***Official Political Discussion Thread***

If he wants to run, he can run for Senator in 2018. Stay the **** away from the Presidency, even though he is probably the celebrity candidate I have the least amount of problem with.
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! Trump tells EU leaders: "The Germans are bad, very bad", will "stop" German car sales to US https://t.co/IR5khYeFvp
— Mathieu von Rohr (@mathieuvonrohr) May 25, 2017
BMW, Mercedes and Volkswagen have plants in the U.S. In the red states, nonetheless. 


After Trump called NATO obsolete (then proceeded to walk that back), Europe was looking for public support of Article 5, which affirms that NATO members will come to the mutual defense of any member that is under attack. But alas, Trump could not even bring himself to utter explicitly that the U.S. supports Article 5 in his remarks at Brussels, which every single U.S. president has done since Harry Truman in 1949. If NATO allies were nervous about the United States’ commitment to Europe’s security before, they must be fuming now. The NATO summit comes as reports surface that British police are withholding intelligence from the United States after leaks to U.S. media about the Manchester bombing investigation, and weeks after Trump revealed highly classified information to the Russians about operations against the Islamic State. For all of Trump’s fire and fury about the United States getting the raw end of the deal from NATO, from an optics standpoint, it is the United States that is looking like the irresponsible partner.
Here's a rough German-to-English translation of the Spiegel article.
[h2]  [/h2]
[h2]Trump in Brussels"The Germans are evil, very evil"[/h2]
At the meeting with the EU leaders Donald Trump has criticized massive criticism of Germany. The SPIEGEL learned from the circle of participants the exact wording.

US President Donald Trump complained bitterly about the German trade surplus on his meeting with the EU top in Brussels. "The Germans are evil, very evil," said Trump. This was learned by the SPIEGEL from participants in the meeting.

Trump said, "Look at the millions of cars they sell in the US, and we'll stop that."

At the meeting, EU Commissioner Jean-Claude Juncker took the side of the Germans and disagreed with Trumps Schelte. Free trade is a good thing for all, said the Commissioner. Juncker had tried a friendly tone, but was hard on the matter, says the participants.

At about an hour's meeting, Trump first met with President Donald Tusk and Commissioner Jean-Claude Juncker, after about 45 minutes, other members of the EU came, including President of the European Parliament, Antonio Tajani, and EU chief diplomat Federica Mogherini. 

According to a report from the "Süddeutsche Zeitung", the EU side was terrified about the lack of awareness of the Americans about trade policy. Apparently, it was unclear to the guests that the EU countries concluded trade agreements only jointly. Trumps economic consultant Gary Cohn is said to have said in the conversation between the US and Germany tariff tariffs other than between the USA and Belgium. 

Germany has been exporting more than it has introduced for years. Trump had already made the German surplus on the subject earlier, and the President had already expressed his critical opinion in an interview with the Bild newspaper. "I would say to BMW if they want to build a factory in Mexico and sell cars to the US without a 35 percent tax, they can forget that" Trump said at the time. Since then, there has been a threat of a criminal tax in the room.

The new US president feels the German surplus is unfair because of the fact that trade deficits are elsewhere, he is especially thinking about the US. The federal government is also under pressure within the EU because of the trade surplus. Lastly, Federal Minister of Finance Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU) had described the surplus as too high in the SPIEGEL interview. It was actually thought in the EU, after countless meetings of European leaders with Trump and many attempts to explain the international trade policy. This hope may well bury the Europeans.

Bradd Jaffy‏Verified account

Bradd Jaffy Retweeted Mathieu von Rohr
Volkswagen builds cars in Tennessee, BMW builds cars in South Carolina, Mercedes builds cars in AlabamaBradd Jaffy added,
Mathieu von RohrVerified account @mathieuvonrohr
! Trump tells EU leaders: "The Germans are bad, very bad", will "stop" German car sales to US http://m.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/a-1149282.html
swedishkiss [emoji]127801[/emoji]Daniel PimentelBill SteeleFayDarkForebodingStewDan CliffeMichael BouchardMegDia Malaba
1:10 PM - 25 May 2017

David Frum‏Verified account

Severing the US-Germany tie has been the supreme goal of first Soviet and now Russian policy in Europe since 1945.

wisdom of gilbertjoelbuffaloHbirdMRyan SavageadelieKitkat Loves HillaryKieran EvansBryan J. ImpeachThinkingThis
2:07 PM - 25 May 2017
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"War on Terror" and "Protect our freedoms" is and was the biggest load of crap ever. Can't tell me otherwise.

Any time the US government has a "war on ______" you should be skeptical :lol:

This guy Trump is a whole entire moron bruh. Got (some) Americans lookin stupid as hell right along with him. I hate when people say we look bad or America looks bad.

Nah man. He looks bad and his supporters do. I'm an unwilling participant :lol:
Heading to a London next month, any vocal pedagogist on NT?

At the moment I just can't carry this American accent around without rocking a paper bag over my head. :smh:
One of the great things about the Obama presidency is that I could tell lil black kids I was volunteer with or mentoring that they could be anything they wanted if they worked hard enough for it, even President. It was cool to say those words and not feel like I was lying to them

With the Trump presidency, I can now tell another set of 8-12 years olds that they too could be President, like right now, today. They are probably smarter and more competent that the clown currently in office. They could probably do a better damn job.
Obama was also in Europe this week and more people in Berlin came out to see him speak than went to tiny hand's inauguration :rofl:




Here's him and his bff Merkel talking about Democracy at the Brandenburg gate

At least there's one US president still garnering respect and reverence abroad :lol:
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Heading to a London next month, any vocal pedagogist on NT?

At the moment I just can't carry this American accent around without rocking a paper bag over my head. :smh:

At first I read this like, you going to London next WEEK? With terror threat alert being at critical and most tourist spots shut down ?

But then I saw you were going in a month. :lol:

Let me know how they treat you. I'm going in 6 weeks
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Obama was also in Europe this week and more people in Berlin came out to see him speak than went to tiny hand's inauguration :rofl:




Here's him and his bff Merkel talking about Democracy at the Brandenburg gate

At least there's one US president still garnering respect and reverence abroad :lol:

Brahs I have no idea why Germans like Obama so damn much.

Like all the German people I know or met in the past 8 years talk about him like they are a 16 year old girl in the 90s at a Blackstreets Boys concert

I got mad love for the dude but I be wanting them to take it down a couple notches.

Merkel looks like she misses him so damn much, poor lady :lol:
Brahs I have no idea why Germans like Obama so damn much.

Like all the German people I know or met in the past 8 years talk about him like they are a 16 year old girl in the 90s at a Blackstreets Boys concert

I got mad love for the dude but I be wanting them to take it down a couple notches.

Merkel looks like she misses him so damn much, poor lady :lol:
Western Europe loves Obama. I reckon he'd do such numbers here too.
Dawg Trump has already failed in trying to make Obama look like a "failed president"

People love him more than ever :lol:
The love affair probably started after he made that big speech in Berlin in front of 200k during the '08 campaign after he had won the nomination



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