***Official Political Discussion Thread***

I honestly don't think the Dems problem is getting support from some big businesses
If that was the case, Repubs turnout would be low also

Problem with the voting base and the party is the image of "smugness" and "I'm morally better than you" type of brand
While of course I deeply support the moral high ground that Dems take, problem is that many voters aren't interested in that.
I don't know what's the solution in that tbh in getting more voters, because they will compromise the Democrat party if we decide to "lower our ethical standards" for the sake of votes

-I didn't say it was just about big business. Dems won't win **** if they turn on marginalized groups

-I am talking and exciting the base. Dems do best in high turnout elections, especially on the state and local leave.

-Republicans voters will keep voting Republican and over look their big business ties. Tribalism and white supremacy will make sure of that

-And if you can excite your base and convince a few swing voters, then you will do work in elections.

People staying home (or even voting third party) are a huge problem for Dems. Dems do best when their base feel they have something to vote for, not against
If that's the case, Trump needs to stay until 2019. He's the biggest lightening rod currently.
Jewish Insider: H.R. McMaster was left out of Trump's Netanyahu meeting Monday—but Jared Kushner was there http://bit.ly/2r4XH1W

So the 3 star general who might actually have an idea about what he's talking about in terms of the ME gets left out of this yet the man currently a central figure in an FBI investigation gets access?

"Only the best people" I suppose...
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I honestly don't think the Dems problem is getting support from some big businesses
If that was the case, Repubs turnout would be low also

Problem with the voting base and the party is the image of "smugness" and "I'm morally better than you" type of brand
While of course I deeply support the moral high ground that Dems take, problem is that many voters aren't interested in that.
I don't know what's the solution in that tbh in getting more voters, because they will compromise the Democrat party if we decide to "lower our ethical standards" for the sake of votes

-I didn't say it was just about big business. Dems won't win **** if they turn on marginalized groups

-I am talking and exciting the base. Dems do best in high turnout elections, especially on the state and local leave.

-Republicans voters will keep voting Republican and over look their big business ties. Tribalism and white supremacy will make sure of that

-And if you can excite your base and convince a few swing voters, then you will do work in elections.

People staying home (or even voting third party) are a huge problem for Dems. Dems do best when their base feel they have something to vote for, not against
If that's the case, Trump needs to stay until 2019. He's the biggest lightening rod currently.

True, he rallies the Dem base but he is hell bent on destroying the lives to too many people. I will take he getting bounced anyway I can. I'm down for fighting Pence for 3 years instead.
Jewish Insider: H.R. McMaster was left out of Trump's Netanyahu meeting Monday—but Jared Kushner was there http://bit.ly/2r4XH1W

So the 3 star general who might actually have an idea about what he's talking about in terms of the ME gets left out of this yet the man currently a central figure in an FBI investigation gets access?

"Only the best people" I suppose...

I heard they did Spicey real dirty. He is a Catholic and it was on his bucket list to meet the Pope.

At the last minute they told him he is not invited. :lol: :lol:
Boehner not giving a damn :lol:

I honestly don't think the Dems problem is getting support from some big businesses
If that was the case, Repubs turnout would be low also

Problem with the voting base and the party is the image of "smugness" and "I'm morally better than you" type of brand
While of course I deeply support the moral high ground that Dems take, problem is that many voters aren't interested in that.
I don't know what's the solution in that tbh in getting more voters, because they will compromise the Democrat party if we decide to "lower our ethical standards" for the sake of votes

I'm gonna preface this by saying I'm not the most politically astute person on here, but at least I'm not a gust of wind :lol:

I don't think they have to lower ethical standards to appeal to Trump voters, I think they need to learn how to authentically deliver their message to black and brown people, remove cancerous Dem politicians at the local level, and cut out the weak *** pandering ("Hillary is mi abuela" :smh:). It's hard to get black and brown people excited to vote for a democratic candidate on a national level when Dems have been in charge of most large city governments for the past 30 years and all they see is gentrification, failing public schools and police brutality. Look at what Rahm Emanuel has done (or hasn't done) in Chicago, the 3rd largest city in the nation. His performance doesn't exactly build confidence in those communities that a Dem president is going to improve the situation in those communities and they know the alternative party is already full of racists and bigots so many lose hope, just say "**** it" and stay home.

(and yes, I realize there are a ton of additional factors that keep voter turnout in communities of color low. Not ignoring that at all)
Da Don tried to pull Da Strings for Spicey buy Obummer and Da LIBBIES stopped him B. DISGUSTING.
I voted and gave $2000 to Bernie Sanders and he wanted to raise my taxes by a good clip.

Hillary Clinton herself wanted to increase her own taxes a ton to fund anti poverty measures

Being a liberal often means voting against your short term and medium term financial interest for the greater.

So the "Dems do nothing for me directly" argument doesn't carry much weight with me usually.

Even though I am sympathetic to your given situation, the Dems should focus on helping smaller companies compete against large firms, in many sectors. Large farms already have economics of scale on their side, and it would help empower workers.
Damn 2 k you must got a lot of throw away money.
Am I reading this right? Comey knew an Intel was fake and threw Hillary under the bus so the investigation can save face?

This week the Trump administration managed to impose a massive tax increase on middle-income families beginning in 2018. You could be excused for missing this story if you were focusing instead on President Trump’s draconian budget or Republican efforts to take away health care from tens of millions of people. But, indeed, on Monday, the Trump Health Care Tax was born.

The new tax, 19 percent or more of premiums, will be added on top of the cost of policies purchased through the individual-market health insurance exchanges. It is a result of Trump’s decision to create as much chaos as possible in the health-care market — in this case by not committing to continue to reimburse billions of dollars of cost-sharing payments owed to insurers just as they set prices for next year. And the president couldn’t have been more clear about why he’s imposing this tax: He thinks disrupting the Affordable Care Act exchanges, which serve more than 12 million Americans, will force Democrats to agree to proposals in his budget and in the House health-care bill that would take coverage away from tens of millions.

There is something even more troubling about this tax. In an unusual twist, it will not be paid to the government but to insurance companies. That’s because, under the ACA, 83 percent of people who are insured on the exchanges are protected from premium increases by tax credits provided by the government. If premiums go up, government payments to insurers go up with them. Trump is even willing to sacrifice federal dollars to sink the ACA.

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