***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I tried to tell you guys the investigation was a waste of time. Trump was gonna find a way to destroy the investigation.
It's not going away. This just escalated the whole thing.

This really just poured a whole tank of gasoline onto the whole thing :lol:

A bit of historical context...



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What was the landscape of the government like during Nixon's time as far as the amount of power his party had?
The ball's just getting rolling now that it's getting real serious...

@TrueFactsStated: Just in: From a highly placed source. Comey (as former Director) is testifying tomorrow/Thursday before Senate Committee in closed session.
What was the landscape of the government like during Nixon's time as far as the amount of power his party had?

I was wondering the same thing.

Checked and there were Dem majorities in each house...

2018 could decide the final outcome of all of this. Whether dude manages to skate free like teflon or something actually comes of all the thick plumes of smoke forming a trail
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This Is Not a Drill

The firing of FBI director James Comey poses a question: Will the law answer to the president, or the president to the law?

David Frum

Who can sincerely believe that President Trump fired FBI Director James Comey for any reason other than to thwart an investigation of serious crimes? Which crimes—and how serious—we can only guess.

The suggestion that Comey was fired to punish him for overzealously mishandling the Clinton email investigation appears laughable: Just this morning, Trump’s social media director Dan Scavino gleefully proposed to release video of Hillary Clinton’s concession call in order to hurt and humiliate her—and top Trump aide Kellyanne Conway laughed along with him.

No, this appears to be an attack on the integrity—not just of law enforcement—but of our defense against a foreign cyberattack on the processes of American democracy. The FBI was investigating the Trump campaign’s collusion with Russian espionage. Trump’s firing of Comey is an apparent attempt to shut that investigation down.

Whether that exactly counts as a confession of wrongdoing is a question that still deserves some withholding of judgment. Trump is impulsive and arrogant . His narcissistic ego needs to believe he won a great electoral victory by his own exertions, not that he was tipped into office by a lucky foreign espionage operation. He could well resent the search for truth, even without being particularly guilty of anything heinously bad. But we all now must take seriously the heightened possibility of guilt, either personal or on the part of people near him—and of guilt of some of the very worst imaginable crimes in the political lexicon.

Now comes the hour of testing. Will the American system resist? Or will it be suborned?

The question has to be asked searchingly of the Republican members of Congress: Will you allow a president of your party to attack the integrity of the FBI? You impeached Bill Clinton for lying about sex. Will you now condone and protect a Republican administration lying about espionage?

Where are you? Who are you?

The question has to be asked of every Trump law-enforcement appointee: In 1974, Elliott Richardson resigned rather than fire the investigator of presidential wrongdoing. Why are you still on your job? Where are your resignations?

The question has to be asked of every national-security official: It’s a lot more probable today than it was yesterday that the chain of command is compromised and beholden in some way to a hostile foreign power. If you know more of the truth than the rest of us, why are you keeping it secret? Your oath is to the Constitution, not the person of this compromised president.

The question has to be asked of all the rest of us: Perhaps the worst fears for the integrity of the U.S. government and U.S. institutions are be being fulfilled. If this firing stands—and if Trump dares to announce a pliable replacement—the rule of law begins to shake and break. The law will answer to the president, not the president to the law.

Will you accept that?

What a stunning fall from grace,Trumps 'Murica is no different than the 3rd world autocracies the States spent decades denouncing

The bolded part was some grade A ether :lol:
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This Is Not a Drill

The firing of FBI director James Comey poses a question: Will the law will answer to the president, or the president to the law?

David Frum

Who can sincerely believe that President Trump fired FBI Director James Comey for any reason other than to thwart an investigation of serious crimes? Which crimes—and how serious—we can only guess.

The suggestion that Comey was fired to punish him for overzealously mishandling the Clinton email investigation appears laughable: Just this morning, Trump’s social media director Dan Scavino gleefully proposed to release video of Hillary Clinton’s concession call in order to hurt and humiliate her—and top Trump aide Kellyanne Conway laughed along with him.

No, this appears to be an attack on the integrity—not just of law enforcement—but of our defense against a foreign cyberattack on the processes of American democracy. The FBI was investigating the Trump campaign’s collusion with Russian espionage. Trump’s firing of Comey is an apparent attempt to shut that investigation down.

Whether that exactly counts as a confession of wrongdoing is a question that still deserves some withholding of judgment. Trump is impulsive and arrogant . His narcissistic ego needs to believe he won a great electoral victory by his own exertions, not that he was tipped into office by a lucky foreign espionage operation. He could well resent the search for truth, even without being particularly guilty of anything heinously bad. But we all now must take seriously the heightened possibility of guilt, either personal or on the part of people near him—and of guilt of some of the very worst imaginable crimes in the political lexicon.

Now comes the hour of testing. Will the American system resist? Or will it be suborned?

The question has to be asked searchingly of the Republican members of Congress: Will you allow a president of your party to attack the integrity of the FBI? You impeached Bill Clinton for lying about sex. Will you now condone and protect a Republican administration lying about espionage?

Where are you? Who are you?

The question has to be asked of every Trump law-enforcement appointee: In 1974, Elliott Richardson resigned rather than fire the investigator of presidential wrongdoing. Why are you still on your job? Where are your resignations?

The question has to be asked of every national-security official: It’s a lot more probable today than it was yesterday that the chain of command is compromised and beholden in some way to a hostile foreign power. If you know more of the truth than the rest of us, why are you keeping it secret? Your oath is to the Constitution, not the person of this compromised president.

The question has to be asked of all the rest of us: Perhaps the worst fears for the integrity of the U.S. government and U.S. institutions are be being fulfilled. If this firing stands—and if Trump dares to announce a pliable replacement—the rule of law begins to shake and break. The law will answer to the president, not the president to the law.

Will you accept that?

What a stunning fall from grace,Trumps 'Murica is no different than the 3rd world autocracies the States spent decades denouncing

The bolded part was some grade A ether :lol:

The anti-trump conservatives will forever bite their tongues for having tolerated the far-right fringe that lurked in the shadows of the GOP and for having supported their beating of the xenophobia drum during the Obama years. I am laughing as they start sending out distress signals.

What will Americans do, now that it seems they have thrown away their democracy?

This is truly sad to witness.
SOULJA BOY TELL EM AGAIN! Da Libbies ain't seeing da Don's 666D Ouija Board mastery in dis political maneuvering, B! Dapper Donny got this Washington game on lock, Comrade!

EXCELLENT ANALYSIS comrade. Getting my dancing shoes on B for all the awesomeness that is DAPPER DON.
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SOULJA BOY TELL EM AGAIN! Da Libbies ain't seeing da Don's 666D Ouija Board mastery in dis political maneuvering, B! Dapper Donny got this Washington game on lock, Comrade!

EXCELLENT ANALYSIS comrade. Getting my dancing shoes on B for all the awesomeness that is DAPPER DON.

Wooo, watch out now, let me get right *shines tap shoes* The brethren still droppin gems in my absence, :pimp:
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