***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Obama was "wiretapping" Rand Paul now 

Must've been caught up on some of that incidental collection 
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The places where the opioid crisis hit the worst all voted for Trump.
It's underfunded because Republicans understand that if you starve it and tell people rhetoric about death spirals they'll ignorantly parrot it and blame Obama like they do for everything else.

so you still think da law was fine until "a narrative was set" :lol:

remember da Obamacare premiums shot waaaay up on October, that was da first crack at Hillary's eventual lost, way before that FBI letter.

face it b, ish was in a death spiral cuz da amount of young people they needed to support it wasn't​ no where near enough and Marco Rubio passed that amendment that banned da government from bailing out da Insurance Companies that were losing money on da exchanges, which made em leave that much faster.

this is why certain States had lost most if not all their providers, da money was bleeding.

hemorrhaging money when compared there overall business that is also propped up by Federal money . The plans they were selling just were not making that much money, or they were losing in some area. They could easily address that through raising the prices for everyone, which they did in many areas.

who's fault is that? Obamacare was voted on knowing full well without da public option or da funding from young people with a mandate & da insurance bailout being stripped by Rubio it was a lost cause.

expanding medicaid alone would've been ALOT LESS cumbersome politically vs overhauling da entire system for a small minority of people who didn't have insurance (da vaaaaast majority get it through their employment)
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It's underfunded because Republicans understand that if you starve it and tell people rhetoric about death spirals they'll ignorantly parrot it and blame Obama like they do for everything else.

so you still think da law was fine until "a narrative was set" :lol:

remember da Obamacare premiums shot waaaay up on October, that was da first crack at Hillary's eventual lost, way before that FBI letter.

face it b, ish was in a death spiral cuz da amount of young people they needed to support it wasn't​ no where near enough and Marco Rubio passed that amendment that banned da government from bailing out da Insurance Companies that were losing money on da exchanges, which made em leave that much faster.

this is why certain States had lost most if not all their providers, da money was bleeding.

You know those two things are related.

You are basically admitting the GOP's under funding caused prices to spike :lol:
It's underfunded because Republicans understand that if you starve it and tell people rhetoric about death spirals they'll ignorantly parrot it and blame Obama like they do for everything else.

so you still think da law was fine until "a narrative was set" :lol:

remember da Obamacare premiums shot waaaay up on October, that was da first crack at Hillary's eventual lost, way before that FBI letter.

face it b, ish was in a death spiral cuz da amount of young people they needed to support it wasn't​ no where near enough and Marco Rubio passed that amendment that banned da government from bailing out da Insurance Companies that were losing money on da exchanges, which made em leave that much faster.

this is why certain States had lost most if not all their providers, da money was bleeding.

You know those two things are related.

You are basically admitting the GOP's under funding caused prices to spike :lol:

da GOP ain't underfund anything, Obama felt confident in it lasting till he was out of office. Obamacare was a weak bill that was gonna explode and lay da groundwork for single payer...at least that was da plan.

why else was da employer mandate and other poisons were delayed till after 2016? [emoji]129300[/emoji][emoji]129300[/emoji]

even hillary, bill, and Bernie knew da law was crap. :lol:
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It's underfunded because Republicans understand that if you starve it and tell people rhetoric about death spirals they'll ignorantly parrot it and blame Obama like they do for everything else.

so you still think da law was fine until "a narrative was set" :lol:

remember da Obamacare premiums shot waaaay up on October, that was da first crack at Hillary's eventual lost, way before that FBI letter.

face it b, ish was in a death spiral cuz da amount of young people they needed to support it wasn't​ no where near enough and Marco Rubio passed that amendment that banned da government from bailing out da Insurance Companies that were losing money on da exchanges, which made em leave that much faster.

this is why certain States had lost most if not all their providers, da money was bleeding.

You know those two things are related.

You are basically admitting the GOP's under funding caused prices to spike :lol:

da GOP ain't underfund anything, Obama felt confident in it lasting till he was put pf office. Obamacare was a weak bill that was gonna explode and lay da groundwork for single payer...at least that was da plan.

why else was da employer mandate and other poisons were delayed till after 2016? [emoji]129300[/emoji][emoji]129300[/emoji]

even hillary, bill, and Bernie knew da law was crap. :lol:

After 2016? WTF you're talking about

And the Rubio thing was to under fund the risk corridor. It was part of the original ACA

I don't want to have you running off to Meth but you know nothing about the economics of this and to suggest it was meant to fail the groundwork for single payer is asinine. Most liberals and liberal economics don't even think single payer is the best way forward. You are just making **** up

For once, research before you run your mouth. It is difficult to have a discussion with someone so ignorant on the topic at hand
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The ACA marketplace was never designed or destined to fail. It was underfunded and attacked from the jump

Every healthcare economist points this out.

most of da poison of Obamacare was delayed till da last years of implementation, thats why it started to fall apart on da outset...it was cobbled together to go just far enough so that a public option/single payer would eventually replace it.

