***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Ninja is on record not liking the AHCA, so he knows he can't defend Donny

So his fall back is criticize Obama, and he is trying to criticize him from the left.

I can even right now. :lol:
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It is really frustrating seeing Ninja argue. Has he ever admitted he was wrong on anything? Does he really believe in/support all of these decisions or is he just going doen with the ship?
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at da end of da day da GOP funded da law via Congressional budgets... problem was da law was unsustainable and was headed towards a death spiral.

you can paper over that all you want, fact of da matter is it was due to fail.

all this was well documented.

-poor young healthy signups #'s

-overloaded old and expensive elderly.

-companies losing money either drove cost ups to make up da differences or expected a government bail out (risk corridor) or bounced & cut bait.

-delayed employer mandate till Obama was out of office.

da writing was on da wall.
at da end of da day da GOP funded da law via Congressional budgets... problem was da law was unsustainable and was headed towards a death spiral.

you can paper over that all you want, fact of da matter is it was due to fail.

all this was well documented.

-poor young healthy signups #'s

-overloaded old and expensive elderly.

-companies losing money either drove cost ups to make up da differences or expected a government bail out (risk corridor) or bounced & cut bait.

-delayed employer mandate till Obama was out of office.

da writing was on da wall.

You are wrong and you don't know you're wrong because you

a) don't understand the economics behind the marketplace

b) Don't know what really happen with the past budgets. Even in the face of evidence to the contrary you persist. And demand people look at you as correct.

Even if, problem with the ACA could have been simply patched. Like Medicare was.

SpiceyHood, just let it go b. You punching above your weight class.
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Ninja is on record not liking the AHCA, so he knows he can't defend Donny

So his fall back is criticize Obama, and he is trying to criticize him from the left.

I can even right now. :lol:

All else fails blame Obama.

That's Republicans #1 option in da playbook b

Rookie Rusty wouldn't know because he riding da pine pony with da rest of da libbies.
at da end of da day da GOP funded da law via Congressional budgets... problem was da law was unsustainable and was headed towards a death spiral.

you can paper over that all you want, fact of da matter is it was due to fail.

all this was well documented.

-poor young healthy signups #'s

-overloaded old and expensive elderly.

-companies losing money either drove cost ups to make up da differences or expected a government bail out (risk corridor) or bounced & cut bait.

-delayed employer mandate till Obama was out of office.

da writing was on da wall.

You are wrong and you don't know you're wrong because you

a) don't understand the economics behind the marketplace

b) Don't know what really happen with the past budgets. Even in the face of evidence to the contrary you persist. And demand people look at you as correct.

Even if, problem with the ACA could have been simply patched. Like Medicare was.

SpiceyHood, just let it go b. You punching above your weight class.

you just deflecting now, CNN highlighted everything that was wrong with Obamacare from da jump, i literally copied it from them.

you can't say im wrong without also saying CNN wrong too.

here's slate parroting what I just said.

Obamacare’s architects knew the law would require a rocky transition period as insurers got a feel for the market, and so they created a pair of temporary programs, risk corridors and reinsurance, to cushion insurers’ losses if they got stuck with too many costly patients. But those are set to expire next year (a third program, called risk adjustment, is permanent), because the law’s drafters had expected the market’s risk pool—the mix of sick and healthy customers—to begin stabilizing.
With losses mounting and safety valves about to disappear, insurers have been asking state regulators to let them raise rates by quite a bit next year.
Nationwide, carriers are asking for a 23-percent increase, on average, according to Charles Gaba of ACASignups.net, though in some states the average is more than 50 percent. Those are only requests, of course. Insurance commissioners can reject them. In the past, frightening headlines about double-digit rate increases turned out to be mostly hype; through this year, premiums actually turned out to be lower than projected. But as Margot Sanger-Katz explained in the New York Times in May, it’s widely believed that with insurers still burning cash and reinsurance and risk corridors on the way out, a lot of those eye-popping increases will get approved this year.


eventually when Obamacare is gone someone will do a entire eulogy for it.
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One hardly anything Salon said sounds like they are parroting you. Please dude, stop it

Ninja, I am going to warn you. I am reading that article and 30 seconds in, there is stuff contradicting you statements. Multiple times.

You didn't read this **** did you?

