***Official Political Discussion Thread***

At the end of the day the people still have to vote in a candidate in the primaries, not the DNC.
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Oh god please shut up with this bull **** and vote in your primary election.

And stop writing this nonsense.

The Dems don't feed you a candidate, they ask you to support the winner of a nation primary

I know I should not take you seriously. but too many people on the left think the stupid **** you do.

Russians hacked the DNC and Clinton campaign, then in a coordinated effort of hundreds of people picked out select emails to paint a narrative. And you slurp it up

Hillary Clinton beat Bernie Sanders by over 3 million votes, people who participated in primaries made her the nominee, not the DNC.

The millions of people in your coalition disagreed with you on who should be the nominee, GET ******* OVER IT.
Explain Donna Brazile Rusty...

She gave Hillary a question, and unnecessary move because it was a question that Clinton would have been prepared for. She should have nothing to do with the DNC, or the Congressional arms.

But Donna Brazile did not swing the primary for ***** sake. Sanders was not cheated out of the nomination

Hillary washed Bernie on her own. If you want your preferred candidate then next time around how about you donate money, volunteer, and vote in your primary.

Do not ***** and complain and believe in conspiracy theories as to why you didn't get your way.
Dems are a failed party that willprob get washed in 2020 too unfortunately. They pretty much blew a 3-1 lead last year.
She gave Hillary a question, and unnecessary move because it was a question that Clinton would have been prepared for. She should have nothing to do with the DNC, or the Congressional arms.

But Donna Brazile did not swing the primary for ***** sake. Sanders was not cheated out of the nomination

Hillary washed Bernie on her own. If you want your preferred candidate then next time around how about you donate money, volunteer, and vote in your primary.

Do not ***** and complain and believe in conspiracy theories as to why you didn't get your way.
How do we know if the little things that the DNC did that favored Hillary didn't have an impact on Bernie's success?
I dont get why people are shocked the DNC would back Clinton when she has been a Democrat and Sanders was independent and ran as a Democrat because it would increase his chances. Of course the DNC would be behind the person who had been with them.

But regardless that is not why Sanders lost the primary his campaign did terrible outreach in the south (I know I cant remember a single ad ran down here in Atlanta) and you aren't winning the DNC nomination without the minority vote.
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She gave Hillary a question, and unnecessary move because it was a question that Clinton would have been prepared for. She should have nothing to do with the DNC, or the Congressional arms.

But Donna Brazile did not swing the primary for ***** sake. Sanders was not cheated out of the nomination

Hillary washed Bernie on her own. If you want your preferred candidate then next time around how about you donate money, volunteer, and vote in your primary.

Do not ***** and complain and believe in conspiracy theories as to why you didn't get your way.
How do we know if the little things that the DNC did that favored Hillary didn't have an impact on Bernie's success?

So now you are depending on what ifs to prove you argument?

How about this what if, what if there were people in the DNC that were against Hillary for and Bernie, and tried to do things to help Bernie, but Wikileaks never released those emails, because it would hurt the narrative they were trying to spin.

Like The Sanders Staffers breached Clinton's voter data, a huge scumbag move. If Clinton did that to Sanders you and Bernie Bros everywhere would be crying bloody murder.

We can do what ifs all day, doesn't prove you argument.

Dude, Bernie lost the entire South (he stop campaigning there after SC), any place there was a large grouping of minorities he lost. Hillary ran a better campaign that him, and she washed him.
I dont get why people are shocked the DNC would back Clinton when she has been a Democrat and Sanders was independent and ran as a Democrat because it would increase his chances. Of course the DNC would be behind the person who had been with them.

But regardless that is not why Sanders lost the primary his campaign did terrible outreach in the south and you aren't winning the DNC nomination without the minority vote.

Not to go over the primary but some people want to rewrite history and act like Bernie got screwed and looked over and the ways he played himself.

Besides the not campaigning in the South, this dude called any group that back Clinton including Planned Parenthood part of the "political establishment", pick Cornell West and Killer Mike as surrogates, and after insulting the superdelegates as "Democratic Political Establishment" for months, he then ask superdelegates to steal the nomination for him.

Dude has his share of buffoonery.
I dont get why people are shocked the DNC would back Clinton when she has been a Democrat and Sanders was independent and ran as a Democrat because it would increase his chances. Of course the DNC would be behind the person who had been with them.

But regardless that is not why Sanders lost the primary his campaign did terrible outreach in the south and you aren't winning the DNC nomination without the minority vote.

It's called entitlement. Anyone who understands how political alliances play out realizes that it is par for the course for a political party to support their long time member and not someone who just wants to ride their coattails to gain more representation.

Timid Tebow and em is why I don't think the country will get better politically. They refuse to learn the ins and outs of this ****, they keep regurgitating half-truths (people voted in the primaries for Hillary, she wasn't out there stuffing ballots), they will sit out again, and when the fan explodes from too much **** hitting it, they'll turn around and plead democrats to do something because ultimately, they generally agree with their platform.

Many Americans don't want the burden of decision-making that comes with democracy, they want a benevolent monarch.
I dont get why people are shocked the DNC would back Clinton when she has been a Democrat and Sanders was independent and ran as a Democrat because it would increase his chances. Of course the DNC would be behind the person who had been with them.

