***Official Political Discussion Thread***

i also love how the shoe-thrower didn't think to hold his other shoe in his hand. instead he left it on the ground and had to bend back down to get it.

probably the best moment of Bush's presidency.

Trump would get hit in the face and his fake hair would've fallen off.

Obama would've caught the shoe and then, just as he was about to throw it back, would take a look and be like, "damn, these are not high quality shoes." and then proceeded to take off his own shoes to give to the protestor.

The funny part is that the thrower had too big a wind up with the first shoe, so Bush read the pitch.

The thrower tried to quick release the next one, but the accuracy suffered as a result.

umpire aint help either. that direct eye contact threw him off. Should've hit son with a curve.
he was, and being 6'3? all da mayo milk of magnesia mamas was on him easy.

for height references to understand how imposing Trump is in person, Gucci mane is only 6'2 and he be looking tall as ****.

just when i thought this thread couldn't possibly be any worse, it turns into a discussion about ninja's praise for trump's physique..........

and totally redeems itself!
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Ninja voting against his self interest again.......and I'm not talking about him being a minority (black) :nerd:

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Just finished reading the transcript of the Trump inauguration speech
The guy is promising a lot of things for Americans
Not sure how he's going to pull it off
Anyone wanna give me cliffnotes for the inauguration?
I haven't watched any of it

Me too xcept i dont want or have to hear or watch an alleged abuser, assaulter, con fraud and fake cheater take the oath of office. America aint united
Anyone wanna give me cliffnotes for the inauguration?
I haven't watched any of it

Me too xcept i dont want or have to hear or watch an alleged abuser, assaulter, con fraud and fake cheater take the oath of office. America aint united
I just looked at the transcript of what he said an hour ago :lol:
Like what Ninja said "he has no excuses" if he can't fulfill what the people want
Anyone else see the clip of Bill "how you doin'" to Melanie and Hillary catching him?

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