***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I don't why these hacks keep dogging Chelsea Clinton on whether or not she's gonna run for office. Who even gives a ****?
One thing loony conservatives and **** boy progressives agree on is that the Clinton's need to be harassed constantly, even when all they are doing is breathing
Marine le Pen talking about being "anti-elite" as if she's not a rich career politician married into wealth and descended from other career politicians

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Marine le Pen talking about being "anti-elite" as if she's not a rich career politician married into wealth and descended from other career politicians


Next thing she's going to say she got a "small loan" from her daddy back then
Marine le Pen talking about being "anti-elite" as if she's not a rich career politician married into wealth and descended from other career politicians


She's like hey it worked for the orange idiot in the U.S.

Orange clown tricked these fools here into believing he is anti-establishment when in fact he is the damn establishment.

:smh: :rofl:
Marine le Pen talking about being "anti-elite" as if she's not a rich career politician married into wealth and descended from other career politicians

LoL. Can you imagine if some spoiled brat who was born with a silver spoon in his/her mouth and never faced a day of hardship in his/her life rose to power by managing to fool the working class into thinking that he/she is actually the anti-establishment candidate who understands them and will look out for their interests. The world would be in a lot of trouble if this scenario occured.
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Marine le Pen talking about being "anti-elite" as if she's not a rich career politician married into wealth and descended from other career politicians


LoL. Can you imagine if some spoiled brat who was born with a silver spoon in his/her mouth and never faced a day of hardship in his/her life rose to power by managing to fool the working class into thinking that he/she is actually the anti-establishment candidate who understands them and will look out for their interests. The world would be in a lot of trouble if this scenario occured.

Just shows how potent the power of fear is

It explains how folks like tiny hands and Le Pen, who also grew up in her fathers mansion with a silver spoon and had his party apparatus at her disposal from the get go,manage to convince lower income folks, that they are somehow their champions and will have their best interest in mind.

As long as you come up with scapegoats to blame all of the country's problems on,folks are willing to overlook a whole lot in order to keep up the image of the leader they have in their heads.

On another note,the success of Macron goes to show how important the messenger is with liberals. Macron's platform itself isn't much of a change at all from his old boss's,Hollande, yet Hollande is the most unpopular western leader around with an approval rating in the single digits.

Even with an "establishment" background (being an ex-Rothschild banker and all), Macron has managed to repackage a lot of the same socialist agenda under an activist and "centrist" (much of the platform is on the progressive side) banner on top of he himself being charismatic and tele/photogenic and as a result, you have the front runner to succeed his deeply unpopular ex boss :lol:. A front runner that didn't even need to run as part of the traditional mainstream French parties(not a bad move to his credit given how unpopular both are) to get there,he created his own a little over a year ago and hasn't looked back.

This article goes a little more in depth on that point,a lot of the time it's how the policies are packaged that gets voters going/enthusiastic,not the policies themselves

Dems should take heed of France...they desperately need some fresh blood on the bench if they want to give this admin[emoji]174[/emoji], the boot in 2020

The GOP's worst nightmare is a charismatic,youngish progressive rising to the top of the Dems,the platform was already the most supported in the country in November. They'd get thoroughly washed. The current party leadership would probably be more reflective of the usually older GOP base than their own blue base :lol:. Not even trying to be ageist,just think some new faces in leadership could go a long way
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GOP cant be serious with this. :lol:
I know we're mostly guys here, but does anyone know any girl who wouldn't be repulsed or disgusted by their dad joking about having sex with them? I don't just mean for that moment but for the rest of their life. Ivanka didn't just not react. She actually laughed. That's not a natural laugh. That's a laugh for survival.

And who is this Chris ****oris from CNN? "No plans" = back off, *****.
To be honest, I wonder if Donald was inappropriate with Ivanka when she was a kid. Donald loves to project onto others what he is himself. It was telling when he said Carson has the pathology of a child molester. When you factor in that statement plus the videos of him eyeing kids it wouldn't surprise me if he was inappropriate with Ivanka.
I don't think he raped her. I feel Ivana would've found out and would've said something by now.

But I can definitely see him being inappropriate, obviously in his comments to her (as we have those on tape) and how he touched her (we have photos of those) but also in other ways. I imagine him telling her: "hey little Ivanka, show me how you would kiss a boy."


brb, gonna vomit for a few minutes.

More lawsuits aimed at Fox News — this time alleging racial discrimination

On Tuesday, a combined total of 13 current and former employees of Fox News — all people of color — took three separate legal actions against the organization, alleging years of “hostile racial discrimination.”

According to the complaints, Slater mocked the way these employees pronounced words like “month” and “ask,” insinuated that black men were “women beaters” and expressed insulting racial stereotypes about Mexicans, Chinese men and people of Indian descent.

Not surprised in the least to hear that the Fox workplace was akin to an internet comment section...cesspool status

Ivanka definitely sounds like she's gotten used to her dad's creepiness
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It's really incredible that the AG doesn't understand the balance of powers on this country.

What's really amazing though is that a few racist judges can sentence a man to die.
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I really am amazed that a judge sitting in some liberal hellhole can issue an order that stops the president of the United States from what appears to be clearly his statutory and constitutional power :smh:

Now you see why Da Rust Belt didn't have a choice B. Libbie judges and Libbie states like California don't know anything about the Constitution B. Da Don knows more about Da Constitution than Da founding fathers B. His 3489D Twister level moves have Da Libbies on Da run B.
[thread="509493"]you mean the people who work for a racist news organization are actually racist?  [/thread]
[thread="509493"]that's the least the surprising thing i've heard this year[/thread]

Surprised I am not.

The orange clown winning has all these other agents of white supremacy taking Ls BIGLY

fox news is in shambles and it's amazing. 

exact opposite of what i thought it would be
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