***Official Political Discussion Thread***


Cozy up with Russia while antagonizing China,sounds strategic...

China probably doesn't buy that the missile defense systems are strictly for NK
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Our news just aired Ben Carson's awful comments too

My mom was sitting there with a look of pure disgust and baffled that this was coming from Carson instead of some KKK member 

Check out the portrait behind him :lol: :lol:


The salary of the Azerbaijani minister of Transportation is $12k a year, yet he is a billionaire. :lol:


That's the article she mentions in her segment.

Not to mention the whole Rosneft deal...I bet there are journalists are trying to connect the dots on all of these other shady dealings and COI's as well as working to shed light on Russiagate. This regime has got potential scandals for days man :lol:
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This guy... 

 [h1]Donald Trump blames Barack Obama over Russia's annexation of Crimea[/h1]
President also claims without evidence his predecessor was responsible for 122 'vicious prisoners' released from Guantanamo Bay returning to the battlefield

US President Donald Trump  has blamed Barack Obama  for allowing Russia to annex Crimea.

"For eight years Russia 'ran over' President Obama, got stronger and stronger, picked-off Crimea and added missiles. Weak!" the President tweeted.

In earlier tweets, Mr Trump claimed without evidence  the Obama administration was responsible for 122 "vicious prisoners" released from Guantanamo Bay returning to the battlefield.

It is not the first time Mr Trump has accused Mr Obama of allowing Russia to take Crimea. 

"Crimea was TAKEN by Russia during the Obama Administration. Was Obama too soft on Russia?" the US president tweeted last month.

It came as Russia insisted it did not intend to return Crimea to Ukraine after the White House said Mr Trump expected the annexed Black Sea peninsula to be returned.

Moscow said an overwhelming majority of Crimeans voted to become part of Russia in a 2014 referendum wanting protection from what the Kremlin cast as an illegal coup in Kiev.

However, Ukraine said the referendum was a sham held at gunpoint after Russian troops illegally annexed the peninsula, that Russia-friendly president Viktor Yanukovych was ousted by people power, and that Moscow should return Crimea.

The 2014 annexation prompted the United States and the European Union to impose sanctions on Russia, plunging Western relations with the Kremlin to their worst level since the Cold War.

Check out the portrait behind him :lol: :lol:


The salary of the Azerbaijani minister of Transportation is $12k a year, yet he is a billionaire. :lol:


That's the article she mentions in her segment.

Not to mention the whole Rosneft deal...I bet there are journalists are trying to connect the dots on all of these other shady dealings and COI's as well as working to shed light on Russiagate. This regime has got potential scandals for days man :lol:

The Baku hotel story has just as strong legs as the Florida mansion purchase, if not stronger.

Under the FCPA, an American company is supposed to make sure that their foreign partners are not involved in corruption, and it was the most enforced act last year. A luxury bag maker went to jail for this, and he did less than what the Trump Org appears to be doing.
Trump can't keep Obeezy's name out his mouth. Ish is getting old. Is he gonna be talking about him his entire 4 years?
Dude must be feeling insecure after Obeezy came back from vacation with the glo up :lol:. Dude still has the juice while tiny hands' regime is in disarray
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Trump knows his die hard supporters HATE Obama and enjoy when he throws slander at him so he gon keep at it anytime he feels like he wants/needs positive attention...mentioning Obama is just one of the cheap tricks Trump has in his bag
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Quoting to make sure people here watch this.

This is real news we should pay more attention to than whatever diversion drumpf throws at the media.


For folks unaware of the "fertilizer king" and the Wilbur Ross connection check the Maddow vid I posted a page back.
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Check out the portrait behind him :lol: :lol:


The salary of the Azerbaijani minister of Transportation is $12k a year, yet he is a billionaire. :lol:


That's the article she mentions in her segment.

