***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I didn't laugh at the videos, I laughed at the idiocy of you using anecdotes in an attempt to prove a large point like violence among certain groups.

I doubt you've ever set foot in a college class but that would get you laughed out of the room in any serious debate.
Damn dude. Yet again you got me. I'm totally not a sophomore in college, typing this in between classes as we speak. Don't quit your day job to be a psychic.
This actually explains a lot.
What does Bush have to do with this though? His name continues to come up.

This is a shoe forum. People are calling each other racists and idiots on here. This is not an academic website. It is more impactful to show visual, tangible examples of hatred and racism than to post sketchy statistics based on hearsay.
If we were to use your criteria for proof of a large scale topic, a few anecdotes, then that would mean you also support the idea that Trump supporters are generally racists/bigots.

I don't believe that, but if we were to use anecdotes like you and take a look at some of the posts of Trump supporters in this thread, according to you we can extrapolate that data to Trump supporters across the nation.

After all, in just a short span we have had a Trump supporter (Teamjordan) proclaim Joseph Goebbels, nazi Germany minister of propaganda and a very vocal supporter of the extermination of the jews, isn't anywhere near as bad as US mainstream media.

We have had a Trump supporter (Titanium Tea) dismiss FBI crime statistics as liberal propaganda and make disparaging comments towards black people. Ninjahood regularly denies any existence of systemic racism and even the concept of white privilege, which in itself is racist. Not to mention a long history of disparaging comments towards black people.

Another Trump supporter earlier in this thread mocked my disability and Steezy's fertility issues.

Based on your criteria for proving points, we can then extrapolate that data to Trump supporters across the nation and thus conclude that they are bigots, racist and anti-intellectual (after all, dismissing FBI crime statistics as liberal propaganda would be the very definition of anti-intellectualism)

Again, I don't believe that all Trump supporters are this way, but hey those are your criteria for proving points.
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No wonder you have no idea what the Bush years were like.
What does Bush have to do with this though? His name continues to come up.
Then I would hope you don't try to use "but i saw a few videos" in an essay to argue for or against a nationwide trend.
This is a shoe forum. People are calling each other racists and idiots on here. This is not an academic website. It is more impactful to show visual, tangible examples of hatred and racism than to post sketchy statistics based on hearsay.

Do you prefer emergencycare? Because that's what it was called: you go to the emergency room and they send your bill to collections because you have a pre-existing condition and the insurance dropped after you've diligently paid your monthly premiums for years. Medical debts were the most common reason for personal bankruptcy in this country.

and that's some straight up "feels over facts" BS right here.
Damn dude. Yet again you got me. I'm totally not a sophomore in college, typing this in between classes as we speak. Don't quit your day job to be a psychic.

you're young and you don't know much... so here's my advice.



how everyone sees oneilmatt now :rofl:
Videos hold more weight that actual statistics that show institutionalized racism, because stats are based on heresay

What garbage

You see this ****, dude is mixing his right wing denial of facts with his racial ignorance.

-Since we are moving to a new rep system soon. I would love for a mod to tell us who repped that nonsense.
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Videos hold more weight that actual statistics that show institutionalized racism, because stats are based on heresay

What garbage

You see this ****, dude is mixing his right wing denial of facts with his racial ignorance.

-Since we are moving to a new red system soon. I would love for a mod to tell us who repped that nonsense.
All in the game.
No wonder you have no idea what the Bush years were like.
What does Bush have to do with this though? His name continues to come up.
Dawg u just said Obama was the worst president in modern history, which is pretty damn questionable considering the president before him led us to a Great Recession and did many other way more questionable **** to our country and the world. You haven't even said any credible evidence on why Bush was better than Obama.
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A few takeaways from my experience there:

Trump supporters really do not like Hillary and Nancy Pelosi. Whenever there faces were shown on the jumbotron there was booing all around. However, Barack and Michelle elicited none.

A lot of people were telling me to be safe while out there and I'll admit I was nervous myself. But once I got out into the crowd everything was cool. No different then any other large gathering in DC. Granted there was a heavy military and police presence and snipers on the roof, there really wasn't any raucous behavior in the crowd. The whole time I was there I heard only one person say lock her up. But obviously people talking differently around others than they do at the dinner table and on the internet.

When his speech ended I expected a mass exodus out of the mall back to the metro but a lot of people stayed and when leaving there were more people coming in. It was weird. But it took no more than 5 minutes to get back on the train. In 08, I waited damn near an hour.

The only incendiary remarks I heard today were from the religious loonies telling people they'd all go to hell if they continued masturbating, watching porn, or being Muslim. Everyone else was just excited Trump won. And although there were a sea of white faces I was definitely able to pick out some black brown and Asian people rocking Trump hats and paraphernalia.

