***Official Political Discussion Thread***

yeah it would actually :lol:

because if u threw your hat in with one it means you overlooked their obvious flaws either side.
I know but that has nothing to do with what I said so I don't get why you said that. I don't support either of them.

Back to my original point, its easier and more efficient to play on fears and emotions than it is to educate people who are set in their ways. This is factual information that emotions are easier to sway than logic :lol: If you have something to say about that go for it.
yes, it is easier.

But let's flip it.

Would you mind if the left played on the fears of "not another Donald Trump" in the next election?

A counter to that point is that Donald Trump will have actual instances that the Dems can point to, where Trump was just making up stuff.

Honestly, I wouldn't mind if the Dems got a little more repub-like and being more cutthroat.
yeah it would actually :lol:

because if u threw your hat in with one it means you overlooked their obvious flaws either side.

Good thing I just told you I don't support either one then right [emoji]128064[/emoji]

I know but that has nothing to do with what I said so I don't get why you said that. I don't support either of them.

Back to my original point, its easier and more efficient to play on fears and emotions than it is to educate people who are set in their ways. This is factual information that emotions are easier to sway than logic :lol: If you have something to say about that go for it.
yes, it is easier.

But let's flip it.

Would you mind if the left played on the fears of "not another Donald Trump" in the next election?

A counter to that point is that Donald Trump will have actual instances that the Dems can point to, where Trump was just making up stuff.

Honestly, I wouldn't mind if the Dems got a little more repub-like and being more cutthroat.

Where I enlarged is where the problem lies. Appealing to emotions using lies and falsehoods is wrong no matter how you cut it. Appealing to emotions using logical structure and FACTS appeals to emotions and the logical portion of thought.

If the left played on what you mentioned, I don't think it would work well honestly. Not until mass amounts of his base start to see the damage being done by Trump's presidency and it personally effects them. But even then, they aren't easily swayed. Their emotions are all in.

Identity politics at its finest. "I want mine, who cares about everyone else."

At this point it's looking like let the right shoot themselves in the foot and hope their base wakes up, or hope the left has some golden boy like Obama waiting for his chance.
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This is why I try to avoid lumping all Trump supporters as racist.
I am tired of this ****. Trump has racist policies and has said racist ****, if you voted for him and claim to not  be racist you are either 1. An idiot or 2. A closeted racist or 3. An open racist who just doesn't like the label or 4. An open white supremacist. 

If you voted for him you are clearly ok to some degree with all the bigotry he spews. We need to stop minimizing that. I'm sick of these casual Trump supporters and casual racists and altright imps.

I think if someone has voted for Trump, that it's safe to assume at the very least that he's ignorant. I don't want to assume more than that until I talk to him/her.

I can't assume the worst of someone until I know better.
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I just so happen to think that it will.

I go into the barbershop and hear D-boys talking politics, famb. Cats that can't even vote. :lol:

Many millennials did not vote because they didn't think their vote mattered.

Quickly googled that 57% of eligible voters voted, and that it's a 20 year low

I expect that number to be north of 75% next go round, with a vast majority of the votes coming from liberal minded people.

I think you're discounting the vast amounts of people that

1. Didn't vote
2. Wrote in a gorilla
3. Covert sexist that just didn't want a woman telling them what to do

Maaaan....the bold part :lol:.

I went to the barbershop yesterday. My barber is a former street *****, who knows absolutely nothing outside of being a good person, hip hop, cooking, taking care of family and the streets.

I get in the shop. This ***** randomly goes on a rant about the Trump admin :rofl:. Talking about he been watching CNN lately like it's sports center or worldstar....and didn't realize how ***** up the republicans and GOP was.

I remember during the campaign, he'd make lil comments like Trump ain't all that bad....and he wouldn't vote for either candidate.

FF to now.....this ***** is hip to a lot of ****.

Honestly, Trump being entertaining and a clown has people paying closer attention to politics in general.
I think if someone has voted for Trump, that it's safe to assume at the very least that he's ignorant. .

A lot of truth here. Amusing that all of you trapped in the group think mentality that is modern liberalism call opposing points of view ignorant from jump street.
I just so happen to think that it will.

I go into the barbershop and hear D-boys talking politics, famb. Cats that can't even vote.

Many millennials did not vote because they didn't think their vote mattered.

Quickly googled that 57% of eligible voters voted, and that it's a 20 year low

I expect that number to be north of 75% next go round, with a vast majority of the votes coming from liberal minded people.