Like this Gem regarding GOP sabotage

Is Obamacare working properly anywhere?

Yes. Right now, Obamacare seems to be working much better in some states than others. In California, more than three-quarters of providers managed to squeeze out a profit in 2014, and residents have a whole slew of carriers to choose from. In rural states and the South, where populations are sparser and the residents often unhealthier, things have gone far less smoothly.

Some states may be suffering from a bit of self-sabotage. As Charles Gaba notes, insurance companies have tended to ask for higher premium increases in states where lawmakers (irrationally) declined to expand Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act, because they just hated Barack Hussein Obama that much. Their obstinance probably pushed a lot of low-income, not-particularly-healthy patients into the Obamacare exchanges, where they could get highly subsidized coverage. Some states also allowed residents to retain old plans that didn’t meet the Affordable Care Act’s standards through 2017, which kept those customers off the exchanges. They’ve also seen insurers ask for bigger hikes.

In the end, though, the Affordable Care Act is a national law that needs to work everywhere. And it doesn’t yet.

The articles points out the laws has problem but also doesn't argue it is in a death spiral like you where. It pointing out the problems that need to be fixed. Anything I have discussed health insurance with anyone with sense I have admitted that, I have said that many times. Hell Medicare has needed a couple patches. You have attacked the ACA from the right for years and now your mans passed a horrible replaced you wanna come with some revisionist history
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Someone hacked Macron in a last ditch effort to help Le Pen.
France has a mandatory election media blackout in the last 2 days before the election. So the French media can't really report on it.
Whoever released it was obviously aware of that law.
if a law only works in some places and fails in others, that means its not sustainable.


time bomb status.
Look how you are now walking back you statement. I thought the entire thing was in a death spiral?

Salon has another article linked in the one you posted. Maybe you can give that a read too, or not, probably not.


Any person that had a ton of economic sense would read these things an think "Well, how can these things be patched/fixed". But not you, because you want to "blame Obama" even when you mans ***** up, you are twisting yourself in knots to blame Obama again. If you want to talk policy, then learn that some things just can't be forecasted, bills have to be passed and adjusted. That is true of all policy.
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Notice how Ninjaburbs is the only Bigot[emoji]8482[/emoji] supporter still posting in this thread? The other clowns took their L in silence. 
Notice how Ninjaburbs is the only Bigot[emoji]8482[/emoji] supporter still posting in this thread? The other clowns took their L in silence. 
Ninja hasn't gone down the completely bigoted and racist path that others have had to get banned yet. only trumpette that gave up was Rico when Trump slashed federal job employment. dude went ghost 
But I'm glad you believe that single payer is the way forward. :smokin

That means you think Donny is dead wrong on his repeal efforts :lol:

Obamacare should be repealed​, it doesn't work.

da only thing you and me agree on is after da Republicans fail on this in a few years da US will be ready for Canadian or Australian form of universal coverage.
But I'm glad you believe that single payer is the way forward. :smokin

That means you think Donny is dead wrong on his repeal efforts :lol:

Obamacare should be repealed​, it doesn't work.

da only thing you and me agree on is after da Republicans fail on this in a few years da US will be ready for Canadian or Australian form of universal coverage.

The ACA as a whole does work. You fail to mention that Ryan and Trump and destroy way more that the marketplace.

The ACA has problem that can be easily reformed. The same is/was true of Medicare

It is the idiotic to claim a law that has good so much good, and that has problem economist say could easily be fixed, should be scrapped all together.

But once again, this is not about good public policy for you. It is trying to look right on a topic you know little about.

And oh yeah, Trump is ******* up so blame Obama.
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aca doesn't work, it was gonna fail leaving it alone, you can beat around da bush all you want, its gonna either be gone via repeal, or imploding.
aca doesn't work, it was gonna fail leaving it alone, you can beat around da bush all you want, its gonna either be gone via repeal, or imploding.

Or amending it, like Clinton suggested

Like is said, I don't think you don't how government fundamentally works, and that is a major roadblock in understanding policy.
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I'm glad I'm vacationing at Hawaii right now instead of being at work reading Ninja's slander on ACA

I still got my 6 months saved up for AHCA
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amending was adding da public option...


A public option is the next best thing to single payer. Plus public option could be at the state level not national

And there are other amendments that could have been done.

You're out of your element on this topic b
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