***Official Political Discussion Thread***

"Too busy chasing boogeymen"


"The Muslims are terrorists"
"Mexicans are stealing our jobs"
"Mexicans are rapists, murderers, bringing in drugs"
"What about Chicago?"
"Our bathrooms aren't safe"

I mean, I can go on n on, all day with the Right's boogeymen [emoji]128129[/emoji]
^^ nice post, who knows if these people will ever learn. Too busy chasing boogeymen to stop and put themselves in someone else's shoes.

Funny how well this applies to the Right. Turn on the news outlets that cater to them, and it's nothing but fearmongering, villifying the opposition, and whataboutism. It is funny to read stuff like what I'm replying to knowing that republicans would've been in a much better position today if they had compromised with the Obama administration. How's that repeal going?

The Right Wing:

1. Wear suit and slick hair
2. Do nothing but fear monger of boogeymen
3. ?????
4. Profit

and Democrats couldn't stop that huh?

that's like going into a football game KNOWING da team gonna run, and u still can't stop it.

:lol: :smh:
"Too busy chasing boogeymen"


"The Muslims are terrorists"
"Mexicans are stealing our jobs"
"Mexicans are rapists, murderers, bringing in drugs"
"What about Chicago?"
"Our bathrooms aren't safe"

I mean, I can go on n on, all day with the Right's boogeymen [emoji]128129[/emoji]

LeBron is gonna get da ball at da last play of da game everyone knows this...where is da strategy to stop him?

ya knew who Trump was for 2 years...he demolished 16 other Candidates to get to da finals...

Clinton bet on identity politics play and bet wrong.
That's a false comparison. It would actually be like, knowing your opponent holds on every play in the redzone, informing the refs before the game, then during the game, the refs swallow the whistles.

Your analogy game is subpar, at best. If you're going to use sports analogies, please use better ones.


You keep saying, "You knew", as if I was the one in charge of picking who won. You're the False Equivalency Kang of NikeTalk; Congratulations! [emoji]127882[/emoji][emoji]127882[/emoji][emoji]127882[/emoji][emoji]127881[/emoji][emoji]127942[/emoji]

I didn't vote for any Republicans, because I know their game. Please miss me with your nonsense, because I will not play your little game, because you act like a child with your little, "Nah nah nah nah nah" rhetoric and behavior [emoji]128579[/emoji]
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^^ nice post, who knows if these people will ever learn. Too busy chasing boogeymen to stop and put themselves in someone else's shoes.

Funny how well this applies to the Right. Turn on the news outlets that cater to them, and it's nothing but fearmongering, villifying the opposition, and whataboutism. It is funny to read stuff like what I'm replying to knowing that republicans would've been in a much better position today if they had compromised with the Obama administration. How's that repeal going?

The Right Wing:

1. Wear suit and slick hair
2. Do nothing but fear monger of boogeymen
3. ?????
4. Profit

and Democrats couldn't stop that huh?

that's like going into a football game KNOWING da team gonna run, and u still can't stop it.

:lol: :smh:

It's sad that real life and people's well-being is just that to you. A game of teams in addition to ironically telling yourself you're better than others, often in groups that you're a part of.
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But Da Rust Belt was hurting so badly that they didn't have a choice.

take your smug liberal hat off and put your pragmatic Democratic strategist hat on.

you've now lost all of congress, and da White House, a key constituency, da blue collar white working class as abandoned your party....2018 looks like another Democratic loss, what are you doing to win them back and take back control?

All the Democrat party has to do is oppose in unison. Republicans know they are between a rock and a hard place.

Lies, they catch up to you.

this strategy leaves red state Democrats in tough re-elections vulnerable... obstruction wont in 2018 cuz Trump stole infrastructure from da Democratic playbook...what's plan b?
It's easier and more efficient to play on fears and emotions than it is to educate people who are set in their ways.

Peripheral processing vs. central route

Also being in a society with loads of baby boomers and their kids that have been conditioned to fear socialist/Marxist ideas makes it more difficult for them to identify with a platform of income inequality.

Progress doesn't happen over night though, and the forces of regression that look to disappropriate more power to the wealthy don't ever sleep. Maybe it's the naive optimist in me but progress eventually happens.
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But Da Rust Belt was hurting so badly that they didn't have a choice.

take your smug liberal hat off and put your pragmatic Democratic strategist hat on.

you've now lost all of congress, and da White House, a key constituency, da blue collar white working class as abandoned your party....2018 looks like another Democratic loss, what are you doing to win them back and take back control?

