***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I don't know why you have such a strong desire to be a **** for Republicans man. Your contrarian schtick isn't intellectual, I don't know why you think it is.

I didnt deny that people have acted on hate and bigotry throughout human history. Stop being obtuse.

Human history isn't a defense of abhor worthy behavior, and it certainly doesn't account for said behavior worsening, which should be a real issue of concern to every American.

Sit down. I asked a rhetorical question, no need to get your dancing shoes on just to run your little devils advocate game. A figure of speech that's figuratively fitting in more ways than one in your specific case.


I don't know why you have such a strong desire to be a **** for Republicans man. Your contrarian schtick isn't intellectual, I don't know why you think it is.

I didnt deny that people have acted on hate and bigotry throughout human history. Stop being obtuse.

Human history isn't a defense of abhor worthy behavior, and it certainly doesn't account for said behavior worsening, which should be a real issue of concern to every American.

Sit down. I asked a rhetorical question, no need to get your dancing shoes on just to run your little devils advocate game. A figure of speech that's figuratively fitting in more ways than one in your specific case.


Not glorifying every move Democrats make = I'm a **** for repubs

Unrustle your jimmies. You asked a dumb *** question.

You're a smart guy. You'll bounce back from it.

No offense but you've always been one of those "smart" dumb guys, it's not a surprise that you don't get it.

I didn't ask a dumb question, I asked an obviously rhetorical question that's in line with a very, very, common sentiment right now. Disbelief at how Republicans can live with themselves.

You clearly don't know what a rhetorical question is, evident by your reply to Rusty. :lol:

Again sit down. No one's rustled, just pointing out blatant **** behavior from you. :smh:

I gotta point my dude to his own thread:


You're a smart dude, just think it through sometimes.
^ Trump is just going to say that since the hospitals are against it, it must be a good plan because they are so profitable right now.
Hospitals are against it because they will lose patients and revenue, they will have to lay off their employees, and they will become unprofitable and close. There are areas of the country where most of the population is old and relies on the federal government to get healthcare. Take that away, and the life expectancy of Americans, many local economies powered by the health sector, and the general standard of living will plummet.

The GOP is not grounded in reality.
AARP also highlights a provision in the American Health Care Act allowing insurance companies to charge patients in their 50s and early 60s up to five times more than younger policy holders. Under current rules put in place by ObamaCare, those fees are capped at a three-to-one ratio.

“Older Americans need affordable health care services and prescriptions. This plan goes in the opposite direction, increasing insurance premiums for older Americans and not doing anything to lower drug costs,” she continued.

“AARP stands ready to work with both parties on legislation that puts Americans first, not the special interests,” the group said.

The GOP is sooooo far removed from the average american experience its not even funny :x :smh:

We still need so much done in the realm of political finance reform, until that happens I really can't see anything changing. They will always find a way to spin it to their bum **** base who will eat it up word for word even though they're hurting themselves. Its sick. If your not a corporation shelling out $$ to these guys they don't give a flying **** about you.
Obeezy watching Trump destroy the country while getting some Michelle yams like
The GOP is sooooo far removed from the average american experience its not even funny :x :smh:

We still need so much done in the realm of political finance reform, until that happens I really can't see anything changing. They will always find a way to spin it to their bum **** base who will eat it up word for word even though they're hurting themselves. Its sick. If your not a corporation shelling out $$ to these guys they don't give a flying **** about you.
All they gotta do is play the race card and tell them the blacks, muslims, and Mexicans are out to get them and take their jobs. I don't think campaign finance reform will fix societal racism.
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Obeezy watching Trump destroy the country while getting some Michelle yams like

Obama actually cares about the country though. I highly doubt he is happy about seeing drumpf ruin everything he worked hard for, for eight years. He is probably more upset and hurt by what drumpf has done than anybody (except maybe H Clinton.)
When it comes to the GOP base you have to remember that they only like the GOP's economic plans in theory not practice. The GOP is skilled that filtering their messaging through white supremacy, that way "Da Base" pays attention to the dog whistle not the actual policy

Paul Ryan in Theory.......

Ryan : We need to cut spending and entitlements, across the board, and practice austerity to bring back personal responsibility to our society and allow our economy to grow

Da Base: Greatttttt, kick though minorities off welfare, I'm tired of my tax dollars going to those lazy people of color

Paul Ryan in Practice.......

Ryan: Ok, lets cut all these entitlements across the board. Social Security, Disability, Medicaid, Medicare, everything needs to be slashed

Da Base: Hold up, Hold up. I need that ****, I though you were just gonna terrorize minorities, not hurt my life.
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Anyone think this could be GOP "negotiating"?

Start way out and meet in a "middle ground" which still favors them?

Also, wtf kind of name is "American Health Care Act" I mean it's the age old tactic of masking bs policies as patriotism, but still, American, as opposed to.......

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