is here now, but again if the shoe fits [emoji]129300[/emoji]
And now it's a racist party in here.
Is that all you've got? "Oh no I can't think of anything intelligent to say so I'll just say they're racists, that'll get em" LOL

But that is your reputation based on your post. It is not a baseless attack

People aren't even calling your name in some post, and you assume they are talking about you, just because they refer to a racist person.
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I like how they all post round the same time ...like they peeping the thread waiting for the other dummies to post so they can join in :lol: ...they gotta be together in hate
I like how they all post round the same time ...like they peeping the thread waiting for the other dummies to post so they can join in
...they gotta be together in hate
You're really thinking to hard about this. I know it's crazy to think that, outside of your homogeneic bubble, people have different opinions, but this is how the world is. Not everyone thinks the same.
It's fine to protest and let your voice be heard, but busting windows because a guy (who actually does not have power as much as they think he does) is in the office and elected, is just absurd. These liberal Hilary supporters are throwing rocks, blocking traffic, etc in DC. And his little parade hasn't happened yet so it could get worst. I mean would Trump Supporters do this if he had lost? I don't think so. :smh:

They would do far worst.
I'm still waiting for [@=https://niketalk.com/members/132170"You get to keep your doctor" = lie. "Your premiums will drop" = lie.

2. Lack of Transparency - Obama campaigned on making his administration the most transparent in history. That was another lie. We saw with the NSA leaks just how corrupt and shady Obama and his goons were being. The same things he chastised Bush for he was doing himself to a higher degree.

3. Limp Wristed Foreign Policy -  Obama had a pathetic and embarrassing foreign policy. He bent over to Iran and let Khamenei go to town. He refused to support Israel and greatly deteriorated our relationship with Netanyahu. He refused to let Russia handle their own business and take back Crimea, even though most of the people of the region are ethnically Russian and pro- Putin. 

4. Executive Orders -  Obama used executive orders to circumvent congress when he didn't get his way. He signed over 260 of them, many of which were unconstitutional.

That's just a few things. Dude was a clown and a pretender. Won't be missed.

I will only address points 1 and 4, and I won't be long.

1/ do you know why car insurance works? Because there is a mandate that every vehicle operated on public roads has to be insured. That mandate is not as strong in Obamacare because of congressional shenanigangs. Rummage through the thread if you want to read all the discussions about it.

4/ As I posted earlier, Obama has used fewer executive orders than any president since Cleveland.
We all know how oneilmatt time on NT will come to an end

With Meth putting a special label under his name.
You're really gunning for me, pal. What did I do to hurt you? Are you okay? 

You got the same lame shtick as Blco and Titanium Tea. We have seen this movie before, we know how it ends.

All that needs to happens is for you to slip up and start talking about race one day, and the inevitable will happen.

So until that day, I wait.
Considering this didn't happen when Obama was elected, I'm not sure what's funny. Any sane person can see that it wouldn't have happened.

The people that were against Obama are not on the level of the Trumpettes, Trump brought out the worst of the worst to light, blatant racism and racial violence is what Turmp is all about....or at least a big portion of his supporters.
It's fine to protest and let your voice be heard, but busting windows because a guy (who actually does not have power as much as they think he does) is in the office and elected, is just absurd. These liberal Hilary supporters are throwing rocks, blocking traffic, etc in DC. And his little parade hasn't happened yet so it could get worst. I mean would Trump Supporters do this if he had lost? I don't think so. :smh:


How SOON do you forget? Who said the quote below?

“‘If there’s voter fraud, this election will be illegitimate, the election of the winner will be illegitimate, we will have a constitutional crisis, widespread civil disobedience, and the government will no longer be the government.’”
He slipped through the cracks.

He never met a race thread he didn't like.

Trolled them in the past and he will troll them in the future.
I will only address points 1 and 4, and I won't be long.

1/ do you know why car insurance works? Because there is a mandate that every vehicle operated on public roads has to be insured. That mandate is not as strong in Obamacare because of congressional shenanigangs. Rummage through the thread if you want to read all the discussions about it.

4/ As I posted earlier, Obama has used fewer executive orders than any president since Cleveland.
1. You completely ignore the fact that it never should have been passed to begin with. The amount of definitional change that had to occur for the law to even be considered legal by the Supreme Court is pretty pathetic. Car insurance is also completely different to health insurance. Me not being insured and getting a heart attack does not effect you in any way, shape, or form. Bad argument.

4. That is completely wrong. Obama has signed more than 100 more orders than Cleveland. Strange that you used him for your example.
It's fine to protest and let your voice be heard, but busting windows because a guy (who actually does not have power as much as they think he does) is in the office and elected, is just absurd. These liberal Hilary supporters are throwing rocks, blocking traffic, etc in DC. And his little parade hasn't happened yet so it could get worst. I mean would Trump Supporters do this if he had lost? I don't think so. :smh:


How SOON do you forget? Who said the quote below?

