***Official Political Discussion Thread***

They worked jobs.

White flight is too explain whites fleeing the cities for the suburbs to move away from blacks. 

Fair enough.

I'm just going off what Michelle Alexander talked about in The New Jim Crow book.

I believe her when she says poor whites were disproportionately impacted by integration.

Probably a misstep on my part of connecting it to white flight, so unlike many a NTer, I can admit if there's evidence against my claim and hold the L. :lol:
I know I'm super late. But watching this video now about some Trump supporters.

A guy on a mike is interviewing different Trump supporters.

He interviews one lady:

Interviewer: 'So is there anything Obama can do to prove to you that he's an american citizen?'

Lady: 'Well maybe if there's witnesses that were present at his birth..'

Interviewer: 'Oh you mean like his mother?'

Lady: 'Oh no no NO! The mother is a liar. She's biased.'

Interviewer:'But what about his birth certificate. Is there anyway we can convince you that the birth certificate is legit?'

Lady: 'Well, if we can get his parents to corroborate that birth certificate..'

Interviewer: 'But we just established that the parents are biased. What other way can we get to the bottom of the matter and prove the certificate is legit?'

Lady: 'But why would the parents be biased?'

Interviewer: 'I'm not saying that. I'm just using your logic against you.'

Lady: '....'

:rofl: :rofl:

Damn fam. :rofl:
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White flight was to escape living around minorities (mainly black people), not because they competed for the same job.

Many white people would rather have a longer commute to work, than live in a few black neighbors.

How were black people moving into the neighborhoods, doe?

It aint like they got reparations.

Industrialization shifted the workforce from the fields to the factories, around which cities eventually grew. In addition, the midwestern states witnessed a large influx of black southerners who fled Jim Crow. They settled where the work was. Before white suburban flight, many cities practiced redlining; middle class access to the automobile and the construstion of the interstate system made it much easier to travel further and accelerated the phenomenon.
Industrialization shifted the workforce from the fields to the factories, around which cities eventually grew. In addition, the midwestern states witnessed a large influx of black southerners who fled Jim Crow. They settled where the work was. Before white suburban flight, many cities practiced redlining; middle class access to the automobile and the construstion of the interstate system made it much easier to travel further and accelerated the phenomenon.

My initial argument was that poor white people were disproportionately impacted by integration as opposed to middle and upper class White people.

I feel like you all are treated the "white flight" part as if it were my main statement, when it was really on support of it

Before redlining, before white flight...

Black people started rolling out of slavery and into jobs that poor white people did, hence then being disproportionately impacted by integration.

Am I wrong in that statement?
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@spectatorindex: POLL: President Trump's approval rating has fallen to 40%, while disapproval has risen to 55%


Dude has managed to get to Obama's lowest-ever approval rating in 3 weeks :lol:
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Industrialization shifted the workforce from the fields to the factories, around which cities eventually grew. In addition, the midwestern states witnessed a large influx of black southerners who fled Jim Crow. They settled where the work was. Before white suburban flight, many cities practiced redlining; middle class access to the automobile and the construstion of the interstate system made it much easier to travel further and accelerated the phenomenon.

My initial argument was that poor white people were disproportionately impacted by integration as opposed to middle and upper class White people.

I feel like you all are treated the "white flight" part as if it were my main statement, when it was really on support of it

Before redlining, before white flight...

Black people started rolling out of slavery and into jobs that poor white people did, hence then being disproportionately impacted by integration.

Am I wrong in that statement?

You are not wrong regarding poor whites (the KKK was born for just this reason), and that was from integration during reconstruction. Which was focused in the South

Nowadays, that fear is extremely irrational.

"White flight" is commonly associated with middle class whites moving away for city centers and expanding suburbs after the great migration (black moving North to escape Jim Crow).
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You are not wrong regarding poor whites (the KKK was born for just this reason), and that was from integration during reconstruction. Which was focused in the South

Nowadays, that fear is extremely irrational.

"White flight" is commonly associated with middle class whites moving away for city centers and expanding suburbs after the great migration (black moving North to escape Jim Crow).

Which is what I'm getting at. That behavior really doesn't apply today so I'm wondering if most of the sentiments aren't being passed down to these people. I mean do poor whites really want to do the jobs that illegal immigrants do now? I don't think so.
Where does this level of delusion end?

White House policy adviser Stephen Miller  on Sunday insisted that the Trump administration has provided ample evidence of widespread voter fraud, an unsubstantiated claim that President Trump has said cost him the popular vote.

“The White House has provided enormous evidence with respect to voter fraud, with respect to people being registered in more than one state,” Miller told ABC’s “This Week.” 

