***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I wonder how this is going to affect urgent care clinics. I've noticed a whole crap load of them have popped up in recent years. Imagine them clinics close down due to lack of business and people are forced to do long lines at the ER again.
I wonder how this is going to affect urgent care clinics. I've noticed a whole crap load of them have popped up in recent years. Imagine them clinics close down due to lack of business and people are forced to do long lines at the ER again.
This is basically what I took from a lot of what I've read today. They couldn't care less for those with limited options.
I remember even as recent as four years ago. I sprained my ankle and I needed an X ray. I waited two hours or more in the ER for that crap.

Now, I can have that x ray done in ten minutes at an urgent care ten minutes from my house.

Lol sigh...

You hustling backwards, America
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im guessing this wikileaks CIA nonsense was published today to discredit an upcoming story.

giving info about our intelligence to our enemies, they gotta get these clowns outta there,

if they cant keep their memos from getting out i really doubt they arent giving little secrets in exchange for w/e they want.
How can a Republican in this country have even the faintest trace of self-respect, intellectual amd moral self-worth?

It's embarrassing. Just throw away your dignity in the name of bigotry and classism?

It's disgusting man.


People been doing this since classes were invented.



How can a Republican in this country have even the faintest trace of self-respect, intellectual amd moral self-worth?

It's embarrassing. Just throw away your dignity in the name of bigotry and classism?

It's disgusting man.


People been doing this since classes were invented.


That's neither an acceptable or reasonable defense.

It's 2017, not feudal Europe.

Republicans have always been ethically despicable but the rate they've regressed since 2008 shouldn't just be chalked up to, "that's the way things are."
These same folks masquerading as Christians too, don't forget that :smh:
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That's neither an acceptable or reasonable defense.

It's 2017, not feudal Europe.

Republicans have always been ethically despicable but the rate they've regressed since 2008 shouldn't just be chalked up to, "that's the way things are."

My g, just cuz its not reasonable or acceptable to you doesn't make it any less true.

You asked a question, I answered it with the truth.

If you don't want to accept that, then cool.

That's neither an acceptable or reasonable defense.

It's 2017, not feudal Europe.

Republicans have always been ethically despicable but the rate they've regressed since 2008 shouldn't just be chalked up to, "that's the way things are."

My g, just cuz its not reasonable or acceptable to you doesn't make it any less true.

You asked a question, I answered it with the truth.

If you don't want to accept that, then cool.

I don't know why you have such a strong desire to be a **** for Republicans man. Your contrarian schtick isn't intellectual, I don't know why you think it is.

I didnt deny that people have acted on hate and bigotry throughout human history. Stop being obtuse.

Human history isn't a defense of abhor worthy behavior, and it certainly doesn't account for said behavior worsening, which should be a real issue of concern to every American.

Sit down. I asked a rhetorical question, no need to get your dancing shoes on just to run your little devils advocate game. A figure of speech that's figuratively fitting in more ways than one in your specific case.
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Nunes said his committee planned public hearings as part of its Russia probe, beginning with one on March 20 at which Federal Bureau of Investigation Director James Comey and Admiral Mike Rogers, director of the National Security Agency, were called to testify.

Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, former Central Intelligence Agency Director John Brennan and former acting Attorney General Sally Yates were also invited.

Nunes said the panel would not issue subpoenas for that hearing. "But if we have to, we will subpoena all information that is pertinent to this investigation if people either ... don't want to appear or if the appropriate agencies do not provide the information we ask for."

Schiff addressed speculation that the issue was too partisan for Congress to conduct a credible investigation. "To be honest, we don't know yet. I can't say for certain that will be possible," he said at news briefing several hours after Nunes'.


Speaker Paul Ryan said he could guarantee that he had enough votes to win passage of the measure in the House, adding that conservatives should be excited about the plan to repeal and replace Democratic former President Barack Obama's signature domestic policy achievement.

But conservatives slammed the proposal, with Utah Republican Senator Mike Lee calling it "exactly the type of back-room dealing and rushed process that we criticized Democrats for."

Trump said the plan was open to negotiation but said it had already earned support "from everybody." Vice President Mike Pence described it as a "framework," signaling it was far from its final form, and Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price called it "a work in progress."

The proposal represented a key step toward carrying out pledges by Trump and congressional Republicans to dismantle Obamacare.

