***Official Political Discussion Thread***

All they gotta do is play the race card and tell them the blacks, muslims, and Mexicans are out to get them and take their jobs. I don't think campaign finance reform will fix societal racism.

Oh ya for sure it won't fix that but its a step towards them representing their populations and not representing corporations when it comes to policy
Man, watching the Republicans legislate and form policy is like watching your girl do a task she's scolded you on only to fail. 
Gotta hand it to Drumpf: When he said that he was going to repeal Obamacare and replace it with "something better" he wasn't lying. He didn't specify that that "something" would only be better for the top 1% of the richest people in the country, but still...
What sucks is you wish all of the immoral bigots that voted for dude would be the only ones to suffer from this backwards legislation but no, you've got millions of vulnerable Americans that will suffer bc of the selfishness & really outright evil of one race in this country. These ppl have so much disdain for our last president they'd willingly screw over themselves & the rest of the country without thinking twice. You can't make this stuff up.
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What was in the CIA leaks?
Spying tech capabilities.
Apparently, they have the ability to turn any electronic device connected to the internet into listening/data collecting devices.
They were also looking to hack into vehicle systems back in 14, which WL speculated would allow the CIA "to engage in nearly undetectable assassinations." 

Hopefully this puts an end to the center-left's cheerleading of the "deep-state". 
What was in the CIA leaks?

Spying tech capabilities.

Apparently, they have the ability to turn any electronic device connected to the internet into listening/data collecting devices.

They were also looking to hack into vehicle systems back in 14, which WL speculated would allow the CIA "to engage in nearly undetectable assassinations." 

Hopefully this puts an end to the center-left's cheerleading of the "deep-state". 

Vehicle electronic systems have already been shown to be vulnerable to hackers as far back as 2010.



When it comes to the activities of the IC regarding the currwnt administration, it's nothing more than a marriage of convenience. As long as the IC continues to work to show what this administration is hiding, I'm for it. Furthermore, let's not forget that Trump has willingly chosen to give up control of the military and associated agencies to his subordinates after the Yemen fiasco.


He is the one who is developing the deep state by appointing former generals to positions normally headed by civilians and by introducing unvetted people (Steve Bannon) in the NSC.
Wikileaks scary man. Apparently they hacked the CIA?
i thought it was usually a hack or leak who then gives the data dump to wikileaks. their job is to host it and protect the leaker's identity.

it's the new reality. everything online is vulnerable in one way or another. and it's hard to verify that the leaking is impartial. Russia knows this. so did caspere.
What sucks is you wish all of the immoral bigots that voted for dude would be the only ones to suffer from this backwards legislation but no, you've got millions of vulnerable Americans that will suffer bc of the selfishness & really outright evil of one race in this country. These ppl have so much disdain for our last president they'd willingly screw over themselves & the rest of the country without thinking twice. You can't make this stuff up.

Which is why I generally don't laugh at the #drumpregrets stuff.

Good folks are gonna lose due to other folks ignorance.

Richmond says that ICE and the Department of Homeland Security tried to pin complaints on him while he was in the Alamosa facility that he was in the country illegally, alleging he was lying about his citizenship and that he was actually a Mexican citizen.

You don’t look like you were born in Montrose,” one of the agents told him, according to one of the suits

Dominican, Dominican whatchu gonna do? Whatchu gonna do when ICE come for you?
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What sucks is you wish all of the immoral bigots that voted for dude would be the only ones to suffer from this backwards legislation but no, you've got millions of vulnerable Americans that will suffer bc of the selfishness & really outright evil of one race in this country. These ppl have so much disdain for our last president they'd willingly screw over themselves & the rest of the country without thinking twice. You can't make this stuff up.

so much so that they passed over a perfectly qualified white woman, so there's some sexism involved in this, also.

Any forces more powerful than racism and sexism?

I'm putting it above survival and greed.
Anyone think this could be GOP "negotiating"?

Start way out and meet in a "middle ground" which still favors them?

Also, wtf kind of name is "American Health Care Act" I mean it's the age old tactic of masking bs policies as patriotism, but still, American, as opposed to.......


The old plan (Obamacare) was a Kenyan Health Care Act. Gotta let the people know this new plan is 'Merican. >D

so much so that they passed over a perfectly qualified white woman, so there's some sexism involved in this, also.

Any forces more powerful than racism and sexism?

I'm putting it above survival and greed.

IDK. I think a woman like Marine Le Pen would win here if she ran.

Especially if she added other minorities into her rhetoric.
Environmental Integrity Project Executive Director Eric Schaeffer says the administration's attacks on environmental regulation will subject low-income communities of color to greater levels of pollution

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