***Official Political Discussion Thread***


Trump is such a snowflake.

No, you're da snowflake B. Crying your liberal tears over Jefferson Sessions straight sonnin' da entire Senate. Da establishment, red and blue alike, didn't have a clue B. Not only did Sessions answer once and for all that Russia is our friend and trump is guilty of NO wrongdoing other than being DANGEROUSLY DAPPER, he also reestablished slavery via twitter on his cell phone beneath da table at da hearing this afternoon. [emoji]128133[/emoji][emoji]128133[/emoji][emoji]128133[/emoji] All in a day's work. Now Barson is not only da HUD secretary but he's also in charge of keeping da linens snow white at da sessions plantation.

Meanwhile da don was sitting back with da cheat codes on, turning sonic da headchog into rings and coal and flying around while tails is being left behind. Why? Cause sonic has da passing power B. :pimp: Tails don't have a clue B. [emoji]128133[/emoji][emoji]128133[/emoji][emoji]128133[/emoji][emoji]128133[/emoji][emoji]128133[/emoji][emoji]128133[/emoji]
For a second I thought the wind posted this :lol:
How is dudes who able to handle this is beyond me...I'd love to be a fly on the wall as he casually parades through the WH :rofl:
Republican Congressman Steve Scalise shot in the hip while practicing for the Congressional baseball game. About 50 shot rang out and other congressional aides struck.
Republican Congressman Steve Scalise shot in the hip while practicing for the Congressional baseball game. About 50 shot rang out and other congressional aides struck.

Don't wish harm on nobody, except for Trump and those directly under him, but these Republicans should have seen this coming....they need to step forth and get this POS out da paint, forget this party before honor mentality, that's what's gonna get them all shot...
@BBCBreaking: US Republican congressman and aide among several shot during baseball practice in Virginia, US reports say https://t.co/StLICrVEh3


Now watch this be the thing that finally makes them push for gun control...or is the NRA still too powerful?

That would be nice but if didn't happen when the Congresswoman from Arizona Gabrielle Giffords was shot at a grocery store I doubt it happens this time around.
She was a Democrat though,this is one of their own. The House whip even

The details coming out are pretty crazy,Rand Paul said he heard 50-60 shots and saw Scalise dragging himself to safety with a trail of blood from 2nd base :x :x

Another member of congress said the shooter was a chubby white male...
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She was a Democrat though,this is one of their own. The House whip even

The details coming out are pretty crazy,Rand Paul said he heard 50-60 shots and saw Scalise dragging himself to safety with a trail of blood from 2nd base :x :x

Another member of congress said the shooter was a chubby white male...
Not an Isis attack?

A terrorist mentally ill person shot 20 kids, killing them. A legit terrorist mentally ill person shot and killed 20 6 & 7 year olds and the senate voted against ANY NEW GUN LAWS.


do not forget that.

nothing is going to change unless there are 80 democrat senators.
She was a Democrat though,this is one of their own. The House whip even

The details coming out are pretty crazy,Rand Paul said he heard 50-60 shots and saw Scalise dragging himself to safety with a trail of blood from 2nd base :x :x

Another member of congress said the shooter was a chubby white male...
Not an Isis attack?

The gunman would already be dead and not in reported custody if that were the case,still a cowardly act of terror either way though
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Also,on our regular scheduled programming,the manbaby really is as dumb as it seems...


Trump won't say if he'll fire Mueller bc he thinks the threat will lead Mueller to publicly exonerate Trump, per NYT https://nyti.ms/2tjVJdR


The bumbling idiot is delusional if he really thinks that he can threaten and sway a former Marine,prosecutor and FBI director
She was a Democrat though,this is one of their own. The House whip even

The details coming out are pretty crazy,Rand Paul said he heard 50-60 shots and saw Scalise dragging himself to safety with a trail of blood from 2nd base :x :x

Another member of congress said the shooter was a chubby white male...

