***Official Political Discussion Thread***

they're not gonna go to jail sir...but pretty sure whoever retweeted that just became a ex public service employee.

And this is a good thing? Wonder how many fox employees lost their job EVERYTIME they said something negative about Obama

da difference is they don't directly work UNDER Obama and they're not gonna go to jail either....

da reverse can and will be said about MSNBC and Trump.
+ the price of drugs keep rising at astronomical rates and the government is not doing a dam thing about it. everywhere else in the developed world prices are much much cheaper.

I've always had good medical coverage throughout GG my job, THANK GOD, so I've never been personally affected by any of this, but I suffer from a chronic disease, psoriasis, which right now makes me dependent on Humira, that drug can run up to 2400$ for a months supply, 2 injections...son I rather pay up 1000$ a month and get my drug, than have no insurance which is what Trump will do and have to pay 2400$ if I want to continue, since I can't afford 2400$ a month I might aswell die of depression dealing with a disease that will never go away and now I can't control....I take it this is what a lot of Americans will be faced with, ***** sad!
My mistake then,hard to tell with all caps

Still,nothing wrong with pointing out the difference in numbers when Trump is always hyping up his attendance numbers at every event he does
two wrongs do not make anything right

the "he does it" so " I'm doing it back at him" is a fight that started in pre-school

Now, we have fully grown individuals reverting to prepubescent acts towards each other

and with that we have come full circle:

my crowd is bigger than yours

what I believe in is better than what you think

I also suspect that the US will break up within this century. There are just too many fundamental differences between the two main factions for this country to stay "united."

Na can't see this happening. Calexit is a nice little thought but its never gonna happen unless the United States completely collapses.

Before Nov 8th I would've said the same thing.

Not anymore.

And I'm not the only one (in real life anyway) to say it.

From a political and historical standpoint, the similarities between what this administration is trying to implement as far as civil liberties and freedom of speech and travel are concerned are too similar to the beginning stages of authoritarian governments.

The fact that Republicans want to strip the opposition from power even after losing elections (like in NC); that they have adopted repressive tactics to ensure that they win elections (voter restriction laws); that they have attempted to eliminate oversight offices like the congressional office of ethics and the congressional budget office; and that they have openly engaged in massive disinformation campaigns to undermine policies that would help Americans (ACA vs Obamacare, voter ID laws which really are designed to keep the "wrong" Americans from voting) should tell you that they are more interested in maintaining power and escape accountability inquiries than in governing for the benefits of ALL Americans.
da difference is they don't directly work UNDER Obama and they're not gonna go to jail either....

da reverse can and will be said about MSNBC and Trump.

Son you really think in a very simplistic elementary way, this is the ***** POTUS, he is not supposed to display this type of behavior at all! He is not to be held at the same standard as your average American, he is not supposed to act like a disgruntled employer who just found out one of his employees didn't like him and now fired him for it.
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My mistake then,hard to tell with all caps

Still,nothing wrong with pointing out the difference in numbers when Trump is always hyping up his attendance numbers at every event he does :lol:

two wrongs do not make anything right

the "he does it" so " I'm doing it back at him" is a fight that started in pre-school

Now, we have fully grown individuals reverting to prepubescent acts towards each other

and with that we have come full circle:

my crowd is bigger than yours

what I believe in is better than what you think


Do you have an actual relevant, adult position to add to the political discussion thread?
da difference is they don't directly work UNDER Obama and they're not gonna go to jail either....

da reverse can and will be said about MSNBC and Trump.

Son you really think in a very simplistic elementary way, this is the ***** POTUS, he is not supposed to display this type of behavior at all! He is not to be held at the same standard as your average American, he is not supposed to act like a disgruntled employee who just found out one of his employees didn't like him and now fired him for it.

you're confusing etiquette (which is subjective) with laws (which is not...at least not supposed to be).

Trump is Trump, throw everything you ever thought Presidential behavior and decorum out da Window...Da Donald gonna act like he wants.

He's da first elected President to get to where he's at being completely unorthodoxed.
you're confusing etiquette (which is subjective) with laws (which is not...at least not supposed to be).

Trump is Trump, throw everything you ever thought Presidential behavior and decorum out da Window...Da Donald gonna act like he wants.

He's da first elected President to get to where he's at being completely unorthodoxed.

