***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Bruh got this hat on him

Ben Barson 2020

It's LIT
Turnout for the Women's March is enormous

Hundreds of thousands of women poured into Washington Saturday for the Women’s March, a larger-than-expected crowd determined to mount a roaring rejoinder to the inaugural gathering for Donald Trump one day earlier.

By mid-afternoon, organizers had decided the crowd was too big to formally march to the White House Ellipse, although protesters were already on the move.

“They are going to tell the crowd they can go to the Ellipse if they want, but they are not doing the normal parade route, there is too many people,” said Chris Geldart, director of the D.C. Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency.

The marchers, who came from around the country and sometimes slept on the couches of people they had never met before, overflowed the blocks at the east end of the National Mall. Organizers, who originally sought a permit for a gathering of 200,000, said Saturday they now expect as many as a half million participants, potentially dwarfing Friday’s inaugural crowd.

(see link for rest of article)
except if u get disrespectful and insist in political thread to derail with me personally imma get meth to holla at u.

im not running for office, so my personal life? get nasty..i aint got time for it.
But I thought you were so glad political correctness is over? 

like i said, play your cards...i mean u already played yours talking about you rather remain permanently disabled than to have a political opinion that differed from anything liberal so, there's that.
except if u get disrespectful and insist in political thread to derail with me personally imma get meth to holla at u.

im not running for office, so my personal life? get nasty..i aint got time for it.
But I thought you were so glad political correctness is over? 

like i said, play your cards...i mean u already played yours talking about you rather remain permanently disabled than to have a political opinion that differed from anything liberal so, there's that.

Since you want to be slick and bring up his life situation, how about you take a look at the mirror:

You already acknowledge you want to stay in your little safe space in the heightz, living under your mother's care and the largesse of NYC government. Instead of going out in the world, showing ambition, and making your way, without other people propping up your economic situation, so there's that.

Glass Houses b
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like i said, play your cards...i mean u already played yours talking about you rather remain permanently disabled than to have a political opinion that differed from anything liberal so, there's that.
I said I'd rather remain permanently disabled than have your views. I don't mind Rico at all even though we disagree on many things.

Finding your views repugnant is not some attack against all opposing views, it's an attack against your views.
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except if u get disrespectful and insist in political thread to derail with me personally imma get meth to holla at u.

im not running for office, so my personal life? get nasty..i aint got time for it.
But I thought you were so glad political correctness is over? 

like i said, play your cards...i mean u already played yours talking about you rather remain permanently disabled than to have a political opinion that differed from anything liberal so, there's that.

Since you want to bring up this life, take a look at the mirror.

he said that himself.

i live in da heights because its da biggest Dominican enclave in da United States. its home...if i was a millionaire id still live here.
like i said, play your cards...i mean u already played yours talking about you rather remain permanently disabled than to have a political opinion that differed from anything liberal so, there's that.
I said I'd rather remain permanently disabled than have your views. I don't mind Rico even though we disagree on many things.
Finding your views repugnant is not some attack against all opposing views, it's an attack against your views.

like that makes it any better. :lol:
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except if u get disrespectful and insist in political thread to derail with me personally imma get meth to holla at u.

im not running for office, so my personal life? get nasty..i aint got time for it.
But I thought you were so glad political correctness is over? 

like i said, play your cards...i mean u already played yours talking about you rather remain permanently disabled than to have a political opinion that differed from anything liberal so, there's that.

Since you want to bring up this life, take a look at the mirror.

he said that himself.

i live in da heights because its da biggest Dominican enclave in da United States. its home...if i was a millionaire id still live here.

You can, you already posted there are apartment available for like $1200 a month. Go rent one

Go get off your mom's account and the NYC's government's dime.

Then talk about someone else's life situation.
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except if u get disrespectful and insist in political thread to derail with me personally imma get meth to holla at u.

im not running for office, so my personal life? get nasty..i aint got time for it.
But I thought you were so glad political correctness is over? 

like i said, play your cards...i mean u already played yours talking about you rather remain permanently disabled than to have a political opinion that differed from anything liberal so, there's that.

Since you want to bring up this life, take a look at the mirror.

he said that himself.

i live in da heights because its da biggest Dominican enclave in da United States. its home...if i was a millionaire id still live here.

You can, you already posted there are apartment available for like $1200 a month. Go rent one

Go get off your mom's account and NYC's government's dime.

