***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Yeah that was a weird comment. Senseless gun violence pops off everyday in America

Maybe if Reps were in the cross hairs more, action might be taken.
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Y'all live in a country with a huge supply of easily accessible weaponry.

we should honestly breath a sigh of relief everyday something like this doesn't happen.
I would argue that it's not necessarily the sheer amount of guns or the laws but the gun culture.

Switzerland has a lot of guns per capita as well with relatively loose gun laws and their murder rate is less than half of Belgium's murder rate.

The intential homicide rate in Switzerland was 0.69 per 100k inhabitants in 2015. Ours was 1.95 that year.

The US' was 4.88 in 2015.

Switzerland's guns per capita has drastically decreased in recent years but even when it held the #3 spot worldwide of guns per capita with 45.7, its murder rate was barely higher than it was in 2015. Practically the same.

Switzerland does a very good job in educating their citizens about guns, the US does not. 
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Y'all live in a country with a huge supply of easily accessible weaponry.

we should honestly breath a sigh of relief everyday something like this doesn't happen.

the more **** happens the more i dislike owning guns

but other people have guns

so i have them also

if we could get rid of them from all then i would be ok with that

but since we cant i will continue to be a legal gun owner
That shooting happend right down the street from my childhood house... Used to play at that exact field (Simpson Field) as a youngin... Smh
Trump did this.
"Nothing you can do folks. Although the second amendment people, maybe there is, I don't know"
Funny thing is you already know morally bankrupt Republicans are going to play victim here and try desperately to exploit this near tragedy. 

"Never before has POTUS or his supporters been so viciously and monstrously attacked. The worst treatment! Democrats are clearly fully of hate!"
still too many daily shootings ...another workplace shooting just happened in San Fran :smh:


And CA has some of the strictest gun laws in the country

And we had one of the deadliest shootings in the San Bernardino attack

Guns need to be talked about seriously in this country
There are simple fixes to the problem too...but alotta citizens in this country, much like the government dont like easy and insist of doing/learning things the hard way

if this Health care bill passes, If I was an investor I would be looking for ways to short the insurance industry.

The days of compromise will be over, and when democrats get power back, this whole public-private marketplace bull **** will be over and they will shove single payer or something like it in the same cloak dagger manner that the Republicans did.

and the insurance companies will wish they came out harder against Obamacare repeal.
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The Associated Press [emoji]10004[/emoji] @AP BREAKING: Senate overwhelmingly approves new package of sanctions to punish Russia for meddling in 2016 election.

[QUOTE url="[URL]http://politi.co/2sbxj73[/URL]"]
POLITICO [emoji]10004[/emoji] @politico In a 97-2 vote, the Senate passes a Russia sanctions deal with new limits on @realDonaldTrump http://politi.co/2sbxj73 12:39 PM - 14 Jun 2017
Wonder what twitter rant Trump is going to tweet out
THis is why I feel no sympathy for these Republicans, they really running hot with the Anti-Trump/Bernie Supporter agenda, but when a Trump_supporting White supremacist commits an act of terrorism, Trump himself can't be bothered to denounce it and speak on it...FOH.
The republicans have shown that they will hate on any healtcare bill no matter what it is.

the R's shown that there cries for transparency were cynical lies.

the r's have shown you can just pevert the reconciliation process to jam this through with 51 votes.

the insurance industry and hospital industry have shown they won't lift a finger to defend Obamacare when it is under attack.

Next time Dems are in power I expect the same level of skull duggary in the service of building single payer or as close to single payer as possible. medicare buy in or what ever.
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