***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Cuomo is a moderate with a spotty social justice record. I really don't see which faction of the Dem coalition will get excited for him

da ones worried about economic anxiety will give him whirl.

he usually places nice with IDC (independent Democratic conference state Senators who caucus with Republicans​ to blunt flagrant progressives bills and moderates em) on annual budgets.

other than banning state fracking upstate (which would've been a boon economically) and his looney idea of eventually shutting down indian point nuclear plant with no feasible power replacement in da horizon, he's been chill.

The competitive fringe in the Democratic party is now the progressive left, not the centrist left. An economic populist might do better with the white working class than a Cuomo. Albeit that might be his best demographic

Cuomo is firmly to right of both Obama and Clinton, and the IDC is hated by progressives, he seen as Wall Street friendly as well so he is dead in the water with progressives and young people

He doesn't have the record or name recognition to eat in the south.

Unless the establishment throws a ton of money and support behind him, or there is a ton of vote splitting among the coalitions, dude is going to have a tough time. And he should, he is a crappy choice.

he's a old school Democrat that can has da pragmatism & track record of being a pretty competent governor thus far, plus he's a old school Italian son of "Super" Mario Cuomo so he can turn up da showmanship & credentials when needed.

there isn't a competent über liberal in DNC with governing experience, and putting ya marbles on Lizzie Warren or Corey Booker gon look like election strategy retreads.

and god forbid ya let Hillary become a Democratic king maker and hands ya a microwave approved candidate of her choosing :x :lol:

WTF are you even talking about.

You want to talk about governing experience when a clown with no experience just got elected and is breaking campaign promises left and right, and people don't know if he is a liar or incompetent. Lack of governing experience is not a card you or anyone of the right can pull to criticize the Dem field.

And Cuomo might be likeable to you, but he might not be likeable to the Dem base.

The Dem race will be wide open, their will be no front runner, and Cuomo's half stepping will not play nice with the base.

The base wants economic populism and a strong social justice platform. A candidate meeting those minimum qualifications is already left of Cuomo.

only da Fringe left is going that haaaard on social justice, da mainstream left wants jobs & opportunities.

Bernie Sanders wasn't even a Social Justice candidate, he was a economic populist that had to adopt social justice themes after BLM kept harassing him on da campaign circuit.

Cuomo just passed free college for NY State, who else got that Democratic​ political phallic device to whip around to a potential electorate?

between now & 2020 where's da candidates? Booker? he was besties with Jeff Sessions till it was politically expedient not to be...im surrrre da Democratic Fringe will love that.

Are you just rambling now? And do you think social justice is just "**** for black people?

First off even if you did you really think black people are the "fringe" of the Democratic party? That is so damn ridiculous, step your dog whistling game up btw b. The communities votes help chose the last two nominees. (I 'm sure you want to quote this to spread some ignorance)

Social justice spreads beyond stuff for black people. It covers nearly every issues affecting marginalized groups. And every candidate is going to have policies inline with each other, to avoid political attack will be reason enough.

The disagreements within candidates are probably gonna be economic, foreign policy, and how to fix Trump's mess.

-Cuomo's free college plan is weak and will only help a few, it is not gonna endear him to progressives. Just isn't his people being investigated for corruption charges? Another major knock.

Booker track record of speaking on issues will outweigh him complimenting Jeff Sessions in the past. And if he is exposed to be a half stepper, then "the black fringe" will not vote for him, simple. Don't get your panties in a bunch over a black man running for president again.

We have a long way to go until 2020, both Cuomo and Booker need to practice better politics if they want to be the nominee. Both are lacking in areas.
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Welp so his tweets get confirmed as fake news once again :lol: :lol:

@NBCNews: EXCLUSIVE: Obama warned Trump against hiring Flynn as national security adviser, three former Obama administration officials tell NBC News
Trump not listening to Obama isn't a surprise at all :lol: :smh:
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Welp so his tweets get confirmed as fake news once again :lol: :lol:

@NBCNews: EXCLUSIVE: Obama warned Trump against hiring Flynn as national security adviser, three former Obama administration officials tell NBC News
Trump not listening to Obama isn't a surprise at all :lol: :smh:

Obama probably knew if he told him that, Trump would do the exact opposite.

Trump is that big of a idiot that he thinks just doing the opposite of Obama makes him smart.
Welp so his tweets get confirmed as fake news once again :lol: :lol:

@NBCNews: EXCLUSIVE: Obama warned Trump against hiring Flynn as national security adviser, three former Obama administration officials tell NBC News
Trump not listening to Obama isn't a surprise at all :lol: :smh:

Obama probably knew if he told him that, Trump would do the exact opposite.

Trump is that big of a idiot that he thinks just doing the opposite of Obama makes him smart.