“Dead people voting, non-citizens being registered to vote.  George, it is a fact and you will not deny it that are massive numbers of non-citizens in this country who are registered to vote.”
ABC host George Stephanopoulos specifically asked about Trump’s recent claim that voter fraud is the reason he lost in New Hampshire.
Stephanopoulos pushed back against Miller, telling him he did not provide any evidence of widespread voter fraud.

“You have provided zero evidence of the president’s claim that he would’ve won the general — the popular vote if 3 [million] to 5 million illegal immigrants hadn’t voted. Zero evidence for either one of those claims,” Stephanopoulos said.
The department of education's twitter account is already setting a fine example under DeVos.

First they spell the name of African-American academic and civil rights activist W.E.B Du Bois wrong...

Then they tweeted an apology, also containing an error 
 Both have been corrected by now.
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National security advisor Michael Flynn deactivated his twitter account but despite working in intelligence, apparently the concept of enabling proper twitter security is out of reach for many in Trump's administration. Obviously he didn't have it enabled prior to deactivating his account, but he doesn't seem to be aware that deactivating his account doesn't stop anyone from snooping at his email address.


In several minutes, I was able to completely decipher Michael Flynn's email address and confirm it.

lt* reminded me that he was a lieutenant-general, so LTG made perfect sense.

m************.*** starts with an M so I assumed it started with michael or mike. I did a quick search to see which web domains he owns.

http://www.michaeltflynn.com  is registered to him, and it fits perfectly in the email. So in around 5 minutes I was able to confirm that Trump's national security advisor's email address (lt*@m************.***) is in fact ***@mich**ltflynn.com

As evidenced by requesting a password reset for ***@mich**ltflynn.com on twitter, it is a real email address and linked to an account, undoubtedly confirming this is in fact his personal email address and is not secured through a government issued email address.

Will somebody please teach these fools how to enable extra security on their social media? 

It's really not hard.
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definitely not.

hate him or love him, Trump's message was numbingly easy to follow...to da casual political spectators, no one knew what Hillary was running on other than "I'm a woman, it's my turn" or "ya loved Bill Clinton, I'm his wife"

I clown on ninjahood but damn, I wish that the DNC would read every word of his post here.

If you want to do things to help racial and gender minorities, you got to win and you win by talking about jobs and other kitchen table issues.
But many of the ones who vote republican in middle America weren't really affected by integration. Just like they don't have to really worry about Muslims or Mexican immigrants. They use that as an excuse, for every one black person in some random town in S.Dakota, there's 1000000 white people
I thought that was where the term "white flight" came from... White folks moving away from certain areas b/c black people were starting to compete for the same jobs and move into the same neighborhoods?

Look, it's pretty clear that the "angry, uneducated white factory worker in South Dakota" is the shining example of a Trump supporter.

That's understood.

But those "flyover" states aren't the only ones that voted for him.

There are still a lot of poor people in the South that live right next to black people and compete w/ them for jobs. Before jobs were going overseas and to immigrants, they were going to black people.
White flight was to escape living around minorities (mainly black people), not because they competed for the same job.

Many white people would rather have a longer commute to work, than live in a few black neighbors.
For its impact on property values, White Flight becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy of sorts.  

Think about the purportedly "race neutral" concerns of those who engage in White Flight:  
  • Socioeconomic status
  • Crime
  • Decline in nearby schools
If a substantial portion of homeowners in a neighborhood all choose to list or leave their houses at once - and White buyers/tenants will be uninterested in or "steered" away from those homes by realtors - what's going to happen to the property values?

Schools are generally funded via property taxes.  Vacant homes and plummeting property values can effectively undermine or sabotage a neighborhood.  

While the "tipping point," or the percentage of non-White neighbors that spurs White Flight, varies by time and place, a 2008 study by David Card, Alexandre Max, and Jesse Rothstein identified tipping points from just 5-20% - which is substantially lower than those identified during the earliest research on the subject in the 1950's.  (A famous study conducted by the Chicago Housing Authority found that White Flight was triggered when a neighborhood became 1/3 Black.)

This isn't an historical relic.  There are still people who will say, "there goes the neighborhood" if just one in twenty of their erstwhile White neighbors is replaced by a person of color.  It's worth noting that home ownership remains the largest source of inter-generational wealth for most Americans.  (The subprime mortgage crisis effected the single largest loss of Black wealth in history.)  

And let's not pretend that the "school choice" movement is unrelated to White Flight. 
This is the infuriating part to me. You don't even interact with the group of others a lot of times on a daily basis, yet can be convinced so easily that they're the problem and why you aren't getting ahead in life. It's just pure stupidity and bigotry in its purest form. They don't even follow their own bootstrap philosophy.
The lack of contact is what drives the irrational fear.

