***Official Political Discussion Thread***


Once again, let me remind everyone that The Young Turks is trash.

Like nearly all of their commentators (except like one or two) are just straight up buffoons.

Their Politics site is a special breed of nonsense too
^ didn't watch last week tonight, last night?

must watch at this point

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Let us not indulge in Ninjamath

Half of America does not support, nor did they vote for him.

If every eligible voter actually voted, Trump would have gotten destroyed

If you throw in ex felons that should have their rights reinstated, the beating is worst

If all register voters voted, he would have lost bigly

And remember most people that voted, didn't want him to be President.

-Socialist, Social Dems, Progressives, Liberals and other left leaning people just need to show up and vote, if we had 2008 turnout in 2016, Trump is not President. If we get to something like seen in many Euro countries, it would have been a electoral landslide for Clinton. Turnout matters, especially if you want the left to win

They voting system is deeply flawed and creates a separation between what the public wants and the views of the people that represent them. Until we can get serious reforms in place, the only way to make the the situation better is voting. And the only way reforms can be passed to make representation better, is if progressives and liberals rule at all levels of government.

The GOP stay stunting on the Liberal Base just by showing up for elections. Midterms, off year, special, state, local, they all count.

The left just needs to vote.
:lol: Crazy to see someone's stupidity being likened to chess moves. "He's eating crayons and trying to force the square peg into the round hole" 4D chess b. That's like the very definition of white privilege.
:lol: Crazy to see someone's stupidity being likened to chess moves. "He's eating crayons and trying to force the square peg into the round hole" 4D chess b. That's like the very definition of white privilege.
You call it stupidity with your libby superiority complex, but us real Mericans know he just tells it like it is, b. Da Don holding America down with his real life talk, he ain't using da liberal word-book speech here. Dapper Don thinking outside da box; who else gonna smash da libbies at da ballot box by day and their daughter's box by night, b? Who?!
You call it stupidity with your libby superiority complex, but us real Mericans know he just tells it like it is, b. Da Don holding America down with his real life talk, he ain't using da liberal word-book speech here. Dapper Don thinking outside da box; who else gonna smash da libbies at da ballot box by day and their daughter's box by night, b? Who?!


SOOOOOOO MUCH FIRE IN DA RESPONSE. Toooooooooooo many roooooooooooooooooookie LIBBIES trying to desprek Da Don in here.
Bruh you don't live in America, he was never your president

Leader of da free world 
 At least we still have Merkel to fill in the vacancy he left.

While he certainly has his flaws, drone strike policy probably being the biggest one for me personally, I have always had a lot of admiration for Obama. I'd take him over 99% of our politicians except our prime minister 

Hopefully he comes back here some time, missed out on seeing him speak at universities twice already because seats were filled so quickly. 
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Brahs, there entire French political establishment is coordinating to **** Le Pen's **** up :lol:

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I find it interesting that America's retail industry is losing jobs at a scary clip, yet no one seems to care. Not Trump, not conservatives, not even so called progressives.

Then I remembered the "face" of coal workers is male and white, where as retail workers are disproportionately black/brown and female.
And to this, one of the major holdup for the budget right now is health benefits for miners. These people/areas voted in Trump and the GOP in large numbers, and it now on the Dems to help them, and fight for this money.

Honestly I don't see how anyone can read Trump's transcripts and feel confident in this president.
It's always been incoherent word salads since day one but now I find myself seriously questioning his mental health.
He talks like a toddler, struggles finishing sentences, goes unintelligible numerous times in a one on one interview, ...
Then there's the constant repeating of certain topics, words, ... even completely out of context and the fact he has demonstrated recently that he does not know who Kim Jong-Un is or that "his good friend" Pavarotti died 10 years ago.
It reminds me a bit of my experiences with patients in early stages of dementia or alzheimer's disease. It's certainly not normal behavior, that's for sure.
half of america are idiots for voting him in

There's also some idiots who didn't even vote at all. I blame them just as much for Trump being President, with the "all candidates are alike" mentality.
And to this, one of the major holdup for the budget right now is health benefits for miners. These people/areas voted in Trump and the GOP in large numbers, and it now on the Dems to help them, and fight for this money.

What sucks about this is that you will be damned if you help, and damned if you don't help. :x
And to this, one of the major holdup for the budget right now is health benefits for miners. These people/areas voted in Trump and the GOP in large numbers, and it now on the Dems to help them, and fight for this money.

What sucks about this is that you will be damned if you help, and damned if you don't help. :x

And you want to know how these people got these benefits in the first place? ******* Harry Truman, a Democrat helped them get it during a strike.

In the 90s when coal companies were shutting down and there was no enough funding, the federal government stepped it. That's right, the free market failed these people and good ole "big government" stepped in. And now they vote GOP, and say they are not asking for a handout like other people, that getting the federal government to pay for it is what is "fair"
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Let us not indulge in Ninjamath

Half of America does not support, nor did they vote for him.

If every eligible voter actually voted, Trump would have gotten destroyed

If you throw in ex felons that should have their rights reinstated, the beating is worst

If all register voters voted, he would have lost bigly

And remember most people that voted, didn't want him to be President.

-Socialist, Social Dems, Progressives, Liberals and other left leaning people just need to show up and vote, if we had 2008 turnout in 2016, Trump is not President. If we get to something like seen in many Euro countries, it would have been a electoral landslide for Clinton. Turnout matters, especially if you want the left to win

They voting system is deeply flawed and creates a separation between what the public wants and the views of the people that represent them. Until we can get serious reforms in place, the only way to make the the situation better is voting. And the only way reforms can be passed to make representation better, is if progressives and liberals rule at all levels of government.

The GOP stay stunting on the Liberal Base just by showing up for elections. Midterms, off year, special, state, local, they all count.

The left just needs to vote.

No, the left just needs to vote for the best candidate, remember you had some of the left voting for Trump and Harambe to spite Hillary. Then you have the beta, spineless soccer mom crowd that voted for Trump to spite Hillary.

But then we also have to state that the Dems need to stop that "We know what's good for you rhetoric" To be truly progressive means taking a look at the purity test, and storing it somewhere not in the DNC
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My favorites were the voters who didn't like Trump at all, but still voted for him so he could "shake up the establishment"
Just couldn't trust her B. DA EMAILS WERE TOO MUCH. Besides, Da Rust Belt was hurting soooooooooooooooooooooOooooooOoooooo badly that they didn't have a choice. What did they have to lose B? BERNIE was robbed B. Crooked Hillary never talked about Da economy B. Libbies abandoned us in rural America B.
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