***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Da orange guy playing intergalactic chutes and ladders on da libbies and da intelligencia agencies.


Funniest part about this Kushner business is no one likes him so there's really no one to defend him 

Dems dont like him and Trump supporters damn sure dont because:

A. He's a jew


B. Much like their idol, they wish they were the ones ******* Ivanka instead of him
I'm pretty sure Congress and the news agencies are just trolling at this point. They KNOW the whole story, but they have to drop it bit by bit otherwise the average idiot American's head will explode. It's so apparent​ they're slowly closing in on Trump, every person they find dirt on has a closer relationship to him than the last.
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Why would a Russian oligarch want to testify before Congress?

with him seeking immunity gotta assume he wants rid himself of any potential crimes to that could get him arrested or extradited from another country

he had issues getting visas to enter the state according to the article as well, not sure if full immunity will assist in that or not though

either way homie better watch out for the polonium tea
I hated myself after I voting for Hillary and Trump is president rusty if dems put me in that same position again next election I'm not voting I got an ok job but I can be homeless tomorrow so there's really nothing to lose
I hated myself after I voting for Hillary and Trump is president rusty if dems put me in that same position again next election I'm not voting I got an ok job but I can be homeless tomorrow so there's really nothing to lose

Sorry, but I'm not going to take this comment seriously.

I tired of listening to dudes irrational hate for Hillary Clinton. Especially if you're going as far to stay you rather be homeless than vote for her and saying their is nothing to lose.

You sound ridiculous famb, real talk.
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I hated myself after I voting for Hillary and Trump is president rusty if dems put me in that same position again next election I'm not voting I got an ok job but I can be homeless tomorrow so there's really nothing to lose
You sound like you have a defeatist attitude.
and I don't expect y'all to take me serious I just feel like some reps that voted trump did so because of Hillary and the progressives that didn't vote did so because of her and if put in the same position they will do it again they aren't desperate like I was they don't care about Libbie tears or snowflakes or trump playing 7867D chess so why bother
I hated myself after I voting for Hillary and Trump is president rusty if dems put me in that same position again next election I'm not voting I got an ok job but I can be homeless tomorrow so there's really nothing to lose

I hated myself after I voting for Hillary and Trump is president rusty if dems put me in that same position again next election I'm not voting I got an ok job but I can be homeless tomorrow so there's really nothing to lose
I can sorta see why you ended up one step away from homeless
With how forceful Hillary's been in recent weeks,I'm not sure I'd rule her out for another run in 2020 tbh :lol:.

In twiddling,bumbling idiot news

Another CIA vet: If you do what Kushner reportedly did, "you are, in the eyes of the FBI and CIA, a traitor."


Kush is really really ****** :lol: :x,and in a spectacularly dumb manner for someones who's been seen as a "moderating" "voice of reason" by some
I wouldn't recommend her to at all but I've been pretty surprised at how much she's been in the public sphere after and how vocal she's been in speaking out. Might be nothing but the cynic in me thinks she might be testing the waters/temperature of the room....

GERMANY: Chancellor Merkel says G7 discussions on climate change were 'very unsatisfactory' amid reports of disagreement with Trump

Diplomat says Trump's behavior at NATO summit and comments about Germany being bad for exporting cars to the US are 'absurd'

G7 statement says the US is 'not in a position' to join a consensus on climate change

Man has more shared values with and even love for the likes of Putins Russia,Duterte's Philippines, Erdogan's Turkey etc than traditional longstanding allies who he's been purposely antagonistic to,can't make this cold war spy novel up :lol:
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I wouldn't recommend her to at all but I've been pretty surprised at how much she's been in the public sphere after and how vocal she's been in speaking out. Might be nothing but the cynic in me thinks she might be testing the waters/temperature of the room....
Man has more shared values with and even love for the likes of Putins Russia,Duterte's Philippines, Erdogan's Turkey etc than traditional longstanding allies who he's been purposely antagonistic to,can't make this cold war spy novel
Germany's top newspaper Der Spiegel, which is renowned across Europe for its investigative journalism, released a pretty damning op-ed from the chief editor himself on May 19th. Along with comments from the German administration etc, the damage Trump has done to the longstanding alliance between the US and Germany looks pretty severe already.

Donald Trump is not fit to be president of the United States. He does not possess the requisite intellect and does not understand the significance of the office he holds  nor the tasks associated with it. He doesn't read. He doesn't bother to peruse important files and intelligence reports and knows little about the issues that he has identified as his priorities. His decisions are capricious and they are delivered in the form of tyrannical decrees.

He is a man free of morals. As has been demonstrated hundreds of times, he is a liar, a racist and a cheat. I feel ashamed to use these words, as sharp and loud as they are. But if they apply to anyone, they apply to Trump. And one of the media's tasks is to continue telling things as they are: Trump has to be removed from the White House. Quickly. He is a danger to the world.

