***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Let us not indulge in Ninjamath

Half of America does not support, nor did they vote for him.

If every eligible voter actually voted, Trump would have gotten destroyed

If you throw in ex felons that should have their rights reinstated, the beating is worst

If all register voters voted, he would have lost bigly

And remember most people that voted, didn't want him to be President.

-Socialist, Social Dems, Progressives, Liberals and other left leaning people just need to show up and vote, if we had 2008 turnout in 2016, Trump is not President. If we get to something like seen in many Euro countries, it would have been a electoral landslide for Clinton. Turnout matters, especially if you want the left to win

They voting system is deeply flawed and creates a separation between what the public wants and the views of the people that represent them. Until we can get serious reforms in place, the only way to make the the situation better is voting. And the only way reforms can be passed to make representation better, is if progressives and liberals rule at all levels of government.

The GOP stay stunting on the Liberal Base just by showing up for elections. Midterms, off year, special, state, local, they all count.

The left just needs to vote.

No, the left just needs to vote for the best candidate, remember you had some of the left voting for Trump and Harambe to spite Hillary. Then you have the beta, spineless soccer mom crowd that voted for Trump to spite Hillary.

But then we also have to state that the Dems need to stop that "We know what's good for you rhetoric" To be truly progressive means taking a look at the purity test, and storing it somewhere not in the DNC

The people that did that stupid **** are idiots that happen to be liberals. Lets not like the margin represent the average
So don just gonna renege on all his campaign promises that don't personally benefit his family or his friends (border wall, immigration ban, jailing Hillary, repealing the ACA, etc.) but he will make sure to deliver on those that do (lower taxes on the rich, remove environmental regulations, etc.).

But her emails!
So don just gonna renege on all his campaign promises that don't personally benefit his family or his friends (border wall, immigration ban, jailing Hillary, repealing the ACA, etc.) but he will make sure to deliver on those that do (lower taxes on the rich, remove environmental regulations, etc.).

But her emails!

and yet..

:x :lol:

should've went with Bernie.
Nearly 100 days in, tons of promises broken, government on the brink of closing down



:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

God damb Trump supporters make some sad *** deflections. And I guess Ninja is back relying on polls :lol:
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Just couldn't trust her B. DA EMAILS WERE TOO MUCH. Besides, Da Rust Belt was hurting soooooooooooooooooooooOooooooOoooooo badly that they didn't have a choice. What did they have to lose B? BERNIE was robbed B. Crooked Hillary never talked about Da economy B. Libbies abandoned us in rural America B.

So much truth right here it hurts.

Tree-hugging hippies and lazy welfare moms gonna cry so bad when we take our country back. We going to get rid of all the evil done by the corrupt Obummer and his sidekick Crooked Hillary. First item of business: repeal Obbummercare and let's bring back the Affordable Care Act that my DEAR Leader Donald TRUMP gave us. My wife and sister Tabitha needs it so she can go back to da coal mine. I here it's only a matter of days before those jobs come back.

Doggone it what really busts my balls is these libbies talking about how not 100% of this country loves Dear Leader Donald Trump. Hold another election right now, I betchyou he gets every single vote.
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So don just gonna renege on all his campaign promises that don't personally benefit his family or his friends (border wall, immigration ban, jailing Hillary, repealing the ACA, etc.) but he will make sure to deliver on those that do (lower taxes on the rich, remove environmental regulations, etc.).

But her emails!

and yet..

:x :lol:

should've went with Bernie.


This ***** still talkin about Hillary
Nearly 100 days in, tons of promises broken, government on the brink of closing down



Democrats aren't cutting into his base, how are they gonna pull out 2018 from a guaranteed L? where's his challenger for 2020?

if they ran back da election now Trump would win again? :lol:
My favorites were the voters who didn't like Trump at all, but still voted for him so he could "shake up the establishment"

And now they are bawling their eyes out.

Nearly 100 days in, tons of promises broken, government on the brink of closing down



Democrats aren't cutting into his base, how are they gonna pull out 2018 from a guaranteed L? where's his challenger for 2020?

if they ran back da election now Trump would win again? :lol:

You're just sad...
So much truth right here it hurts.

Tree-hugging hippies and lazy welfare moms gonna cry so bad when we take our country back. We going to get rid of all the evil done by the corrupt Obummer and his sidekick Crooked Hillary. First item of business: repeal Obbummercare and let's bring back the Affordable Care Act that my DEAR Leader Donald TRUMP gave us. My wife and sister Tabitha needs it so she can go back to da coal mine. I here it's only a matter of days before those jobs come back.

Doggone it what really busts my balls is these libbies talking about how not 100% of this country loves Dear Leader Donald Trump. Hold another election right now, I betchyou he gets every single vote.

So much FIRE in this post. He would get every single vote B. I'd vote at least TWICE.
Then there are a lot of suckas in denial.

You live to use election results in the place of policy results :lol:

Your papi is outchea backpedaling, and looking weak.

And you should be putting respect on Hillary's name, she is clearly a role model for you. She is a pioneer of "standing by your man". And you have clearly learned a lot. :lol:
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Then there are a lot of suckas in denial.

You live to use election results in the place of policy results :lol:

Your papi is outchea backpedaling, and looking weak.

And you should be putting respect on Hillary's name, she is clearly a role model for you. She is a pioneer of "standing by your man". And you have clearly learned a lot. :lol:
If there's one thing ninja has demonstrated flawlessly, it's how stubborn da deplorables are when faced with da notion they just might have made a mistake.
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