EVERY single Democrat when asked basically treated Obamacare as a stop gap measure.

Ninja you don't understand the economics of a healthcare marketplace. You are punching above your weight class as usual on the economic issue. Nothing fell apart from the onset. It was the budget trickery that hurt the marketplaces.

And the original drafts of the ACA had a public option, the public option passed the House. Even Obama admitted more should have been done and should be done. This is no secret. But there was a compromise

It is the GOP that fooled people, including you, to think the Dems just rammed it down the country's throat.

they did ram it down, it was passed da way Trump's repeal & replace passed da House, a one party strong arm vote.

btw, da "underfunded" parts of Obamacare was Obama thinking young millennials that are broke & unemployed were gonna pay da freight of da money to power da law, and when it didn't happen da government was supposed to bail out da Insurance Companies who were hemorrhaging money.

joint was destined to Hindenburg out da frame da minute it left da lot without da public option.

Nearly every sentence of this is incorrect


so you explain why without even repealing it its failing on its ***.

cuz everything i said happened.

only thing Obamacare care did that worked was Medicaid expansion, which is basically lowering da threshold for people to qualify for free Medicaid insurance.... which was paid by da huge taxes embeded in Obamacare.

Obamacare should've just been expand Medicaid times 10x and be done.

I love your posts man. Evey time I think anyone can learn anything, reading what you type brings me back to reality.

BTW, the CEO of Aetna disagrees with you.
Let's take a moment hear, Ninja is saying that the Dems could have done more left wing with the ACA but they didn't in a grand scheme for it to fail and they will get the chance to pass single payer.

Done is so desperate to be on the right side of the argument, now he is trying to out flank people from the left
so rusty how many Congressional budgets from Obamacare's inception to da present were defunding Obamacare? [emoji]129300[/emoji]

(Congress has power of da purse and could've defunded Obamacare on day 1 but didn't)

each continuing resolution cromnibus bill for da years Obamacare been here been fully funded.

its not da GOP's fault Obama decided to let that Hindenburg fly without da public option...you can thank Liberman for that :lol:
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so rusty how many Congressional budgets from Obamacare's inception to da present were defunding Obamacare? [emoji]129300[/emoji]

each continuing resolution cromnibus bill for da years Obamacare been here been fully funded.

its not da GOP's fault Obama decided to let that Hindenburg fly without da public option...you can thank Liberman for that :lol:

Every single budget since the Dems lost the House has lowered funding for the ACA. How do you not know this, I have pointed this out to you multiple times. The GOP targeted the co-ops first. And the SCOTUS decision restricted the Medicaid expansion.

Dude I had a job reading though budgets and the Presidential economy summaries and creating reports for my bosses.

You might be thinking of other individual subsidies that are mandatory that the government spend. Yes those where funded because the way the way was written. But that is not the only way to can under fund the law. Also like I said, the ACA ended up being cheaper than expected. If anything, there was even more room to put more money in.

So it is not some attack when I say you're making stuff up, or you are ignorant of the truth and refuse to admit it.

Some of the stuff your say leads me to believe you don't really understand how the government functions. Which is another sticking point

-I do blame Joe Liberrman, I have said many times in this thread I blame him. But he was not part of the Democratic party when the ACA passed. So a compromised had to be made.
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And the SCOTUS decision restricted the Medicaid expansion.

what you mean is Obama couldn't threaten funding on states that didn't take da medicaid expansion..

like i said, Obama let that leaky boat off da dock, GOP been funding Obamacare with every Congressional bill since...why you think ted cruz caught heat over da government shutdown? his naive self actually tried to use da power of da purse to avail.
And the SCOTUS decision restricted the Medicaid expansion.

what you mean is Obama couldn't threaten funding on states that didn't take da medicaid expansion..

like i said, Obama let that leaky boat off da dock, GOP been funding Obamacare with every Congressional bill since...why you think ted cruz caught heat over da government shutdown? his naive self actually tried to use da power of da purse to avail.

The GOP negotiated budget deals and dug in their heels for cutbacks. Like I said, you simply don't understand the way stuff works.

And Convince the GOP to expand health insurance and move towards a nationalized system :rofl: :rofl:

The same GOP that made that attacked the bill and socialist and a government takeover for 7 years, the same GOP that voted to repeal it just yesterday. Convince those clowns. This is really the comeback. geez

And you wanna call me a rookie :lol:
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How was Obama, or anyone for that matter, supposed to convince a party that fundamentally believes healthcare is a privilege or even a luxury? :lol:
Might as well try to convince them that the bible is a fantasy
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