If you grow up around muslims you realize they some regular *** people, in fact probably have a lot in common with white, conservative, religious voters.
Psychologist Gordon Allport developed "contact theory", which he presented in The Nature of Prejudice.  He explained that,
“prejudice (unless deeply rooted in the character structure of the individual) may be reduced by equal status contact between majority and minority groups in the pursuit of common goals.  The effect is greatly enhanced if this contact is sanctioned by institutional supports (i.e., by law, custom or local atmosphere), and provided it is of a sort that leads to the perception of common interests and common humanity between members of the two groups."
Allport's work was incorporated into the "social science statement" signed by 32 respected social scientists, which was submitted to the Court in Brown v. Board.

There's an old axiom on race relations in the US that states, "In the South, the White man doesn’t care how close you get, as long as you don’t get too high. In the North, he doesn’t care how high you get, as long as you don’t get too close.”  Interracial contact is not, per theory, beneficial unless it is equal status, in pursuit of common goals, institutionally sanctioned, and aligned so as to develop social ties such as common interests and the recognition of shared humanity.

The integration of the armed forces was hailed as such a context for positive interracial contact.  In a more contemporary context, the same has been said of organized sports.

Schools, however, have long been considered our greatest hope.  Much of what we learn in school is social rather than academic.  Ideally, schools should prepare students to live and work in our diverse contemporary world.  Yet virtually all desegregation efforts, past and present, have faced a steady and withering assault.  

On the subject of code and dog whistles, "school choice" is right up there.  
You are not wrong regarding poor whites (the KKK was born for just this reason), and that was from integration during reconstruction. Which was focused in the South

Nowadays, that fear is extremely irrational.

"White flight" is commonly associated with middle class whites moving away for city centers and expanding suburbs after the great migration (black moving North to escape Jim Crow).

Which is what I'm getting at. That behavior really doesn't apply today so I'm wondering if most of the sentiments aren't being passed down to these people. I mean do poor whites really want to do the jobs that illegal immigrants do now? I don't think so.

Of course they don't, they just need someone to blame for their lack of flourish. It's like they dude who misses the big shot to win the game and blames the refs, teammates, etc for him not being clutch.

They certainly ignore automation which is a big contributor to their lack of jobs. That and the fact that they are holding onto the past instead of evolving for the future.

Industrialization shifted the workforce from the fields to the factories, around which cities eventually grew. In addition, the midwestern states witnessed a large influx of black southerners who fled Jim Crow. They settled where the work was. Before white suburban flight, many cities practiced redlining; middle class access to the automobile and the construstion of the interstate system made it much easier to travel further and accelerated the phenomenon.

My initial argument was that poor white people were disproportionately impacted by integration as opposed to middle and upper class White people.

I feel like you all are treated the "white flight" part as if it were my main statement, when it was really on support of it

Before redlining, before white flight...

Black people started rolling out of slavery and into jobs that poor white people did, hence then being disproportionately impacted by integration.

Am I wrong in that statement?

Not wrong, just missing a point. After slavery, black people were sharecroppers. Doing the same work that they previously did, except this time, they did it for very little pay. U have those that migrated north, but the jobs were still scarce and limited to what they were already doing, servants, nannies, helping hands, etc. As many black people started seeking higher education and learning new skills, whites of the same economic status coasted thinking they'll never lose their job to a ******.

Black people created Black Wall Street, doctors, lawyers, schools, transportation, etc. out of necessity, whites in the same economic status didn't.

Working class whites will argue that people are taking THEIR jobs, but 1. it's not their jobs, and 2. most of the jobs taken are things they don't want to do anyway e.g. shoe shining, picking fruit, grounds work.

We can't ignore the power that unions had too. Most of the solid jobs were union held and we all know that black people weren't allowed in those unions....so how did they "take" those jobs?
With regards to Michael Flynn, the information I posted above could also pose a security risk for the Trump administration.

***@mich**ltflynn.com is obviously not a government issued email, and given how easily I was able to retrieve the partially censored email address from his deactivated twitter account and decipher it, I'm certainly not the only one with that kind of information.

It's unclear if this email address was used for any other purposes besides being linked to his personal twitter account or the nature of communications (if any) that have been conducted with it. What we do know is that Michael Flynn has security clearance and is a close advisor to president Trump. That alone makes that email address a prime target for state sponsored hackers. The Intercept ran a story a while ago about Trump not having proper security enabled on his personal twitter account either, and that he had a gmail address linked to it along with others in his administration such as Sean Spicer. Not long after that article was published, those accounts have enabled proper security and now presumably have government issued emails tied to them. The exception is the @POTUS twitter account, which still allows you to see 2 partially censored email addresses linked to it but they are at least government issued by the looks of it.

I have forwarded the information about Michael Flynn to the journalist who published that article on The Intercept, requesting that he either forwards it to the Trump administration so they can correct the security flaw, or publish it and alert the administration by proxy if that is not an option.
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