Not to mention the whole Rosneft deal...I bet there are journalists are trying to connect the dots on all of these other shady dealings and COI's as well as working to shed light on Russiagate. This regime has got potential scandals for days man :lol:

The Baku hotel story has just as strong legs as the Florida mansion purchase, if not stronger.

Under the FCPA, an American company is supposed to make sure that their foreign partners are not involved in corruption, and it was the most enforced act last year. A luxury bag maker went to jail for this, and he did less than what the Trump Org appears to be doing.

And it just gets better:


No sex under any circumstances.

That's what one local rights group is advising visitors to Azerbaijan's capital, Baku, for the Eurovision Song Contest there next week.

The group, Azad Genclik Teskilati (Free Youth), claims "hidden cameras are installed on the premises of all...hotels without exception," and that footage made with the cameras "can later be used against tourists for blackmail."

The corporate headquarters of major international hotels in Baku have given assurances that they have policies in place to protect guests' privacy.

But the concerns arose after hidden cameras were used in some Azerbaijani hotels to make secret sex videos of opposition journalists and critics of Azerbaijan's government -- violating their right to privacy in an attempt to blackmail them and silence dissent.

In one case, a video of two opposition journalists engaged in sexual acts was later broadcast on a television channel owned by a cousin of Azerbaijan's President Ilham Aliyev.

Article is from 2012.

Even if he doesn't make the tax returns public, Trump owes the American people an investigation into who he is and what he is doing.

Also, remember that the GOP repealed the law that required US companies to disclose payments received from foreign entities...
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Ben Carson put the public service announcement out yesterday that there can only be one Uncle Tom in this administration.

David Clarke is about to go hard to one up him now.

Several Breitbart News staffers have accused their employer of having a financial agreement with Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump in exchange for favorable campaign coverage, according to a new Buzzfeedreport.

Citing four sources with “knowledge of the situation,” Buzzfeed reports that many editors and writers at the outlet believe Mr. Trump has provided undisclosed financial backing to the outlet.

One current editor alleged that an executive confirmed the arrangement last year. Another staffer said he had heard something similar but couldn’t provide further details. A third staffer said he knew of “several instances” when managers had overruled editors on Mr. Trump’s orders.

“Additionally, a conservative communications operative who works closely with Breitbart described conversations in which ‘multiple writers and editors’ said Trump was paying for the ability to shape coverage, and added that one staffer claimed to have seen documentation of the ‘pay for play,’” Buzzfeed reported.
President Carson showed us exactly why 2020 will be his time. He's already thrown a not so subtle shot out to the imposters that there is only room for one shucking and jiving dude and if you think he's not going to be that dude, you better bring a gun to the inevitable knife fight.
Aint no way Donald Trump paying money to breitbart, he's dumb but he aint that dumb. he built his whole life on manipulating the media, why would he start paying for it now? Thats like a drug dealer getting high on his own supply.

Fax of life

Stories like that are what folks point to as fake news.

It may be true, but hearsay from four employees? Gotta have a little bit more to go on than that.

WaPo needs to take an L for that one.
Fax of life

Stories like that are what folks point to as fake news.

It may be true, but hearsay from four employees? Gotta have a little bit more to go on than that.

WaPo needs to take an L for that one.
it was the Washington Times that posted the article not the Post 
We really can't lose sight of how bad Paul Ryan is out here ******* up.

He revealed himself as the complete moron we all new he was.

Mother ****** had SEVEN YEARS to figure this **** out, SEVEN YEARS of *****ING AND MOANING.

and he releases a politically toxic healthcare bill

1. that alienates a KEY republican votin bloc (old people)
2. Makes insurance worse for basically everyone
3. the ONLY things it does well is cut taxes for rich people.
4. oh and the contious coverage penalty incentives young people to NEVER get insurance unless they are sick.

Paul Ryan is so dumb it hurts, and we all had sit here for years AND PRETEND that he was some intellectual policy wonk. I'll never get those years of my life back. :x :x
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