***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I mean how much ****** lower can we get
Our country displays one of the worst wealth inequalities for a first world country, our public education system is in tatters, and we elected a ****** twitter troll and reality tv host as president

How much lower can we get?

Dude, it can get much worst.
Worse in what ways? Unless we were white, the standards always haven't been as good until recent years.

-We can enter a recession, so bad we get even weaker growth coming out of it and we have a lost decade or generation of GDP growth

-Are deficits are expanding and that will drag down the economy soon

-Our civil rights laws and enforcement can be rolled back constantly with Sessions and Trump stacking federal courts

-Social security cut, Medicare cut, Food stamps cut, disability cut so more people languish in poverty even in old age

-The Opioid crisis starts effecting affluent whites, and minorities of all colors

-Climate Change causes a major refugee crisis from central and South America

-The Supreme Court through death or retirement ends up being like 6-3 or 7-2 conservative which leaves the possibility for major civil, labor, consumer rights being rolled back. Same sex marriage decision might even be in line to be reversed

-The lead in our pipes does the same thing as it in the ear and violent crime starts spiking, which leads to more tough on crime policies.

-Another large scale war

Who you like me to continue?
Sure. I got all day in the islands to enjoy this. :lol:

"Hello Homeland Security I would like to report a potential Asian terrorist sleeper cell................I have it on good word he is currently in Hawaii meeting with militant Hindu Nationalist..........Yes I can hold for a supervisor"
Me and Barry are planning something outchea in Hawaii :pimp:

"Yes hello, sir, yes I just got word he is meeting with Muslims also"
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I mean how much ****** lower can we get
Our country displays one of the worst wealth inequalities for a first world country, our public education system is in tatters, and we elected a ****** twitter troll and reality tv host as president

How much lower can we get?

Yo random as hell but I just realized that Comey has to be a legit 6'8. :lol:

Dude got NBA height for sure, he ever ball?
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Comey refused to play basketball with Obama because he thought it would make him look partisan.

Dude was self righteous as hell.
eddie got that beach optimism. enjoy your vacation and live in your fantasy world for a few more days while the rest of us despair in reality.

things can get much worse. we can go back just 40 or 50 years in terms of race relations, violent crime, etc. along with all the other stuff Rusty mentioned.

I've posted about this before, but i keep thinking of the vice episode in Syria, with all these affluent happy people on the beach, telling the reporter that Syria is a peaceful place. meanwhile, half a mile away, the whole city is bombed out.

toss in some accelerated wealth inequality and racism, a recession, a war on our soil, widespread corruption, and a rollback of social programs and that could be the USA in no time.
am i the only one that imagines trump knowing exactly where comey was and then breaking the news as he's in front of a television?
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eddie got that beach optimism. enjoy your vacation and live in your fantasy world for a few more days while the rest of us despair in reality.

things can get much worse. we can go back just 40 or 50 years in terms of race relations, violent crime, etc. along with all the other stuff Rusty mentioned.

I've posted about this before, but i keep thinking of the vice episode in Syria, with all these affluent happy people on the beach, telling the reporter that Syria is a peaceful place. meanwhile, half a mile away, the whole city is bombed out.

toss in some accelerated wealth inequality and racism, a recession, a war on our soil, widespread corruption, and a rollback of social programs and that could be the USA in no time.
You're right fam
You're right fam
I'm not saying it's likely. Just that it's possible.

These next few days or weeks will be critical in determining which direction we head in.

The reversal of the travel ban was a critical sign that we may just be ok.

This move (firing Comey) is either a power grab or a desperation move by a desperate man.

I really hope it's the latter because I'm going to love watching trump and his whole team go down.

edit: why the ******* hell is anderson having kelly-witch con-***** on his show? she has NO credibility. ******* CNN.

kellyanne looking like khaleesi coming out of the fire, except she died but is still walking.
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Firing Comey really speaks to how stupid Trump is. This is not some expert level plan, it's all in plain sight. He's literally just throwing his power around thinking he can bully his way out of the investigation.

If he had half a brain, he would just shut up, make nice with everyone and let things blow over. But he can't get out the way of his own ego.
Firing Comey really speaks to how stupid Trump is. This is not some expert level plan, it's all in plain sight. He's literally just throwing his power around thinking he can bully his way out of the investigation.

If he had half a brain, he would just shut up, make nice with everyone and let things blow over. But he can't get out the way of his own ego.

As I've said before, we need to stop propagating this myth about trump being teflon don and being 8 moves ahead and all that.

He is completely transparent and reflexive. And sometimes it throws people off and they think there's more to it.
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As I've said before, we need to stop propagating this myth about trump being teflon don and being 8 moves ahead and all that.

He is completely transparent and reflexive. And sometimes it throws people off and they think there's more to it.

Exactly. It ain't that deep. A middle school kid could figure this out. People get on TV and try to decipher his actions like it's some secret code when it's literally RIGHT THERE.

I think people have had a hard time coming to grips with the fact a President could be this stupid, but some are realizing it's not an act, he's really a dumb ***.


Nothing you can do, folks. Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is, I don't know.


In view of your low grade... I will not dignify your name with either a Mr. or a President or a Sir. And, your last name calls to mind only the type of DUMP such as a soiled toilet...

Don, look into your heart. You know you are a complete fraud and a great liability to all of us Americans. White people in this country have enough frauds of their own but I am sure they don't have one at this time anywhere near your equal. You are no president and you know it. I repeat you are a colossal fraud and an evil, vicious one at that. You could not believe in God... Clearly you don't believe in any personal moral principles.

Don, like all frauds your end is approaching. You could have been our greatest leader. You, even at an early age have turned out to be not a leader but a dissolute, abnormal moral imbecile. We will now have to depend on our older leaders like Biden, a man of character and thank God we have others like him. But you are done. Your "esteemed" degrees, your corporation (what a grim farce) and other companies will not save you. Don, I repeat you are done.

No person can overcome facts, not even a fraud like yourself. Lend your sexually psychotic ear to the enclosure. You will find yourself and all your dirt, filth, evil, and moronic talk exposed on the record for all time. I repeat — no person can argue successfully against facts. You are finished. You will on the record for all time your filthy, dirty, evil companions, male and females giving expression to you with your American hideous abnormalities. And some of them to pretend to be upholders of the Constitution. Satan could not do more. What incredible evilness. It is all there on the record, your sexual orgies. Listen to yourself you filthy, abnormal animal. You are on the record. You have been on the record - all your adulterous acts, your sexual orgies extending far into the past. This one is but a tiny sample. You will understand this. Yes, from your various evil playmates in America to others in Russia you are on the record. Don, you are done.

The American public, the church organizations that have been helping — Protestant, Catholic and Jews will know you for what you are — an evil, abnormal beast. So will others who have backed you. You are done.

Don, there is only one thing left for you to do. You know what it is. You have just 14 days in which to do it. You are done. There is but one way out for you. You better take it before your filthy, abnormal fraudulent self is bared to the nation.

I know this is based off the letter to MLK and on one hand I feel wrong using it in any capacity but it fits so perfectly here.
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