***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Trump preyed on the fears of people living in economic despair. We could have had a healthy discussion about helping the entire middle class, and protecting the American worker. Instead Trump lied to people. These people will get even more angry, and I just know they will unleash that anger on minorities, instead of the rich elites that deserve it.
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Welcome our 45th president NT, Donald John Trump!

Nah but i voted for Hilary even though she imprisoned my black men and women. I am totally against mass incarceration and she was apart of the problem. I dont think Donald would be a right choice for head of office but i'm willing to support him fully and give him 365 days to show not only me, not only NT, but the the whole nation; what he can do to help our country become great again.
It's that "again" that's the issue - it's a white, straight mysogenistic delusion of when rich white men had it easy.

Make something great - admirable. Aspire to get yours at the expense of others deemed less worthy - despicable.
Trump like 6'3... straight goon height.

Melania got da former model height of 5'11.

Baron should be playing sports, he'd be 6'6-6'7 easy.

If Trump WIO, you reaching for it FOR SURE :lol:

Is crazy how a Trump Precidency already dwarfs Bush Jrs and dude hasn't been president for a full 24 hours, I'm telling you, this is gonna be a hell of a roller coaster, all these hunger games movies were prepping us, I'm actually looking forward to it :nerd:
I noticed Ninja always points out heights as some measure of bravado....like dude be mad proud he above 6ft but his bed only 5'10
I'm shocked we didn't see a **** ton of tomatoes thrown at the presidential limo.

I vividly remember Bush jr. 2nd term and seeing that happening live on tv. That thang chirped out with a quickness :lol:
When Obama got inaugarated it was a celebration. This **** is like a funeral. :lol:

217 people arrested in DC. Even white folks riding hard against this clown. Just sit back and watch the show for the next 4 years.

When exactly when was American so great for everyone? Like has anyone ever answered that though?

They wanna go back to being blatantly racist. Their souls can't take holding it in.
Did Trump and Melania do the walk down Pennsylvania Ave to greet folks face to face like Obeezy and Michelle did in '08?

I remember being lowkey terrified watching that live thinking something could easily happen to them,thankfully those 8 years went by without anything of the sort outside of failed plots :lol: :smokin
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Even though major parts of the Voting Rights Act has been gutted, the law still has protections in it.

Alabama was found guilt of racially discriminatory gerrymandering, as a way to maintain as GOP majority and suppress the power of black voters in the state. North Carolina and Wisconsin I believe has lost similar lawsuits.

What could happen is that districts could be redrawn in time for the 2018 election. But what will probably happen if the states have appeals left is that this might get to SCOTUS.

Every conservative judge in the United States seems to have great distaste for the voting rights act, and wants to see completely destroyed.

States are attacking black people's civil rights, and attacking a pillar or democracy, just to maintain the system of white supremacy. This will be a major issue Obama fights for as a private citizen.

If this fight is not won, it will be open season on the voting rights of African Americans.


Every thing really does hinge on keeping the Supreme Court at eight justices. If you do that than the circuit courts decisions stand.

In an ironic twist, a number of the worst gerrymander States sit in moderate and even liberal circuits. It is the judicial equivalent of gerrymandering.
if Democratic senators filibuster Trump's Supreme court pick da GOP will do away with ds 60 vote minimum, because Democrats set da precedent of blowing up da filibuster for everything else.
[h1]Trump’s WhiteHouse.Gov Disappears Civil Rights, Climate Change, LGBT Rights[/h1][h3]The minute Donald Trump was sworn into office, the White House’s web site changed—dramatically.[/h3]
Justin Miller

01.20.17 12:23 PM ET

WhiteHouse.gov immediately wiped pages on LGBT rights, civil rights, climate change, and health care from its “issues” section after Donald Trump took the oath of office.
The page on climate change was replaced with a page entitled “An America First Energy Plan” that ignores climate change entirely and says, “President Trump is committed to eliminating harmful and unnecessary policies such as the Climate Action Plan and the Waters of the U.S. rule.”

The new “America First Foreign Policy” page made no mention of Russia or China, instead discussing the defeat of ISIS and the renegotiation of NAFTA and other trade deals. “If our partners refuse a renegotiation that gives American workers a fair deal, then the President will give notice of the United States’ intent to withdraw from NAFTA,” the page read. The same language was repeated on the new “Trade Deals Working for All Americans” page on Whitehouse.gov.

The page on civil rights was replaced with a page entitled “Standing Up For Our Law Enforcement Community” that replaces concerns with how police act with a demand for more cops. It also paints predominantly black inner cities as shooting galleries.

“In our nation’s capital, killings have risen by 50 percent,” the page claims, which is false: homicides in Washington, D.C. were down in 2016 over 2015.

Trump’s campaign website was more robust, featuring pages on a variety of issues and including press releases related to the black community, like "DONALD J. TRUMP’S NEW DEAL FOR BLACK AMERICA." Now the words “black” or “African-American” do not appear once in any policy sheets on WhiteHouse.gov. 

In contrast, President Obama's WhiteHouse.gov page on his first day in office featured a slate of issues he campaigned on; Trump's White House page doesn't even have a policy page on his signature campaign issue: immigration.
Maybe that will be included in the updates from Trump visitors can sign up for.


WhiteHouse.gov isn't the only part of the executive branch unfilled: hundreds of appointments have still not been named and the Trump transition team announced Thursday it would keep 50 essential State Department and national security personnel.

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