***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Trump's biggest mistake may be messing with the stoners. If he messes with folks weed he gonna have all the stores out there voting
I don't want anyone to be incarcerated over a plant but maaaaaybe the cannabis community needed this reminder that they and their drug of choice is far from the mainstream.

It was funny and sad to see all these stoners decided that because there was recreation marijuana in like three States that smoking a joint was just as legal as drinking whiskey. They were really getting haughty and egging on the establishment to lock up opioid users and sellers. As soon as it looked like their drug of choice was about to legalized, the pot heads started to cheer on the rest of the war on drugs.

Maybe this will bring some of the pot only legalizers back to Earth and we can eventually work out a State and Federal, legislative based and universal end to the war on Drugs and not these fleeting, ad hoc and separate deals for cannabis users.
Why y'all tripping on Jenner? Because she's only stepping in when it impacts her?

she's doing something that the majority of humans on earth do.

Do y'all even people?
because we told people repeatedly during the election who donald trump was.

everyone who still supported him during the election is a ******* fraud and deserves to be ridiculed, especially when they just now are acting surprised that trump is the **** boy we always said he was. i don't care if it was the pope. all these people deserve to be publicly shamed for what they have done.


That said, props to anyone who admits their mistake. After the requisite shaming, we will welcome you with open arms. Even my list-making boy, Rico.
Or he could be doing his job? Wait to play ******* golf on the weekend.

Flashback Friday to when blco said Obama golfed a lot


Reading back on his posts....everything he criticized Obama about is quite hilarious as Trump does it x100
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-Fascism is actually a far right wing system of government

-But by your logic then, isn't less government on the road to anarchy?

Fascism is a far left system of government. Like Hitler. A huge, all powerful central government is facism. Conservatives want less government, not more. We want more freedom, not less.

Oh look, more blco delusion
I don't want anyone to be incarcerated over a plant but maaaaaybe the cannabis community needed this reminder that they and their drug of choice is far from the mainstream.

It was funny and sad to see all these stoners decided that because there was recreation marijuana in like three States that smoking a joint was just as legal as drinking whiskey. They were really getting haughty and egging on the establishment to lock up opioid users and sellers. As soon as it looked like their drug of choice was about to legalized, the pot heads started to cheer on the rest of the war on drugs.

Maybe this will bring some of the pot only legalizers back to Earth and we can eventually work out a State and Federal, legislative based and universal end to the war on Drugs and not these fleeting, ad hoc and separate deals for cannabis users.

the problem is non-cannabis users think cocaine, heroin and, now, pills are in the same discussion.............to quote juelz from pulp fiction, "it ain't even the same sport, it ain't even in the same ****** universe."

I'm sure trump supports monopolization of grow sites in medicinal states, tho


will continue to support my local farmers.

Whataboutism  is a term describing a propaganda technique  used by the Soviet Union  in its dealings with the Western world  during the Cold War. When criticisms were leveled at the Soviet Union, the response would be "What about..." followed by the naming of an event in the Western world.  It represents a case of tu quoque  (appeal to hypocrisy), a logical fallacy  which attempts to discredit the opponent's position by asserting the opponent's failure to act consistently in accordance with that position, without directly refuting or disproving the opponent's initial argument.

The term describing the technique was popularized in 2008 by Edward Lucas  in an article for The Economist. Lucas said that this tactic is observed in the politics of modern Russia, along with this being evidence of a resurgence of Cold War and Soviet-era mentality within Russia's leadership.
Sound familiar? 
Trump's biggest mistake may be messing with the stoners. If he messes with folks weed he gonna have all the stores out there voting

I'm saying. Market on the rise then we get this bigot Sessions in office who says 'disrupting states marijuana markets by enforcing federal marijuana laws could create a strain on federal resources. But he said he “won’t commit to never enforcing the law.”

First Trump says he will leave it up to the states appoints Sessions and now they want to enforce. Seems like this is Sessions doing.