But regardless that is not why Sanders lost the primary his campaign did terrible outreach in the south and you aren't winning the DNC nomination without the minority vote.

It's called entitlement. Anyone who understands how political alliances play out realizes that it is par for the course for a political party to support their long time member and not someone who just wants to ride their coattails to gain more representation.

Timid Tebow and em is why I don't think the country will get better politically. They refuse to learn the ins and outs of this ****, they keep regurgitating half-truths (people voted in the primaries for Hillary, she wasn't out there stuffing ballots), they will sit out again, and when the fan explodes from too much **** hitting it, they'll turn around and plead democrats to do something because ultimately, they generally agree with their platform.

Many Americans don't want the burden of decision-making that comes with democracy, they want a benevolent monarch.

This. This so much

I see it all the time in casual political conversations and a ton in other threads on NT. Dudes are ignorant about basic civics, the political system, and party politics. Then they get frustrated when things don't go there where and then they claim it is just best not to vote. And they use dudes like Tariq Nasheed or Umar Johnson to validate this position :smh:

I like to test Bernie supporters by asking them this: would you take Hillary Clinton with a Liberal Democratic supermajority, or Bernie Sanders with the GOP controlling the Congress.

You would be shocked, or maybe not, at the amount of people that say they would prefer Bernie with the GOP Congress. Even if they pick right the first time I can always lower the bar by saying "How about a spilt Congress" or with Dems without a supermajority. And along the way people forfeit the supermajority to get Bernie in.

Some people just refuse to put their rustle aside and see the bigger picture.
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Bernie faced the usual "The Party Decides" up hill battle the outsider candidate faces//

(the establishment signaling to voters through various means who their preferred candidate is)

but in the end, once it became clear that black people weren't "feeling the burn" it was over for Bernie, there wasn't a scenario he was going to win while getting trounced in the black and latino vote.

I would argue the establishment gave Bernie a better shot than he had any right to have, by signaling to other candidates to not get in the race because it has hillary's turn. If the party doesn't "decide" on Hillary...maybe Elizabeht Warren gets in the race and suddenly good ol bernie doesn't have a monopoly on the far left vote.
Umar Johnson's website requires flash player for it to run...in 2017...that ALONE is reason enough not to mess with that dude. :lol:
A lot of the stuff Umar be saying belongs in the wildin thread but not once have I heard any of them suggest to not vote PERIOD... They just believe local elections are more important than presidential ones
One of the privileges that come with being black is the fact that you can't be taken seriously in society spouting ******** that appeals to black peoples worst instincts.

Glen Beck outche selling gold nugget scams, and apocalypse survival food and will still gets to be taken seriously when it comes to political discourse. Charles Murray can parade around the country peddling junk science and still get invited to every university in the land to speak..and be take seriously.

but for black folks, if you see black person that has a voice in political circles (uncle toms excluded) it's because he/she EARNED that **** by spitting that REAL. :pimp:

So I take great pleasure in dismissing guys like Umar Johnson or Tariq Nasheed, it's part of a GREAT traditions that keeps the bar for the black intellectual HIGH. :pimp:
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Umar Johnson's website requires flash player for it to run...in 2017...that ALONE is reason enough not to mess with that dude. :lol:
A lot of the stuff Umar be saying belongs in the wildin thread but not once have I heard any of them suggest to not vote PERIOD... They just believe local elections are more important than presidential ones

Come on, now! Check out the Kaep thread around election time. His opinion about voting had many supporters on NT and outside of it.
So they believe in local elections, yet they say voting is pointless and to not vote?
You realize there are local ballots even in a national election, sounds like you're just making excuses for their flawed logic.
If someone says voting is pointless they might as well register as a republican because that's whose hands they play in. The Trump administration is just more of the same then I suppose, hardly different from Obama since voting is pointless. In da words of da Don, what do you have to lose?
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Not to go over the primary but some people want to rewrite history and act like Bernie got screwed and looked over and the ways he played himself.

Besides the not campaigning in the South, this dude called any group that back Clinton including Planned Parenthood part of the "political establishment", pick Cornell West and Killer Mike as surrogates, and after insulting the superdelegates as "Democratic Political Establishment" for months, he then ask superdelegates to steal the nomination for him.

Dude has his share of buffoonery.

It's called entitlement. Anyone who understands how political alliances play out realizes that it is par for the course for a political party to support their long time member and not someone who just wants to ride their coattails to gain more representation.

Timid Tebow and em is why I don't think the country will get better politically. They refuse to learn the ins and outs of this ****, they keep regurgitating half-truths (people voted in the primaries for Hillary, she wasn't out there stuffing ballots), they will sit out again, and when the fan explodes from too much **** hitting it, they'll turn around and plead democrats to do something because ultimately, they generally agree with their platform.

Many Americans don't want the burden of decision-making that comes with democracy, they want a benevolent monarch.
I didn't sit out though. I actually voted for Clinton, even though I considered sitting out.. What's wrong with Cornel West? You calling Bernie a Buffon but contributed 2k to his campaign. Where they do that at??? So you supported buffoonery I guess.
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