Bruhhhhh I seriously can't wait till your dad passes a reform and eradicates "controlled rent" in order to benefit the wealthier developers in these fast evolving neighborhoods....and leaves you with no choice to either move out or pay da premium....maybe then you will wake up, but we will bath in a tub full of your tears.
All jokes aside as a grown man doesn't saying "Da Donald" seriously feel weird and fanboyish?
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you're confusing etiquette (which is subjective) with laws (which is not...at least not supposed to be).

Trump is Trump, throw everything you ever thought Presidential behavior and decorum out da Window...Da Donald gonna act like he wants.

He's da first elected President to get to where he's at being completely unorthodoxed.

Bruhhhhh I seriously can't wait till your dad passes a reform and eradicates "controlled rent" in order to benefit the wealthier developers in these fast evolving neighborhoods....and leaves you with no choice to either move out or pay da premium....maybe then you will wake up, but we will bath in a tub full of your tears.
He will be fine
After all, he can sell all his sneakers for MSRP and sleep in da hemi :lol:
All jokes aside as a grown man doesn't saying "Da Donald" seriously feel weird and fanboyish?

Is NH, pretty sure he replaced his spacejam poster above his bed, for a picture of Donald, looks like he adopted a new father figure....***** is disgusting coming from a brown Latino who's benefited greatly from programs designed to aid the lower class.
All jokes aside as a grown man doesn't saying "Da Donald" seriously feel weird and fanboyish?
We're talking about a man who defends comments towards Trump's appearance, remarked how handsome he was in his youth, praises his height, ...

Calling him Da Donald is at the bottom of the list of fanboyish behavior at that point 
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Some rich developer gonna buy out his building and gonna see Edwin only paying 200$ a month, he gonna slip some change Edwin can't match into Da Donald's pockets and it's a wrap, Da Donald can do whatever the **** he wants at the end of the day.

Fam I would understand or even respect your stand if you was a white privileged kid, who's parents never depended on anything other than themselves or hell if you lead a life completely unhinged from anything that resembles any type of help from the government....but here we have a dude payin 200$ a month for a 2 bedroom apt in Manhattan riding for someone who never even wanted lottery apartments in his towers.
you're confusing etiquette (which is subjective) with laws (which is not...at least not supposed to be).

Trump is Trump, throw everything you ever thought Presidential behavior and decorum out da Window...Da Donald gonna act like he wants.

He's da first elected President to get to where he's at being completely unorthodoxed.

Bruhhhhh I seriously can't wait till your dad passes a reform and eradicates "controlled rent" in order to benefit the wealthier developers in these fast evolving neighborhoods....and leaves you with no choice to either move out or pay da premium....maybe then you will wake up, but we will bath in a tub full of your tears.
I know I will. I hope Donald cracks down on all these moochers and swindlers living uptown in subsidized housing. I hope he passes a bill that requires yearly lease renewals, which shall include total number of occupants per apartment and total household income.
Before Nov 8th I would've said the same thing.

Not anymore.

And I'm not the only one (in real life anyway) to say it.

From a political and historical standpoint, the similarities between what this administration is trying to implement as far as civil liberties and freedom of speech and travel are concerned are too similar to the beginning stages of authoritarian governments.

The fact that Republicans want to strip the opposition from power even after losing elections (like in NC); that they have adopted repressive tactics to ensure that they win elections (voter restriction laws); that they have attempted to eliminate oversight offices like the congressional office of ethics and the congressional budget office; and that they have openly engaged in massive disinformation campaigns to undermine policies that would help Americans (ACA vs Obamacare, voter ID laws which really are designed to keep the "wrong" Americans from voting) should tell you that they are more interested in maintaining power and escape accountability inquiries than in governing for the benefits of ALL Americans.

Agreed but the idea of seceding from the union is just that a nice little idea. For a state to secede you have to either change the constitution :lol: good luck with 2/3rds of each the senate, Supreme Court, House of Representativess have to vote yay and then the president has to sign off on it or strap up against the us military and force your way out. Again it's not very likely unless Rome falls.
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how is having a government job after u retweet a negative tweet from da administration covered under da Constitution? whoever did that aint gonna go to jail.

My G! If I publically say I don't like the hospital I work for on Twitter and they fire me because of that, I'm pretty sure I have grounds for a law suit....that's called freedom of speech b, your freedom of speech isn't only violated if you end up in prison b....losing your livelihood because of an opinion is censorship....you might get away if you are a small independent start up or some **** but this is the presidential administration we talkin about.
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