All the Democrat party has to do is oppose in unison. Republicans know they are between a rock and a hard place.

Lies, they catch up to you.

this strategy leaves red state Democrats in tough re-elections vulnerable... obstruction wont in 2018 cuz Trump stole infrastructure from da Democratic playbook...what's plan b?

Depends on what kind of infrastructure plan they put forward. If it is one that privatizes public assets, it's easy to sell that as a bad idea (want to pay more tolls in a state that didn't have tollways at all?). The $15 billion "wall" is impossible to realize (estimates are already in the $20 billion range, and nobody knows if that includes surveying, acquiring private land on which parts of the border sits, AND upkeep and monitoring).

In comparison, the budget of NASA is $19 billion. How are you going to sell the American people that wall when we could spend more money on developing asteroid mining technologies, lunar colonies, and rockets that could take us to Mars? (on second thought, they bought Trump...)
You know Sean Spicer was a well respected comms guy.

He is probably going to get fired at some point soon, and he will be left as a laughing stock a completely broken man with his reputation in tatters.

It's almost like everyone who does business with Trump gets stripped of their dignity by the end. [emoji]129300[/emoji]

yet Paul Ryan still thinks this will workout for him. g'luck man. :lol:
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It's easier and more efficient to play on fears and emotions than it is to educate people who are set in their ways.

Sounds like you're just giving Hillary a excuse for a ishy run campaign.

if u know da play of your opponent, you should've been able to stop them.

grab em by da **** dropped in October, and Trump still won by November.

fellas...if Trump was so bad Democrats should've been able to stop him...not letting da Media do their opposition research for them.
Hillary addressed the working class, problem is she addressed all working class, and not just the white ones who don't want to progress their skills
It's easier and more efficient to play on fears and emotions than it is to educate people who are set in their ways.

Sounds like you're just giving Hillary a excuse for a ishy run campaign.

if u know da play of your opponent, you should've been able to stop them.

grab em by da **** dropped in October, and Trump still won by November.

fellas...if Trump was so bad Democrats should've been able to stop him...not letting da Media do their opposition research for them.

It only sounds like that because you think I support Hillary and you're eager to defend Trump/bash Democrats.

Any rationally thinking indapendent would have picked up on what I said easily. The statement applies to both parties and is notable throughout politics and real life.

this is why Trump won.

and apparently, some of ya should've paid better attention to da electorate.

this gay Democrat with that ether :x :lol:

Good video.

I know people are saying that she did talk to those people

And while she did and you guys are entirely correct, it wasn't well known or publicly shouted.

So to the casual follower, digging up an article with 1k+ words ain't going to cut it.

You're underestimating the Republican Party if you actually believe this. Conservatives have been working in the shadows for decades with district line drawing and gerrymandering. They have strategically designed their guaranteed victory. They aren't losing the House or the Senate going forward. Sprinkle in their voter suppression tactics and they aren't losing the White House either. We would need voter turnout of epic proportions to clear them out and I just don't see that happening. People are truly uninformed of how these rats have burrowed their way into their positions. They make sure once they're in, they're not leaving. We need to put strict limit terms on Senators and Congress members, that's our only real hope to break the cycle that we're currently in; that or completely wipeout gerrymandering.

All of the protests you see are coming from areas that voted against Trump, if we held elections today for President; he'd still win the electorate vote. If this resistance can really maintain momentum for the next four years, maybe just maybe the voters who didn't turnout in this last election will make the difference. The cynicism inside me just doesn't see that happening though.

I just so happen to think that it will.

I go into the barbershop and hear D-boys talking politics, famb. Cats that can't even vote. :lol:

Many millennials did not vote because they didn't think their vote mattered.

Quickly googled that 57% of eligible voters voted, and that it's a 20 year low

I expect that number to be north of 75% next go round, with a vast majority of the votes coming from liberal minded people.

I think you're discounting the vast amounts of people that

1. Didn't vote
2. Wrote in a gorilla
3. Covert sexist that just didn't want a woman telling them what to do
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It's easier and more efficient to play on fears and emotions than it is to educate people who are set in their ways.

Sounds like you're just giving Hillary a excuse for a ishy run campaign.

if u know da play of your opponent, you should've been able to stop them.

grab em by da **** dropped in October, and Trump still won by November.

fellas...if Trump was so bad Democrats should've been able to stop him...not letting da Media do their opposition research for them.

It only sounds like that because you think I support Hillary and you're eager to defend Trump/bash Democrats.