But lawmakers face pressure from constituents not to throw America's healthcare system into chaos, and some conservatives complained the bill did not go far enough in removing government from the healthcare industry. Republican Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky decried it as "Obamacare Lite."

Democrats denounced the proposal, saying it would take away health insurance from millions of Americans and benefit the rich.

Conservative groups including Heritage Action for America, the Club for Growth, Americans for Prosperity and Freedom Partners, backed by the billionaire Republican donor Koch brothers, urged its defeat for different reasons.

The Club for Growth derided it as "RyanCare" and a "warmed-over substitute for government-run healthcare."

"We think you have to get rid of Obamacare completely," said conservative Republican Representative Jim Jordan of Ohio, who announced plans to introduce his own bill to repeal Obamacare on Wednesday, the same day that House committees begin debating and considering amendments on the Republican plan.

Conservative opponents said the legislation maintains some Obamacare regulations and mandates that have caused rising insurance prices, creates a new entitlement in the form of tax credits and fails to embrace free-market ideals.
^the Republican Party doesn't know what to do with the power they have been given. All they know is how to attack, not how to govern.
Is a GOP civil war in the works? :nerd:

@costareports: Trump told House Rs today in a mtg that GOP would face "bloodbath" in 2018 if they don't succeed on HC, per WH off. First reported by CNN.

I still fully expect all the tough talking Republicans to dutifully bend the knee in due time once 45 huffs and puffs but it'd be interesting if they stuck to their principals because there seems to be a broad and powerful coalition on the right (Koch bros, Heritage foundation etc) who also think the bill is terrible.
I don't know why you have such a strong desire to be a **** for Republicans man. Your contrarian schtick isn't intellectual, I don't know why you think it is.

I didnt deny that people have acted on hate and bigotry throughout human history. Stop being obtuse.

Human history isn't a defense of abhor worthy behavior, and it certainly doesn't account for said behavior worsening, which should be a real issue of concern to every American.

Sit down. I asked a rhetorical question, no need to get your dancing shoes on just to run your little devils advocate game. A figure of speech that's figuratively fitting in more ways than one in your specific case.


Not glorifying every move Democrats make = I'm a **** for repubs

Unrustle your jimmies. You asked a dumb *** question.

You're a smart guy. You'll bounce back from it.
Ryan is trying to get the bill passed before the CBO can score it. :rofl: :rofl:

This *** is terrified.

Btw, even Trump knows what is on the line......


Hill Republicans are the ones acting with common sense here :lol:


A couple key GOP senators, on background, tell me the WH and Ryan are rushing on HC, in their view. "They're acting like it's an omnibus!"

Several Sen Rs privately telling leadership that they would prefer to take months on health care, shrug off Trump's desire for rapid pace.
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I don't know why you have such a strong desire to be a **** for Republicans man. Your contrarian schtick isn't intellectual, I don't know why you think it is.

I didnt deny that people have acted on hate and bigotry throughout human history. Stop being obtuse.

Human history isn't a defense of abhor worthy behavior, and it certainly doesn't account for said behavior worsening, which should be a real issue of concern to every American.

Sit down. I asked a rhetorical question, no need to get your dancing shoes on just to run your little devils advocate game. A figure of speech that's figuratively fitting in more ways than one in your specific case.


Not glorifying every move Democrats make = I'm a **** for repubs

Unrustle your jimmies. You asked a dumb *** question.

You're a smart guy. You'll bounce back from it.

His question was clearly rhetorical though, and was not even directed at you.

So why take issue? That exactly the thing you claim to have such a problem with me for doing.

Seems like you're the one doing too much.
I don't see folks glorifying Dems like that either tbf, the post-election discussion was filled with critiquing them and breaking down all the ways they failed voters and in turn the country. If anything,now most people just want a formidable resistance to Trump and Dems are the best chance at that as things stand.
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Ryan is trying to get the bill passed before the CBO can score it. :rofl: :rofl:

This *** is terrified.

Btw, even Trump knows what is on the line......


Hill Republicans are the ones acting with common sense here :lol:


A couple key GOP senators, on background, tell me the WH and Ryan are rushing on HC, in their view. "They're acting like it's an omnibus!"

Several Sen Rs privately telling leadership that they would prefer to take months on health care, shrug off Trump's desire for rapid pace


The ACA had months of debates, compromises, got scored, and beat a Filibuster. These fools had 7 years and are trying to jam through a bill the wrote during two all nighters. :lol:

But both the parties are the same, right? :lol:
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