“‘If there’s voter fraud, this election will be illegitimate, the election of the winner will be illegitimate, we will have a constitutional crisis, widespread civil disobedience, and the government will no longer be the government.’”

Too bad they can no longer destroy servers the way they used to burn compromising and dissenting newspapers and books.
You got the same lame shtick as Blco and Titanium Tea. We have seen this movie before, we know how it ends.

All that needs to happens is for you to slip up and start talking about race one day, and the inevitable will happen.

So until that day, I wait.
I've been in several race threads. Even the black culture thread. And yet I remain unbanned. Keep doing you though, babygirl.
Again, no they would not. That is simply not true.

Before the results, Trump had geniusly planted the seed of a "rigged" election, in case he lost, his supporters would have acted on that for sure, God forbid you were a Muslim, black or anything that wasn't white in rural America had Trump lost.
I'm still waiting for [@=https://niketalk.com/members/132170"You get to keep your doctor" = lie. "Your premiums will drop" = lie.

2. Lack of Transparency - Obama campaigned on making his administration the most transparent in history. That was another lie. We saw with the NSA leaks just how corrupt and shady Obama and his goons were being. The same things he chastised Bush for he was doing himself to a higher degree.

3. Limp Wristed Foreign Policy -  Obama had a pathetic and embarrassing foreign policy. He bent over to Iran and let Khamenei go to town. He refused to support Israel and greatly deteriorated our relationship with Netanyahu. He refused to let Russia handle their own business and take back Crimea, even though most of the people of the region are ethnically Russian and pro- Putin. 

4. Executive Orders -  Obama used executive orders to circumvent congress when he didn't get his way. He signed over 260 of them, many of which were unconstitutional.

That's just a few things. Dude was a clown and a pretender. Won't be missed.
In regards to ACA, if the public option were to get voted in by Congress, we would be having a very different discussion. And he still was able to get more people to get insured when they previously were not able to get such.
For number two, I can agree both administrations have violated our civil rights with the increased surveillance or big brother type of watching and tapping into our phone lines.
For number three, Russia violated Ukraine's sovereignty, Israel has been a thorn to deal with for Obama and Bush, Obama normalized relations with Cuba, and we are trying to limit Iran's nuclear power
and for number 4, Obama has issued less executive orders than Bush.

And I haven't even gotten into how Bush sent our nation into a Great Recession
I will only address points 1 and 4, and I won't be long.

1/ do you know why car insurance works? Because there is a mandate that every vehicle operated on public roads has to be insured. That mandate is not as strong in Obamacare because of congressional shenanigangs. Rummage through the thread if you want to read all the discussions about it.

4/ As I posted earlier, Obama has used fewer executive orders than any president since Cleveland.
1. You completely ignore the fact that it never should have been passed to begin with. The amount of definitional change that had to occur for the law to even be considered legal by the Supreme Court is pretty pathetic. Car insurance is also completely different to health insurance. Me not being insured and getting a heart attack does not effect you in any way, shape, or form. Bad argument.

4. That is completely wrong. Obama has signed more than 100 more orders than Cleveland. Strange that you used him for your example.

1/ Yes it does. When your *** gets hauled to the emergency room and you can't pay, my premiums go up. And they always went up before the the ACA was passed. Since the law was implemented, the rate of increase has gone down. Most people who are crying about the sharp increase under the ACA live in states that refused to accept subsidies from the federal government.

4/ bad reading comprehension.
1. Obamacare  - shoving a law down the throats of millions of Americans the majority whom DID NOT want it. A law so complicated and convoluted that Nancy Pelosi herself said had to be read by the people to know what's in it. Obama LIED about so many aspects of the law. "You get to keep your doctor" = lie. "Your premiums will drop" = lie.

2. Lack of Transparency - Obama campaigned on making his administration the most transparent in history. That was another lie. We saw with the NSA leaks just how corrupt and shady Obama and his goons were being. The same things he chastised Bush for he was doing himself to a higher degree.

3. Limp Wristed Foreign Policy -  Obama had a pathetic and embarrassing foreign policy. He bent over to Iran and let Khamenei go to town. He refused to support Israel and greatly deteriorated our relationship with Netanyahu. He refused to let Russia handle their own business and take back Crimea, even though most of the people of the region are ethnically Russian and pro- Putin. 

4. Executive Orders -  Obama used executive orders to circumvent congress when he didn't get his way. He signed over 260 of them, many of which were unconstitutional.

That's just a few things. Dude was a clown and a pretender. Won't be missed.

You forgot that Obama made it OK to kill Americans abroad with out giving them due process among other personal liberty infringements.
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