***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Fax of life

Stories like that are what folks point to as fake news.

It may be true, but hearsay from four employees? Gotta have a little bit more to go on than that.

WaPo needs to take an L for that one.

it was the Washington Times that posted the article not the Post 

And the Times is a right leaning paper.

Also, that was from 2015.

"just wait till we get back to the room
......CHelle looking righteous

I know ma boy Barry got his hulk smash on that night
We really can't lose sight of how bad Paul Ryan is out here ******* up.

He revealed himself as the complete moron we all new he was.

Mother ****** had SEVEN YEARS to figure this **** out, SEVEN YEARS of *****ING AND MOANING.

and he releases a politically toxic healthcare bill

1. that alienates a KEY republican votin bloc (old people)
2. Makes insurance worse for basically everyone
3. the ONLY things it does well is cut taxes for rich people.
4. oh and the contious coverage penalty incentives young people to NEVER get insurance unless they are sick.

Paul Ryan is so dumb it hurts, and we all had sit here for years AND PRETEND that he was some intellectual policy wonk. I'll never get those years of my life back. :x :x
Cant say im suprised cuz i already knew the Republicans hated Obamas plan just cuz of the messenger...they werent savvy enough to have something halfway decent in place but instead just basically going back to how it used to be but its even worse now because rational ppl done seen a better health care plan for the past couple years :lol: :smh: ...all those ppl who acted like they didnt care bout healthcare cuz of their jobs better hope they dont lose that work or its nothing for them till they find another job

And you right about young adults, right back to not even thinking bout health insurance
I would just like to point out that I was calling Paul Ryan an idiot for years now. Back when dudes wanted to give the GOP a chance, I was saying they were full of ****. Dudes called me partisan, and stubborn and all kinds of ****.

But Paul Ryan just proved me right yesterday. Not that I am some political wonk, but this finesse move should have been easy to spot.

They GOP been **** on policy for a minute.
so are we to believe that the timing of the wikileaks release of CIA documents is not related at all to trump's recent meltdown?
I hope everyone in here realizes that a botched roll out of health care more likley to put Trump out of office then any wild Russian conspiracy theory?

I would just like to point out that I was calling Paul Ryan an idiot for years now. Back when dudes wanted to give the GOP a chance, I was saying they were full of ****. Dudes called me partisan, and stubborn and all kinds of ****.

But Paul Ryan just proved me right yesterday. Not that I am some political wonk, but this finesse move should have been easy to spot.

They GOP been **** on policy for a minute.

I mean.... knew his whole steeze was a jux, I always thought that he was dumb but but man 'm not sure I realized he was THIS dumb?

the right hates it, the left hates it, so what was the point of all of this? if you want to cut taxes just do it, no need to repeal obamacare and engadge your party in a nighmare hellride with ZERO upside. :lol:
^ not sure people have went through them all but basically that the CIA has a lot of technology for spying on people.

trump is wikileaking his pants right now.
so are we to believe that the timing of the wikileaks release of CIA documents is not related at all to trump's recent meltdown?

Sounds like some good old dezinformatsiya meant to lend credence to Il Douches claims about Obama...
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Spying tech capabilities.
Apparently, they have the ability to turn any electronic device connected to the internet into listening/data collecting devices.
Hardly surprising.

What was in the CIA leaks?

Spying tech capabilities.
Apparently, they have the ability to turn any electronic device connected to the internet into listening/data collecting devices.
I was reading an excerpt that highlighted Samsung TVs being able to record conversations and send them directly to the CIA. Crazy technology out there. Drumpf ain't getting off that easy though.
Is it still a coincidence that Wikileaks has yet to release anything portraying 45 in a negative light yet?

Also no way is the man paying Breitbart :lol:,he has one of their senior execs in the WH inner circle as one of his puppetmasters. The positive press from them comes with it :lol:
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^ not sure people have went through them all but basically that the CIA has a lot of technology for spying on people.

trump is wikileaking his pants right now.

Trump doesn't care about this. If anything, it makes him seem more credible about his stupid tweets about being wiretapped.

Also, Obama said he would let the public know about such events before. He either lied to the public, or he did not know about it. Either way, this news is probably making trump happy today.
^ the people in power couldn't care less about something more than 4 years away. They don't care about the future (unless it relates to their own personal wealth)
The White House supposedly thinks this makes the new bill look good:


Anyone that knows anything about the Health insurance industry probably see this as a huge negative.
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