:rofl: :smh:
Welp so his tweets get confirmed as fake news once again :lol: :lol:

@NBCNews: EXCLUSIVE: Obama warned Trump against hiring Flynn as national security adviser, three former Obama administration officials tell NBC News
Trump not listening to Obama isn't a surprise at all :lol: :smh:

Obama probably knew if he told him that, Trump would do the exact opposite.

Trump is that big of a idiot that he thinks just doing the opposite of Obama makes him smart.

:rofl: :smh:

Obeezy wit the 1D tic tac toe on the Bigot. :smokin
More than 20 states have proposed bills that would crack down on protests and demonstrations since Donald Trump  was elected, in a moved that UN experts have branded “incompatible with US obligations under international human rights law”.

The proposed laws would variously increase the penalties for protesting in large groups, ban protesters from wearing masks during demonstrations and, in some states, protect drivers from liability if they strike someone taking part in a protest.

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) said more than 30 separate anti-protest bills have been introduced since 8 November in “an unprecedented level of hostility towards protesters in the 21st century”. Their introduction comes amid a huge increase in activism and engagement, much of it inspired by Trump’s election to the presidency.

The ACLU  and the National Lawyers Guild  have said many of the bills are likely unconstitutional. “The proposed bills have been especially pervasive in states where protests flourished recently,” said Vera Eidelman, who works in the ACLU’s speech, privacy and technology project.

“This flood of bills represents an unprecedented level of hostility towards protesters in the 21st century. And many of these bills attack the right to speak out precisely where the supreme court has historically held it to be the most robust: in public parks, streets and sidewalks.”

The flurry of legislation has prompted UN experts to intervene, with two special rapporteurs from the UN’s Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights  – the UN body which works to promote and protect human rights – to complain to the US state department at the end of March.

In a recent letter to the government, David Kaye and Maina Kiai, from the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), listed specific pieces of legislation which they said were “criminalizing peaceful protests”.

Kaye and Kiai, special rapporteurs on the freedom of expression and freedom of peaceful assembly respectively, said the bills represent “a worrying trend that could result in a detrimental impact on the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and freedom of expression in the country”.

The legislation would “severely infringe upon the exercise of the rights to freedom of expression and freedom of expression and freedom of peaceful assembly,” Kaye and Kiai wrote.

Hundreds of thousands of people across the country took part in women’s marches on 21 January, and since then scores of other actions have taken place against Trump and other elected officials.

A number of proposed laws – some of which have already passed – have been introduced in North Dakota,in an apparent response to the protests against the North Dakota Access pipeline. More than 1,000 people camped in Standing Rock for months in an attempt to stop the construction of the pipeline, and there were a number of clashes with police.

In Oklahoma, House bill 1123 passed the House and Senate and was sent to the governor on 27 April. If Mary Fallin, a Republican, signs the bill it will increase penalties for trespassing on “criticial infrastructure” including oil refineries and chemical manufacturing plants. Under the new law damaging equipment in those facilities would be punishable by a $100,000 fine and up to 10 years in prison.

In Tennessee a bill is currently under consideration  by the state Senate which would give “civil immunity for the driver of an automobile who injures a protester who is blocking traffic in a public right-of-way if the driver was exercising due care”. The state’s Republican governor, Bill Haslam, signed a separate bill into lawin April which increased the penalty for obstructing streets and highways in a way which restricts emergency vehicles. A similar bill is being considered  in Minnesota.

It was particularly scathing of two bills signed into law by North Dakota’s governor, Doug Burgum, in March. House bill 1304  cracks down on people wearing masks or covering their faces at demonstrations.

House bill 1426  increased protest penalties from class C felony to a class B felony if a “riot involves 100 or more persons”, doubling the maximum prison sentence to 10 years.

For the purpose of the legislation a riot is defined as: “A public disturbance involving an assemblage of five or more persons which by tumultuous and violent conduct creates grave danger of damage or injury to property or persons or substantially obstructs law enforcement or other government function.” It would likely be applicable to non-violent direct action, which protesters engaged in during the Dakota Access pipeline  protests.

Both bills were seen as reactions to protests against the Dakota Access pipeline. The UN told the US state department that bill 1426, in particular, “will highly increase penalties for participating in protests and therefore is likely to have a chilling effect on protesters in North Dakota”.
Invalidate the media, check
Suppress public demonstration, check

Fascism is that new wave. Martial Law comin back, and I ain't talking about Sammo Hung
2 hearings this week? Clapper just said this is his first of 2 hearings this week
Graham: "...compiled by some guy in England"

Very reassuring that he doesn't even know Christopher Steele's name 
Clapper looks like he wants to get out of there and get back to retirement asap 
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