***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Is it

"amazing electoral college win 306 votes biggest ever"


"Democrats can't get past election it's over move on. Sad."

Dudes need to pick one
Did his brain break?


Da Don posting from da multiverse.

Timestamps getting thrown off.

edit: I love how insecure he is. "If the wall is not built, which it will be..." Poor guy. "If she dumps me because I'm bad in bed, which she won't do...."
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And to this, one of the major holdup for the budget right now is health benefits for miners. These people/areas voted in Trump and the GOP in large numbers, and it now on the Dems to help them, and fight for this money.

What sucks about this is that you will be damned if you help, and damned if you don't help. :x

And you want to know how these people got these benefits in the first place? ******* Harry Truman, a Democrat helped them get it during a strike.

In the 90s when coal companies were shutting down and there was no enough funding, the federal government stepped it. That's right, the free market failed these people and good ole "big government" stepped in. And now they vote GOP, and say they are not asking for a handout like other people, that getting the federal government to pay for it is what is "fair"

I live across the street from the GM tech center in Warren, MI.

Up the street, actually the next street over and go either direction (your choice), you will pass two Chrysler plants, the lady who sits behind me, her family owns a part supply company that supplies the car companies...all of this is in Macomb County... MACOMB COUNTY VOTED REPUBLICAN.

A place that was literally SAVED by Dems and Barack Obama, voted republican.

The stupidity, buffoonery, is baffling. It makes no sense. I really use to think (still do) think it was due to Obama's race, but even a black ninjhood performs all kinds of somersaults and flips to justify in their mind and ours, why they do what they do. if you listen, im convinced they don't know why either...

emails? no way.
Yankees are those that live above the Mason Dixon. But the irony in that statement is that the southerner tells the black person that they shouldn't look at the Confederate flag as a symbol for racism.
A southerner who waves/supports the confederate flag who claims they only like it's heritage and not the racistness is irony in the flesh
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