Any rationally thinking indapendent would have picked up on what I said easily. The statement applies to both parties and is notable throughout politics and real life.

general election had 2 candidates with actual viability. you're choice was Trump, Clinton, or stay home.
I am tired of this ****. Trump has racist policies and has said racist ****, if you voted for him and claim to not  be racist you are either 1. An idiot or 2. A closeted racist or 3. An open racist who just doesn't like the label or 4. An open white supremacist. 

If you voted for him you are clearly ok to some degree with all the bigotry he spews. We need to stop minimizing that. I'm sick of these casual Trump supporters and casual racists and altright imps.

Funny that's almost exactly how I feel, only thing I would say is I'll give you the benefit of the doubt if you regret your vote and perhaps got conned to vote him in, however if 3 weeks in with all he's done and who he has filled his cabinet wth and you still support him, yeah you share his bigoted racist views and I have no sympathy or respect for you
LeBron is gonna get da ball at da last play of da game everyone knows this...where is da strategy to stop him?

ya knew who Trump was for 2 years...he demolished 16 other Candidates to get to da finals...

Clinton bet on identity politics play and bet wrong.

More like Trump betted on racism and ignorance and won.
It's easier and more efficient to play on fears and emotions than it is to educate people who are set in their ways.

Sounds like you're just giving Hillary a excuse for a ishy run campaign.

if u know da play of your opponent, you should've been able to stop them.

grab em by da **** dropped in October, and Trump still won by November.

fellas...if Trump was so bad Democrats should've been able to stop him...not letting da Media do their opposition research for them.

It only sounds like that because you think I support Hillary and you're eager to defend Trump/bash Democrats.

Any rationally thinking indapendent would have picked up on what I said easily. The statement applies to both parties and is notable throughout politics and real life.

general election had 2 candidates with actual viability. you're choice was Trump, Clinton, or stay home.

I know but that has nothing to do with what I said so I don't get why you said that. I don't support either of them.

Back to my original point, its easier and more efficient to play on fears and emotions than it is to educate people who are set in their ways. This is factual information that emotions are easier to sway than logic :lol: If you have something to say about that go for it.

this is why Trump won.

and apparently, some of ya should've paid better attention to da electorate.

this gay Democrat with that ether :x :lol:

Good video.

I know people are saying that she did talk to those people

And while she did and you guys are entirely correct, it wasn't well known or publicly shouted.

So to the casual follower, digging up an article with 1k+ words ain't going to cut it.

definitely not.

hate him or love him, Trump's message was numbingly easy to follow...to da casual political spectators, no one knew what Hillary was running on other than "I'm a woman, it's my turn" or "ya loved Bill Clinton, I'm his wife"
It's easier and more efficient to play on fears and emotions than it is to educate people who are set in their ways.

Sounds like you're just giving Hillary a excuse for a ishy run campaign.

if u know da play of your opponent, you should've been able to stop them.

grab em by da **** dropped in October, and Trump still won by November.

fellas...if Trump was so bad Democrats should've been able to stop him...not letting da Media do their opposition research for them.

It only sounds like that because you think I support Hillary and you're eager to defend Trump/bash Democrats.

Any rationally thinking indapendent would have picked up on what I said easily. The statement applies to both parties and is notable throughout politics and real life.

general election had 2 candidates with actual viability. you're choice was Trump, Clinton, or stay home.

I know but that has nothing to do with what I said so I don't get why you said that. I don't support either of them.

did u vote?
Still amazing that Rick Perry, someone who's unfamiliar with what the DOE does to the point of wanting it removed is in charge of it. I applied for a job there before and it required a Q clearance which is basically a TS/SCI plus access to NUCLEAR resources. It's wild.
It's easier and more efficient to play on fears and emotions than it is to educate people who are set in their ways.

Sounds like you're just giving Hillary a excuse for a ishy run campaign.

if u know da play of your opponent, you should've been able to stop them.

grab em by da **** dropped in October, and Trump still won by November.

fellas...if Trump was so bad Democrats should've been able to stop him...not letting da Media do their opposition research for them.

It only sounds like that because you think I support Hillary and you're eager to defend Trump/bash Democrats.

Any rationally thinking indapendent would have picked up on what I said easily. The statement applies to both parties and is notable throughout politics and real life.

general election had 2 candidates with actual viability. you're choice was Trump, Clinton, or stay home.

I know but that has nothing to do with what I said so I don't get why you said that. I don't support either of them.

did u vote?

What is the relevance to my statement? Would it change what I said if you knew how or if I cast my vote, or do you just need something to lean on? [emoji]129300[/emoji]
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