Trump is a miserable politician. He fired the FBI director simply because he could. James Comey had gotten under his skin with his investigation into Trump's confidants. Comey had also refused to swear loyalty and fealty to Trump and to abandon the investigation. He had to go.

Witnessing an American Tragedy

Trump is also a miserable boss. His people invent excuses for him and lie on his behalf because they have to, but then Trump wakes up and posts tweets that contradict what they have said. He doesn't care that his spokesman, his secretary of state and his national security adviser had just denied that the president had handed Russia (of all countries) sensitive intelligence gleaned from Israel (of all countries). Trump tweeted: Yes, yes, I did, because I can. I'm president after all.

Nothing is as it should be in this White House. Everyone working there has been compromised multiple times and now they all despise each other - and everyone except for Trump despises Trump. Because of all that, after just 120 days of the Trump administration, we are witness to an American tragedy for which there are five theoretical solutions.

The first is Trump's resignation, which won't happen. The second is that Republicans in the House and Senate support impeachment, which would be justified by the president's proven obstruction of justice, but won't happen because of the Republicans' thirst for power, which they won't willingly give up. The third possible solution is the invocation of the 25th Amendment, which would require the cabinet to declare Trump unfit to discharge the powers of the presidency. That isn't particularly likely either. Fourth: The Democrats get ready to fight and win back majorities in the House and Senate in midterm elections, which are 18 months away, before they then pursue option two, impeachment. Fifth: the international community wakes up and finds a way to circumvent the White House and free itself of its dependence on the U.S. Unlike the preceding four options, the fifth doesn't directly solve the Trump problem, but it is nevertheless necessary - and possible.

No Goals and No Strategy

Not quite two weeks ago, a number of experts and politicians focused on foreign policy met in Washington at the invitation of the Munich Security Conference. It wasn't difficult to sense the atmosphere of chaos and agony that has descended upon the city.

The U.S. elected a laughing stock to the presidency and has now made itself dependent on a joke of a man. The country is, as David Brooks wrote recently in the New York Times, dependent on a child. The Trump administration has no foreign policy because Trump has consistently promised American withdrawal while invoking America's strength. He has promised both no wars and more wars. He makes decisions according to his mood, with no strategic coherence or tactical logic. Moscow and Beijing are laughing at America. Elsewhere, people are worried.

In the Pacific, warships - American and Chinese - circle each other in close proximity. The conflict with North Korea is escalating. Who can be certain that Donald Trump won't risk nuclear war simply to save his own skin? Efforts to stop climate change are in trouble and many expect the U.S. to withdraw from the Paris Agreement because Trump is wary of legally binding measures. Crises, including those in Syria and Libya, are escalating, but no longer being discussed. And who should they be discussed with? Phone calls and emails to the U.S. State Department go unanswered. Nothing is regulated, nothing is stable and the trans-Atlantic relationship  hardly exists anymore. German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel and Bundestag Foreign Affairs Committee Chair Norbert Röttgen fly back and forth, but Germany and the U.S. no longer understand each other. Hardly any real communication takes place, there are no joint foreign policy goals and there is no strategy.

In "Game of Thrones," the Mad King was murdered (and the child that later took his place was no better). In real life, an immature boy sits on the throne of the most important country in the world. He could, at any time, issue a catastrophic order that would immediately be carried out. That is why the parents cannot afford to take their eyes off him even for a second. They cannot succumb to exhaustion because he is so taxing. They ultimately have to send him to his room - and return power to the grownups.
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She is not running again, but she is entitled to have a life. She has made a few appearances since the election.

Bernie is the one looking like he is going to run again. He is basically still on the campaign trail. Famb is still having rallies and town halls with Republicans
I didn't even mention dude since he's still a sitting member of congress though,that's been expected :lol:. I'm not against her having a life at all,didn't even imply that. Just surprised at how much she's been at the forefront of the "resistance" is all,seems like she could be planting seeds but I could be wrong. I wouldn't recommend either running personally,get that young blood at the forefront

Belgium Belgium Could his Euro trip have gone over any worse? Sheesh :lol: :x. Now dude just confirmed most of Europeans suspicions about him being a lackey/pawn in Putin's chess game
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She is not running again, but she is entitled to have a life. She has made a few appearances since the election.

Bernie is the one looking like he is going to run again. He is basically still on the campaign trail. Famb is still having rallies and town halls with Republicans
Do you think he has a chance with the age he'll be at in 2020? I would have serious concerns about a 79 year old presidential candidate.

He may be full of energy right now, and possibly at 79 years old but a lot can suddenly change at that age.
She is not running again, but she is entitled to have a life. She has made a few appearances since the election.

Bernie is the one looking like he is going to run again. He is basically still on the campaign trail. Famb is still having rallies and town halls with Republicans

When he isn't selected again we will get Bernie Got CHEATED Part 2.
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