Irresponsible of Steve and his fellow Republicans for not excercising their 2nd amendment rights. They could've prevented this. Sad!
Also,on our regular scheduled programming,the manbaby really is as dumb as it seems...
The bumbling idiot is delusional if he really thinks that he can threaten and sway a former Marine,prosecutor and FBI director
Da don sniffing or smoking that good dope.
No, you're da snowflake B. Crying your liberal tears over Jefferson Sessions straight sonnin' da entire Senate. Da establishment, red and blue alike, didn't have a clue B. Not only did Sessions answer once and for all that Russia is our friend and trump is guilty of NO wrongdoing other than being DANGEROUSLY DAPPER, he also reestablished slavery via twitter on his cell phone beneath da table at da hearing this afternoon. [emoji]128133[/emoji][emoji]128133[/emoji][emoji]128133[/emoji] All in a day's work. Now Barson is not only da HUD secretary but he's also in charge of keeping da linens snow white at da sessions plantation.

Meanwhile da don was sitting back with da cheat codes on, turning sonic da headchog into rings and coal and flying around while tails is being left behind. Why? Cause sonic has da passing power B. :pimp: Tails don't have a clue B. [emoji]128133[/emoji][emoji]128133[/emoji][emoji]128133[/emoji][emoji]128133[/emoji][emoji]128133[/emoji][emoji]128133[/emoji]

Republican Congressman Steve Scalise shot in the hip while practicing for the Congressional baseball game. About 50 shot rang out and other congressional aides struck.

Don't wish harm on nobody, except for Trump and those directly under him, but these Republicans should have seen this coming....they need to step forth and get this POS out da paint, forget this party before honor mentality, that's what's gonna get them all shot...

It's more than Trump. It's the whole platform.

Just right now, I am listening to a GOP congressman say that the AHCA will have better results than the ACA, even though it's going to make an additional 20 million people unable to afford insurance. I really don't care what happens to them when they blatantly support policies that will kill people just so they can plunder the nation's wealth.
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@BBCBreaking: US Republican congressman and aide among several shot during baseball practice in Virginia, US reports say https://t.co/StLICrVEh3


Now watch this be the thing that finally makes them push for gun control...or is the NRA still too powerful?


So you're telling me that nobody shot back? I thought open carry would be an anti bullet shield of sorts.
Only time da musket is anti bullet shields is if you da first to shoot my g. Shoulda had the open carry vector 45 wit da beam on it for da protection
@BBCBreaking: US Republican congressman and aide among several shot during baseball practice in Virginia, US reports say https://t.co/StLICrVEh3


Now watch this be the thing that finally makes them push for gun control...or is the NRA still too powerful?


So you're telling me that nobody shot back? I thought open carry would be an anti bullet shield of sorts.

The Capitol Police were there. Apparently, if they weren't, nothing would've stopped the gunman from killing many.

Regardless of politics, this shooting is a tragedy and I hope everyone makes it through ok.

It's hard to ignore the irony though. Often it's not until death knocks on your own front door that you start to take an issue seriously.
@BBCBreaking: US Republican congressman and aide among several shot during baseball practice in Virginia, US reports say https://t.co/StLICrVEh3


Now watch this be the thing that finally makes them push for gun control...or is the NRA still too powerful?


So you're telling me that nobody shot back? I thought open carry would be an anti bullet shield of sorts.

The Capitol Police were there. Apparently, if they weren't, nothing would've stopped the gunman from killing many.

Regardless of politics, this shooting is a tragedy and I hope everyone makes it through ok.

It's hard to ignore the irony though. Often it's not until death knocks on your own front door that you start to take an issue seriously.

I know it's tragic. It's just hard for me to feel sad about it considering that republicans are habitual line steppers when it comes to downplaying tragedies that don't affect them. We'll see what comes out of it and whether we finally get a bipartisan effort to do something about gun violence.
"The President is monitoring the situation, the White House said in a statement."

As I read the CNN article on the shooting and came to this line, my first thought was one of pride and hope, as I somehow thought it was Obama for a second.

Then I remembered who our current president is and my heart sank.
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