I think you're discounting the vast amounts of people that

1. Didn't vote
2. Wrote in a gorilla
3. Covert sexist that just didn't want a woman telling them what to do

Maaaan....the bold part

I went to the barbershop yesterday. My barber is a former street *****, who knows absolutely nothing outside of being a good person, hip hop, cooking, taking care of family and the streets.

I get in the shop. This ***** randomly goes on a rant about the Trump admin
. Talking about he been watching CNN lately like it's sports center or worldstar....and didn't realize how ***** up the republicans and GOP was.

I remember during the campaign, he'd make lil comments like Trump ain't all that bad....and he wouldn't vote for either candidate.

FF to now.....this ***** is hip to a lot of ****.

Honestly, Trump being entertaining and a clown has people paying closer attention to politics in general.
Last time I was in the shop all the barbers were talking about Trump and the ban and they're all jamaican too so they were talking about what they'd do if someone tried to deport them/ keep them from entering 
 First time I ever heard politics be discussed in there. Them ****** stay talking about some foolishness 
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I just so happen to think that it will.

I go into the barbershop and hear D-boys talking politics, famb. Cats that can't even vote. :lol:

Many millennials did not vote because they didn't think their vote mattered.

Quickly googled that 57% of eligible voters voted, and that it's a 20 year low

I expect that number to be north of 75% next go round, with a vast majority of the votes coming from liberal minded people.

I think you're discounting the vast amounts of people that

1. Didn't vote
2. Wrote in a gorilla
3. Covert sexist that just didn't want a woman telling them what to do

Maaaan....the bold part :lol:.

I went to the barbershop yesterday. My barber is a former street *****, who knows absolutely nothing outside of being a good person, hip hop, cooking, taking care of family and the streets.

I get in the shop. This ***** randomly goes on a rant about the Trump admin :rofl:. Talking about he been watching CNN lately like it's sports center or worldstar....and didn't realize how ***** up the republicans and GOP was.

I remember during the campaign, he'd make lil comments like Trump ain't all that bad....and he wouldn't vote for either candidate.

FF to now.....this ***** is hip to a lot of ****.

Honestly, Trump being entertaining and a clown has people paying closer attention to politics in general.

Yea the part of where your friend assumed Trump wasn't all bad cuz he wasn't paying attention to politics is what I've been talking about.

Some people just have to pay more attention and that'll activate the democratic base and maybe even convert some Trump supporters.
take your smug liberal hat off and put your pragmatic Democratic strategist hat on.

you've now lost all of congress, and da White House, a key constituency, da blue collar white working class as abandoned your party....2018 looks like another Democratic loss, what are you doing to win them back and take back control?
It's tough to say because there are a lot of people out there that are just like you; no matter how many times you are shown facts by more qualified individuals, you still think you are right.
Y'all still litigating the election?

Clinton lost by such a narrow margin in 3 states, trying to ascribe the reason to one single cause is a waste of time.

and if you were trying to ascribe it to one single cause the most obvious one with the most discrete mesurable impact on the polls is the Comey letter.
The key to Democratic victories in the future is driving turnout, not trying to appease rurual whites in the Rustbelt.

Anyone that read the platforms knows Hillary would be better for that region anyway.

So many things worked against Hillary, and she still almost won. Not a good sign for Trump in the future, also when you consider he straight up lied to those people.
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What cost her was all the false information and not pandering to the angry white male crowd.
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The people are woke now more than ever....we are gonna suffer with Trump, no doubt about it...but the more I think about it, the more I start to see the silver lining, the GOP can't have the people be woke and putting their every move under a magnifying glass...is gonna be great to see people start paying attention to how they elect their state leaders...if you ask me, Republicans shot themselves in the foot.
It's a mistake to ignore the rural whites again. I don't think it's that hard to bring them back to the fold. They've been promised a lot, and I don't think the gop can deliver. And the gop are going to spit in the face of the rural whites by promoting charter schools and cutting public schools at the knee.
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The key to Democratic victories in the future is driving turnout, not trying to appease rurual whites in the Rustbelt.

Agreed, that's fighting a battle you can't win. Only way to get them on your side is to denounce other working class and poor people, which is foolish. Gotta get high voter turnout and start now w/ local support.

It's a mistake to ignore the rural whites again. I don't think it's that hard to bring them back to the fold. They've been promised a lot, and I don't think the gop can deliver. And the gop are going to spit in the face of the rural whites by promoting charter schools and cutting public schools at the knee.

But they weren't really ignored this time, they were just told they were being ignored because u know, they can't possibly be having the same struggles as black and Latinos and other working poor. In fact, according to what they're being told, they actually have it worse than black and Latino citizens.

Big this is getting them to realize that they're struggle isn't any different.
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