I don't doubt that there legitimate racists, sexists, and bigots that support Trump. But after today I honestly think those people are on the fringe and there presence is incredibly overblown by the media.
A few takeaways from my experience there:

Trump supporters really do not like Hillary and Nancy Pelosi. Whenever there faces were shown on the jumbotron there was booing all around. However, Barack and Michelle elicited none.

A lot of people were telling me to be safe while out there and I'll admit I was nervous myself. But once I got out into the crowd everything was cool. No different then any other large gathering in DC. Granted there was a heavy military and police presence and snipers on the roof, there really wasn't any raucous behavior in the crowd. The whole time I was there I heard only one person say lock her up. But obviously people talking differently around others than they do at the dinner table and on the internet.

When his speech ended I expected a mass exodus out of the mall back to the metro but a lot of people stayed and when leaving there were more people coming in. It was weird. But it took no more than 5 minutes to get back on the train. In 08, I waited damn near an hour.

The only incendiary remarks I heard today were from the religious loonies telling people they'd all go to hell if they continued masturbating, watching porn, or being Muslim. Everyone else was just excited Trump won. And although there were a sea of white faces I was definitely able to pick out some black brown and Asian people rocking Trump hats and paraphernalia.

I don't doubt that there legitimate racists, sexists, and bigots that support Trump. But after today I honestly think those people are on the fringe and there presence is incredibly overblown by the media.
The bolded part 
 Religious loonies are truly something else.

Did you come across much protest on your way there?
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Along with all references to climate change, the White House LGBT page has also been removed. Courtesy of the "champion of gay rights"

Do people understand that if we destroy our ecosystem, we won't be able to produce to eat?

And that if we defund our scientific research programs, we won't even be able to make food in laboratories?

The bumblebee is now an endangered species. Do you realize the importance of bees in pollinating plants that will yield fruits and veggies that we eat and export on the international market?

Defenders of western civilization, you do understand that food doesn't grow on Walmart shelves, don't you?
The bolded part :rofl:  Religious loonies are truly something else.
Did you come across much protest on your way there?

There were pockets of people along the line to get onto the mall with signs. But they weren't making much noise. Saw some people rocking Not My President T-shirts. But according to the news the real protesters were along the parade route. They're currently mini rioting right now. Bit everything was peaceful at the Capitol on the mall.

rico x hood rico x hood you see any celebrities among the crowd?

I saw a Congressman who was lost and was asking the military how to get to where his seating was :lol:

I was just out with the non ticketed regular joes watching everything on the jumbotron.
Thanks for sharing

How were other people reacting to the religious nuts?

Laughter. A couple people yelled back retorts but nothing serious. A lot of people were filming and taking pics. One guy had a megaphone and was calling out random people to repent and for the most part the crowd ignored his taunts.
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And those religious loonies now have their idol as Vice-President 

I'd bet the removal of the LGBT page from the white house website was Pence's request
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A few takeaways from my experience there:

Trump supporters really do not like Hillary and Nancy Pelosi. Whenever there faces were shown on the jumbotron there was booing all around. However, Barack and Michelle elicited none.

A lot of people were telling me to be safe while out there and I'll admit I was nervous myself. But once I got out into the crowd everything was cool. No different then any other large gathering in DC. Granted there was a heavy military and police presence and snipers on the roof, there really wasn't any raucous behavior in the crowd. The whole time I was there I heard only one person say lock her up. But obviously people talking differently around others than they do at the dinner table and on the internet.

When his speech ended I expected a mass exodus out of the mall back to the metro but a lot of people stayed and when leaving there were more people coming in. It was weird. But it took no more than 5 minutes to get back on the train. In 08, I waited damn near an hour.

The only incendiary remarks I heard today were from the religious loonies telling people they'd all go to hell if they continued masturbating, watching porn, or being Muslim. Everyone else was just excited Trump won. And although there were a sea of white faces I was definitely able to pick out some black brown and Asian people rocking Trump hats and paraphernalia.

I don't doubt that there legitimate racists, sexists, and bigots that support Trump. But after today I honestly think those people are on the fringe and there presence is incredibly overblown by the media.
Thought u wasn't a trump supporter or "undecided" ...but you actually WENT to that bs ?? :lol:

Good to see hear it wasn't crazy crowded as the last inauguration so u could make it back to your train quickly tho

This shot sounds scary.

It reads like a bunch of dog whistles that are trying to drive home one central point, "we will bring minorities to heel"
It should also be noted that this page was formerly the white house website's "civil rights page"

But unlike climate change references and the lgbt page, the civil rights page was swiftly replaced by the "standing up for our law enforcement community" page rather than simply being removed.
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