***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Like improving the parts of the ACA that don't work instead of scrapping it?

Obamacare shouldn't of been done in da first place.

Yeah they were wild stupid for pursuing AFFORDABLE CARE.

that wasn't affordable, or we still pretending da premium spikes were fantasy :lol:

We pretending the govt subsidy to offset the costs and Republican tinkering that caused the spikes are fantasy?
spoke like someone who doesn't know what's happening to da sedan market in America
You regurgitate talking points from sources that confirm your bias. Nothing more. This is why no one takes any of your views seriously.
Like improving the parts of the ACA that don't work instead of scrapping it?

Obamacare shouldn't of been done in da first place.

Yeah they were wild stupid for pursuing AFFORDABLE CARE.

that wasn't affordable, or we still pretending da premium spikes were fantasy :lol:

We pretending the govt subsidy to offset the costs and Republican tinkering that caused the spikes are fantasy?

oh, you mean bailing out insurance companies that couldn't make a profit on a product da government mandated you to have? :lol:
politically tinkering with what's already there >>> starting from scratch.

Spoken like someone that has no idea about policy and the political climate at the time.

Obama passed a huge stimulus package..he had da juice to tinker with Medicaid...da fact that hr passed that Obamacare monstrosity is facts enough :lol:

-The stimulus was a compromise with Blue Dogs and centrist in the Senate. Obama wanted like 400 Billion more that he got, nearly half of what liberal economist said he should have asked for.

-Like Rex pointed out the original draft of the ACA was different than what was passed, again he compromised with centrist.

-This talking point that Obama could push through whatever he wanted is ********.

-You have no idea how a program like Medicaid works. Medicaid expansion is popular with conservative governors after the fact, it wasn't at the time. All the GOP were offering was tort reform, and go look at McCain's plan to see the "centrist" Republican plan. It was the usually free market selling across state lines that would have been a) ineffective b) you would have hated because it would have taken away your federal government subsidization

-To expand Medicaid to cover everyone would have cost a **** ton more money, and Obama would have had to find the revenue somewhere. He would not be able to just tazx the rich because a) that would have been impossible to get through, even some liberal down for the public option would have said that is too much, sop then you have to go to middle class tax breaks. And for political, legal, economic reasons imposing a middle class tax increases.

Not only that to make it work, Obama would have had to nationalize Medicaid. Medicaid right now is administered at the state level.

So you sound ridiculous saying that Obama had the political power to increase taxes on everyone, nationalize Medicaid creating a new Federal government division, and that would be cool with centrist and the GOP.

For once, stop and research before you talk. Relying on political talking points just makes you look silly.
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 I love this quote, but I hate how cornballs use this speech to argue that black people should vote GOP

And fake woke dudes use it to argue you should not vote.

This speech needs to be put in proper historical context
Repped. People take this speech out of context all the time to try to push their hotep talking points
spoke like someone who doesn't know what's happening to da sedan market in America :lol:

You regurgitate talking points from sources that confirm your bias. Nothing more. This is why no one takes any of your views seriously.

sure, ya said da same thing to me last year too. :lol:

You just like Trump is so many way

Holding onto the election to claim some sort of expertise when wrong, constantly bringing up Obama, having a problem with black people that your won't admit too.

You and Trump are a match made in delusional heaven.
Like improving the parts of the ACA that don't work instead of scrapping it?

Obamacare shouldn't of been done in da first place.

Yeah they were wild stupid for pursuing AFFORDABLE CARE.

that wasn't affordable, or we still pretending da premium spikes were fantasy :lol:

We pretending the govt subsidy to offset the costs and Republican tinkering that caused the spikes are fantasy?

oh, you mean bailing out insurance companies that couldn't make a profit on a product da government mandated you to have? :lol:

You do realize that most states contract out Medicaid to private insurers? Right

And those insurers make a ton of this scheme.

So you are advocating that Obama should have lined the pockets of insurers more to fund a huge Medicaid expansion.

But you take offense when people bring up the risk corridor, and under funding stuff like co-ops

You're not informed enough to realize you are being hypocritical.

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Like improving the parts of the ACA that don't work instead of scrapping it?

Obamacare shouldn't of been done in da first place.

Yeah they were wild stupid for pursuing AFFORDABLE CARE.

that wasn't affordable, or we still pretending da premium spikes were fantasy :lol:

We pretending the govt subsidy to offset the costs and Republican tinkering that caused the spikes are fantasy?

oh, you mean bailing out insurance companies that couldn't make a profit on a product da government mandated you to have? :lol:

No fool, I'm talking about the tax benefit individuals get to help offset the costs and make it more affordable. ie when I was unemployed under a plan from the market place that was already good at $260 a month, $1800 deductible, $5 doctor visits and $3 prescriptions, I qualified for a break that subsidized $200 monthly and brought it down to just $60. People want to run their mouth and regurgitate talking points without being the least bit ******* informed about the act. It was affordable, get your head out of your ***.
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Trump met with Prime minister who cares from Australia, and said the health care in Australia is better than health care in the US. He was talking a couple of hours after the House passed a bill to repeal the ACA.

"President Trump praised Australia's health care system as better than the United States' system after meeting with Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull in Manhattan on Thursday evening, hours after the U.S. House passed a bill repealing and replacing portions of Obamacare. "

Australia has universal health care. And he is right it is better in both price and patient outcome. Trump said that we are going to have great health care soon.

"There's just one catch for the Republican president -- Australia has a universal health care system, which is largely publicly funded. Mr. Trump said the House GOP's health care bill, the American Health Care Act, "could change a little bit" in the Senate, or perhaps become "even better."

Adding that Australia has better health care than the U.S. currently does, he said, "We're going to have great health care very soon."

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The disconnect with reality that these people have is amazing. But then again I forget, reality is just an arbitrary frame. 
Hope people plaster these clowns faces all over the place to get them to show up to town halls.

Milk cartons

Need a bunch of people in chicken suits showing up everywhere they go.

Publicly shame these cowards until they have no choice.

Wouldn't be mad if tar and feathering made a comeback.
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Is hosting town halls mandatory anywhere? Seems like it should be, after all they are supposed to represent their constituents. 
Lol out of all things my Instagram autoclaimer just claimed @VladimirPutin 

Maybe I should slide in Trump's DMs 
If Paul Ryan was not in politics, he looks like he would be a crooked district attorney trying to put innocent black people away for long time.

I hate that man so much
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If Paul Ryan was not in politics, he looks like he would be a crooked district attorney trying to put innocent black people away for long time.

I hate that man so much
Or a personal trainer who habitually line steps and sexuality harasses any under-30 woman at the Bally Fitness he works at.
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