***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I'm not a man of faith, but I pray that there aren't any young folks out there who allow ninja to influence their perspective on these kinds of things



Like I said earlier, no amount of ****in will save anyone.

Masa beat his house slaves too.

Those HBCU presidents look like even bigger clowns now.
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EXCELLENT move from Da Don. Probably made Da statement after consulting Barson, Steven Harvey, and other members of Da Cooooooon squad B. Dem butter biscuits don't taste so good when you get fleeced for a photo op.

Republicans, including two from New Jersey, just voted to throw roughly 24 million Americans out in the cold with no health coverage. With the savings, they are offering a fresh round of enormous tax breaks for the very rich. And for added insult, they voted to exempt themselves from any of the pain.

One of the two from New Jersey is Rep. Rodney Frelinghuysen, product of a line of American aristocrats extending to days of British rule, and a man whose arrogance knows no match.

He still won't hold a town hall meeting on this, despite a flood of protests, all of them respectful and polite. Yesterday, many of them said they were blocked from leaving messages at his offices. If Sir Rodney survives the 2018 election, it is because of gerrymandering alone.

The other was Rep. Tom MacArthur, who played an even more important role. He is the man who resurrected this repeal from the dead by drafting a compromise designed to entice the hard-right Freedom Caucus. The changes made the bill even more brutal, putting those with pre-existing conditions at risk.

In the spirit of full disclosure, I confess to feeling a profound personal bond with MacArthur (R-3rd).

He started out as a hero  in this fight, one of just nine Republicans to defy party leaders in January by voting against a plan to fast-track the Obamacare repeal. It was a big moment, so I hopped on a train to Washington to talk it over with him.

"No American should lack insurance," he told me. "And I'm not talking about access - I'm talking about insurance."

Then he got personal. He told me about losing his daughter at age 11, with her medical bills reaching $1 million, a sum he knows an uninsured family could never handle.

The interview stopped there, on a dime. I lost a son to cancer, and as anyone in this circle of hell knows, it is a brotherhood that goes far deeper than politics. MacArthur told his staffers to leave us, and we talked alone about the horror of it.

Later, he told me his mother died of cancer when he was four, and his father had no insurance. His dad worked three jobs for two decades trying to pay those bills, and still, needed help in the end.

This is a man, I thought, who would never be caught in the stale ideological debate about health care. Republican or not, I felt certain he would be no part of a plan to strip coverage from millions of families.

And then he voted for the first repeal.

And when that flopped, he did something worse: He saved it by making it more harsh, allowing states to opt out of the key protections for those with pre-existing conditions. He was the supposed moderate leader, reaching out to the right.

With this move, MacArthur loses any claim to being a moderate. But he has new status in the party, new friends on the right. He swears that's not why he did this. But the puny concessions he won do little to mitigate the damage of this bill.
Party > people
this makes sense in the context of that picture

Critics say women could be impacted by the list more than men as insurers could consider pregnancy, endometriosis, irregular periods and breast cancer as pre-existing conditions...An analysis of major health insurance companies' lists of pre-existing conditions did not reference erectile dysfunction, but that doesn't mean it wouldn't qualify as an uninsurable condition.


While the list of “pre-existing conditions” does not include erectile dysfunction, insurance providers have previously raised premiums for some women, including domestic violence victims and rape survivors.

they did ram it down, it was passed da way Trump's repeal & replace passed da House, a one party strong arm vote.

btw, da "underfunded" parts of Obamacare was Obama thinking young millennials that are broke & unemployed were gonna pay da freight of da money to power da law, and when it didn't happen da government was supposed to bail out da Insurance Companies who were hemorrhaging money.

joint was destined to Hindenburg out da frame da minute it left da lot without da public option.
Post your sources. 
Maher can be a jackass a lot of the time, but when ole boy is right, he is right

This video needs its own thread.

I didn't see it here, but here's why Colbert is being investigated:

Mr. Trump, your presidency — I love your presidency, I call it ‘Disgrace the Nation.’ You’re not the POTUS — you’re the BLOTUS. You’re the glutton with the button. You’re a regular ‘Gorge’ Washington. You’re the presi-dunce, but you’re turning into a real prick-tator. Sir,you attract more skinheads than free Rogaine. You have more people marching against you than cancer. You talk like a sign language gorilla who got hit in the head. In fact, the only thing your mouth is good for is being Vladimir Putin’s **** holster. Your presidential library is gonna be a kids menu and a couple of ‘Jugs’ magazines. The only thing smaller than your hands is your tax returns. And you can take that any way you want.”
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HBCU presidents played themselves just like the other Black folks that had a meeting photo op with the WOAT POTUS.
HBCU presidents played themselves just like the other Black folks that had a meeting photo op with the WOAT POTUS.


Folks warned them that Da Don was using them for Da photo op. [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji]
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