If they do start to enforce this going to get good, they having a hard time enforcing states to enforce the travel ban so I can only imagine what's going to happen when they try to come after states like Alaska, Colorado, California.


I don't want anyone to be incarcerated over a plant but maaaaaybe the cannabis community needed this reminder that they and their drug of choice is far from the mainstream.

It was funny and sad to see all these stoners decided that because there was recreation marijuana in like three States that smoking a joint was just as legal as drinking whiskey. They were really getting haughty and egging on the establishment to lock up opioid users and sellers. As soon as it looked like their drug of choice was about to legalized, the pot heads started to cheer on the rest of the war on drugs.

Maybe this will bring some of the pot only legalizers back to Earth and we can eventually work out a State and Federal, legislative based and universal end to the war on Drugs and not these fleeting, ad hoc and separate deals for cannabis users.

IDK my man. It says that the %60 of US support legalization


That said, props to anyone who admits their mistake. After the requisite shaming, we will welcome you with open arms. Even my list-making boy, Rico.

FOH they set us back hella time
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Y'all really didn't see this coming?

Trump wants to dismantle state rights. Of course this is the perfect opportunity.

Glad I live in New York and I didn't forget how to dodge the fuzz.
Y'all really didn't see this coming?

Trump wants to dismantle state rights. Of course this is the perfect opportunity.

Glad I live in New York and I didn't forget how to dodge the fuzz.

You'll have to PM the concerned, cuz they've stopped showing up here.

Also, it's President Bannon.
the problem is non-cannabis users think cocaine, heroin and, now, pills are in the same discussion.............to quote juelz from pulp fiction, "it ain't even the same sport, it ain't even in the same ****** universe."

They are in the same discussion from a legal and policy stand point. Cannabis and those other narcotics, that you mentioned, are illegal on the Federal level (certain pain medications are legal with a prescription but for those who are poor or of color, those prescriptions are almost impossible to get, no matter how much pain you are suffering).

The whole notion of imprisoning people (or forcing them to be "rehabilitated" under the threat of imprisonment) because of what drugs they choose to buy, possess and consume is absurd.

Trying to carve out a special niche in the War on Drugs for cannabis is not a winning strategy because the war on drugs was never about promoting health or preventing addiction in the first place.

IDK my man. It says that the %60 of US support legalization


That still means that two out of every five people want to imprison you for what you put in your body.

When it comes to the policy discussions about drugs, the whole premise of the war on Drugs needs to be torn down instead of trying to persuade the public of how healthy cannabis consumption might be. The war on drugs was not started to promote good public health outcomes. The war on drugs exists as a pretext for policing the lives of certain political and demographic groups of people.
I don't want anyone to be incarcerated over a plant but maaaaaybe the cannabis community needed this reminder that they and their drug of choice is far from the mainstream.

It was funny and sad to see all these stoners decided that because there was recreation marijuana in like three States that smoking a joint was just as legal as drinking whiskey. They were really getting haughty and egging on the establishment to lock up opioid users and sellers. As soon as it looked like their drug of choice was about to legalized, the pot heads started to cheer on the rest of the war on drugs.

Maybe this will bring some of the pot only legalizers back to Earth and we can eventually work out a State and Federal, legislative based and universal end to the war on Drugs and not these fleeting, ad hoc and separate deals for cannabis users.

Nah marijuana is mainstream, problem is, the people running this country are from the era of hippie hating. That and the fact that it cuts into big pharma's pockets because it helps ease the pain for those dealing w/ harsh illnesses like cancer. Big pharma lobbies hard to get their way.

And, most of the idiots still see marijuana as a gateway drug to harder things like coke, meth, etc.
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And, most of the idiots still see marijuana as a gateway drug to harder things like coke, meth, etc.
I have always thought that weed is a gateway drug when you are purchasing it off the street.  My reasoning was that throughout my life I have found that the guys I buy weed off of are usually the ones that introduce the 'harder' drugs.  I think if weed was purchased legally, the smokers would not have that gateway to the other drugs. 
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