***Official Political Discussion Thread***

amending was adding da public option...


A public option is the next best thing to single payer. Plus public option could be at the state level not national

so basically admitting Obamacare without public option was a plane that can't fly.

nice to admit that finally :lol:

my question so why even bother on Obamacare on a federal level..if that's what's you advocating state wise then you block grant da states and let them come up with their own plans (NY real close to having a statewide single payer)
***** took your point and convoluted it to try and make it sound like his. How y'all argue with this dude? No way I was gonna engage with him on something I have personal knowledge on, it would be too infuriating.
amending was adding da public option...


A public option is the next best thing to single payer. Plus public option could be at the state level not national

so basically admitting Obamacare without public option was a plane that can't fly.

nice to admit that finally :lol:

my question so why even bother on Obamacare on a federal level..if that's what's you advocating state wise then you block grant da states and let them come up with their own plans (NY real close to having a statewide single payer)

I did not admit to anything your reading comprehension just sucks. And you don't understand healthcare economics. There are so many good plans and way other countries do it:

-The absolute best system would probably be a national healthcare system where people providing the care a government employees and it well funded.

-Then it would be universal national single payer with price controls

-Regulated multipayer with price controls, on both ends

-Single payer without price controls

-Public option on top of private system.

-You can have a single payer system and for-profit private

We can reform the ACA the same why reformed Medicare advantage. We can make insurers cover regions over states, fund the risk corridor permanently,increase subsides and increase the mandate.

There are so many good models to take things from. You can do it other ways that I failed to mention

You do things at the Federal level because it is the best way to get bargaining power, guarantee equitable coverage, and guarantees the cost are spread out the best.

Block granting things are bad because it is a finesse moving to cut funding. That is why Ryan likes it so much. Healthcare cost are inflating very fast, higher that most things, and the grants will not keep up. Do it on the state level guarantees that the liberals that care of people like you that will never leave NYC. But the Republicans don't take care the people in their state and screw them over. I'm not gonna let liberals keep your *** safe and let conservatives ravage poor whites, minorities and black people that disproportionately live in their states.
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your arguing semantics now.

Obamacare had no such system so it failed, you just admitted without da public option to bend da cost curve it was gonna balloon into a mess..

there's really nothing much else to say. :lol:
your arguing semantics now.

Obamacare had no such system so it failed, you just admitted without da public option to bend da cost curve it was gonna balloon into a mess..

there's really nothing much else to say. :lol:

Important details sound like semantics to the uninformed

And by all means, go ahead and shut up about this.
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Are we reading the same thing? Because it doesn't sound like that from his post at all

rusty's whole shtick is da GOP underfunded Obamacare (they didn't, they funded da law as passed in Congress year after year)...my point is Obamacare as designed when signed into law was doomed to fail because its funding mechanism was flawed from da jump.

ya just gonna have to deal with that reality.
That reality only exist in your head
Had a response to this before experiencing some serious

Deja vu:
[thread="509493"]Official Political Discussion Thread/69000#post_27743490​[/thread]
You forget, reality is just an arbitrary frame.
Complete with response to my response 
The bottom line is that premium supporter were more generous in the first drafts of the ACA and then Scott Brown's special election victory; Billionaire, Pete Peterson's manufactured hysteria about "The debt" and the grass roots pressure, brought on at town halls in the summer 2009, caused the final version of the ACA to have more meager premium supports and it made the public option a non starter.

Conservative pressure made the ACA profoundly different from what it would have been without that pressure.

Without a public option and with reduced premium support, the ACA has been less effective in it goal of expanding coverage.
rusty's whole shtick is da GOP underfunded Obamacare (they didn't, they funded da law as passed in Congress year after year)...my point is Obamacare as designed when signed into law was doomed to fail because its funding mechanism was flawed from da jump.

ya just gonna have to deal with that reality.
but aren't the GOP to blame for that tho? They are the ones who constricted the ACA and cause the problems you say in your post. The problems that the ACA seem to suffer from are not due to what Obama's vision of the bill but rather than a lack of care in administering it following GOP's control of Congress
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rusty's whole shtick is da GOP underfunded Obamacare (they didn't, they funded da law as passed in Congress year after year)...my point is Obamacare as designed when signed into law was doomed to fail because its funding mechanism was flawed from da jump.

ya just gonna have to deal with that reality.
but aren't the GOP to blame for that tho?

you play with da political hand that your delt.

Obama gambled that he would have a Democratic successor to clean up da crapshoot that Obamacare bandaid intended to be so they could eventually implement a single payer once da ACA blew up.

da good news is da ish da GOP pushing i doubt will be any better, but passing it unlocks da tax cuts needed to improve da economy "big league"

so after all that happens, then we'll be eventually on single payer land anyways.
rusty's whole shtick is da GOP underfunded Obamacare (they didn't, they funded da law as passed in Congress year after year)...my point is Obamacare as designed when signed into law was doomed to fail because its funding mechanism was flawed from da jump.

ya just gonna have to deal with that reality.
but aren't the GOP to blame for that tho?

you play with da political hand that your delt.

Obama gambled that he would have a Democratic successor to clean up da crapshoot that Obamacare bandaid intended to be so they could eventually implement a single payer once da ACA blew up.

da good news is da ish da GOP pushing i doubt will be any better, but passing it unlocks da tax cuts needed to improve da economy "big league"

so after all that happens, then we'll be eventually on single payer land anyways.


I can't with this dude, famb is on some next level delusions.

Obama in 2010 hoped he would be followed by a Dem to finally implement single payer. What in the world :smh: :lol:

Tax cuts that will expand the deficit and national debt will put us in a position more willing to spend on a huge public program, because somehow we will already be there ( what this even mean :lol:).....

Famb, you earned this.....

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