***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Reports saying their baseball practices start at 5:30 in morning.  Who in their right mind signs up for that team?

Someone important gotta be heavily involved.. seems like one of those things you get forced into for work to suck up
Reports saying their baseball practices start at 5:30 in morning.  Who in their right mind signs up for that team?
I didn't go to sleep until 5:30 this morning 

People are really trying to argue that if all the senators had guns this never would've happened 
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Reports saying their baseball practices start at 5:30 in morning.  Who in their right mind signs up for that team?

I didn't go to sleep until 5:30 this morning :lol:  

People are really trying to argue that if all the senators had guns this never would've happened :x

1) if I'm at the gym or exercising at 5:30, that more than likely means I haven't slept.. or my dog or something woke me up randomly

2) so folks expecting these dudes to be fielding ground balls or taking batting practice while strapped??!
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All im seeing in here is a bunch of libby's complaining about guns! If each and every one of these congressmen were armed and locked and loaded then NO ONE would have been shot, b! :pimp: But you can thank Barack Hussein Obummer for restricting the rights of good old fashioned PATRIOTS to bear arms! I've never seen such an outrage as this before in my life! We've never had this kind of attack on our God given rights! This is all Obummer and (((((((Clinton)))))))s fault for stopping these Putin God fearing COOOAAAAALLLL TRAIN pioneers from defending themselves on the diamond from this violent, angry, anti-gun-rights, liberal fascist! [emoji]128133[/emoji]
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Reports saying their baseball practices start at 5:30 in morning.  Who in their right mind signs up for that team?

I didn't go to sleep until 5:30 this morning :lol:  

People are really trying to argue that if all the senators had guns this never would've happened :x

1) if I'm at the gym or exercising at 5:30, that more than likely means I haven't slept.. or my dog or something woke me up randomly

2) so folks expecting these dudes to be fielding ground balls or taking batting practice while strapped??!
that made no sense to me.

you leave your gun in your car, but you politely tell the shooter you gotta go grab it before he starts shooting:


edit: can't get the ******* embed to work because the youtube link has b** in it. :lol: :smh:
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In all srsness, it's a tragedy that someone felt their only recourse was to shoot at a group of defenseless people. Cowardly, despicable and ultimately deplorable, this action will have grave implications for the freedom and security of all Americans. The police state has been quietly built up in this country and because of this idiot, the GOP and Dems will work together to grant far more invasive power to the law enforcement agencies here. I'm happy none of the victims were killed, but I wish the suspect was alive to see the forthcoming backlash against his actions. He doesn't like Trump's America? Well he single handedly made the future a lot more dim with this action and he isn't even here to answer for it :smh:
‏ @BenjaminPDixon: Looks like @SteveScalise will be fine & will recover with the help of great doctors and great insurance that he wants to keep us from having

Oh man this is savagely on point...
I didn't go to sleep until 5:30 this morning :lol:  

People are really trying to argue that if all the senators had guns this never would've happened :x

Well that argument kinda falls flat because Virginia is an open carry state and even non residents can get a permit. Sounds like they weren't excercising their 2nd amendment rights *gasp*
Y'all live in a country with a huge supply of easily accessible weaponry.

we should honestly breath a sigh of relief everyday something like this doesn't happen.
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