Then talk about someone else.

we still derailing huh. :lol:

worry about your political party being a regional shell of its former self and your ideology being relegated to da dustbin of history for da next generation and stop worry about my family.
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it's politics at the end of the day. public perception and crowds are just as important as the nuances of the electoral college.

whether Trump ever releases his tax returns isn't the point. the point is to remind the public and regulatory bodies about the issue. whenever more conflicts of interest or shady un-American behavior arise from trump and his people, the fact that he is hiding his tax returns will become a bigger and bigger issue. public pressure drives political action, loyalty to the president be damned.

likewise, the march today, although it doesn't equal votes or policy, completely dwarfs trump's big day yesterday.

trump doesn't care though. he lives in delusion. but I'm sure some of his followers are shaking their head, wondering if maybe the lemonade they were sold is actually piss, while they lick a salty drop off their upper lip. things will crumble and I'm not sure I'm going to risk myself to go in there to save others.
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some of those people should've should up for Election day. *shrugs*


But the point stands, Elections only decide who is going to be president,

Cultural battles aren't won with elections, right wing people look as dumb as the the left wing people who thought racism ended when Barack Obama won.
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except if u get disrespectful and insist in political thread to derail with me personally imma get meth to holla at u.

im not running for office, so my personal life? get nasty..i aint got time for it.
But I thought you were so glad political correctness is over? 

like i said, play your cards...i mean u already played yours talking about you rather remain permanently disabled than to have a political opinion that differed from anything liberal so, there's that.

Since you want to bring up this life, take a look at the mirror.

he said that himself.

i live in da heights because its da biggest Dominican enclave in da United States. its home...if i was a millionaire id still live here.

You can, you already posted there are apartment available for like $1200 a month. Go rent one

Go get off your mom's account and NYC's government's dime.

Then talk about someone else.

we still derailing huh. :lol:

worry about your political party being a regional shell of its former self and your ideology being relegated to da dustbin of history for da next generation and stop worry about my family.

I'm don't waste a second worrying about your family.

I'm just pointing out how utterly full of **** you are. You want to bring up someone's else situation, yet want to hit the report button when someone throws yours back in your face.

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Good ol NT.Where Ninjahood stays getting hated on only over opinionated debates/subject talk.O yea,dont forget.We all drive M5,s and smash dimes on a daily 8).
Before Nov 8th I would've said the same thing.

Not anymore.

And I'm not the only one (in real life anyway) to say it.

From a political and historical standpoint, the similarities between what this administration is trying to implement as far as civil liberties and freedom of speech and travel are concerned are too similar to the beginning stages of authoritarian governments.

The fact that Republicans want to strip the opposition from power even after losing elections (like in NC); that they have adopted repressive tactics to ensure that they win elections (voter restriction laws); that they have attempted to eliminate oversight offices like the congressional office of ethics and the congressional budget office; and that they have openly engaged in massive disinformation campaigns to undermine policies that would help Americans (ACA vs Obamacare, voter ID laws which really are designed to keep the "wrong" Americans from voting) should tell you that they are more interested in maintaining power and escape accountability inquiries than in governing for the benefits of ALL Americans.

Agreed but the idea of seceding from the union is just that a nice little idea. For a state to secede you have to either change the constitution :lol: good luck with 2/3rds of each the senate, Supreme Court, House of Representativess have to vote yay and then the president has to sign off on it or strap up against the us military and force your way out. Again it's not very likely unless Rome falls.

Rome didn't fall in a day, cracks in the empire had to form first. And the cracks are showing in the US too.

Hadn't really thought about this before but it sounds plausible


"US spies fear allies will stop sharing intel under Russia-friendly Trump." via @politico


Making America Weak Again.
except if u get disrespectful and insist in political thread to derail with me personally imma get meth to holla at u.

im not running for office, so my personal life? get nasty..i aint got time for it.
But I thought you were so glad political correctness is over? 

like i said, play your cards...i mean u already played yours talking about you rather remain permanently disabled than to have a political opinion that differed from anything liberal so, there's that.

Since you want to bring up this life, take a look at the mirror.

he said that himself.

i live in da heights because its da biggest Dominican enclave in da United States. its home...if i was a millionaire id still live here.

You can, you already posted there are apartment available for like $1200 a month. Go rent one

Go get off your mom's account and NYC's government's dime.

Then talk about someone else.

we still derailing huh. :lol:

worry about your political party being a regional shell of its former self and your ideology being relegated to da dustbin of history for da next generation and stop worry about my family.

I'm don't waste a second worry about you family.

You want to bring up someone's else situation,

since Rusty needs selective memory...

Originally Posted by Colombia View Post

Originally Posted by ninjahood View Post

like i said, play your cards...i mean u already played yours talking about you rather remain permanently disabled than to have a political opinion that differed from anything liberal so, there's that.
I said I'd rather remain permanently disabled than have your views.
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we were told trump would change when he was sworn in. we warned you for the past year that trump is who he is and that's what we'll get. the same thin-skinned narcissist who will lie, cheat, and steal to maintain his ego is going to behave the same way as president.

i will point and laugh but i am also disgusted with his supporters.

the good news is that things will change. normally we are too happy and comfortable to sacrifice for a revolution. but now the stakes have been upped and a correction will happen.
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