***Official Political Discussion Thread***

This hasn't even been in a hollywood movie b, so how could this possibly happen? 
This hasn't even been in a hollywood movie b, so how could this possibly happen? 
if that's the case judgement day gon be coming up, sessions betta be strapped with the laser musket for the alien invasion
Burr: I can tell you that we are very much focused on the Russia investigation

Warner (?): Doesn't seem like it

i caught that too 
Ive said before in conversation with people that I always found it funny that our Country the United States that prides itself on freedom of speech and democracy has some very authoritarian traditions and people

I've always found that a really strange thing - I really admire certain parts of us culture - particularly the whole "great experiment" thing - but also as an outsider who has spent a lot of time there I think much of the population has believed what they've always been told about how others don't have the freedoms that they do - when it's a blatant lie. Some of the petty crap you have to deal with is just bizarre.

I was watching Prison Break again recently and something struck me - regularly someone flashed a badge and then commandeered a vehicle/took video tape/kicked in a door etc - and that seems to just be tolerated. There's no process or following the law - just fear of what would happen to you if you don't let them get away with it.

Same with labor laws and those sorts of things - they're designed to keep the populous down not to protect their rights. Things definitely seem to have changed in the last 50 years - and this year clearly isn't doing anything to stop that.
Da whole Huckabee lineage are proud Merican citizens and will do their patriotic duty to protect their Comrade Drumpf at da cost of da freedom :pimp:
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