***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Justin Hendrix @justinhendrix

Can't make this stuff up:

White House plans to push House GOP for friendlier Russia sanctions deal (link: http://politi.co/2slWDqR) politi.co/2slWDqR via @politico

The only joy I'm still getting out of this whole trump thing





I love it.

I was thinking "are they surprised people turned on them?" but then remembered who they voted for.

It makes perfect sense they can't see the most obvious **** possible coming.

I hope they die lonely and alone - but realise the error of their ways at the end.

Saw one where dudes own dad disowned him. He asked why they haven't talked in months and the dad replied 'ask trump' :rofl:


If these people had any semblance of self-awareness, they would realize that they ask others to be what they refuse to be: considerate and empathetic.

Selfish mfers.

Votes for misogynistic, racist abetting, emotional, irrational, lying, false narrative pushing, science denying, conspiracy supporting, abusive, civil rights violating, dictator supporting, twitter finger having man baby

wow I can't believe my friends and family are abandoning me :frown:
Don't take the bait y'all

u ain't gotta talk to me, but if ya gonna keep trollin me im sendin da feds.

just cuz I don't post Don't mean i ain't here.

ya had a 7 month run i let rock, cool it da **** out, playtime's over.


I'm finding out more and more family is actually part of da coal gang too.

It's great. This whole time I thought I had to hide my misogynism, xenophobia, and racism from family, but turns out I can speak it freely! We are now bonding over our hate for lazy blacks thinly veiled as hate for Obummer. I look forward to doing away with saying grace at thanksgiving dinner and instead replacing it with spontaneous outbursts of "LOCK HER UP! LOCK HER UP!"

And now people will know da lump of coal I left in their stocking was actually well-intentioned.

But da best part is I don't feel inferior when I can't follow along with complex discussions of geopolitical issues and da relevant history, economics, and sociology at play. Why? Cause none of us know or care about all da fancy elitist book-learning that Soros is trying to jam down our throats. Instead we can all just comfortably recite Brietbart talking points together. :pimp:

And best of all, my closeted cousin just came out to us last week. Yes, he put it all out in da open. He is indeed a stormfront contributor. We were able to hug it out and he got me and my uncle accounts.

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It seems like the wind carried in a very special snowflake in our glorious coal plant comrades

One snowflake from some libbie ****hole state isn't gonna put the brakes on da COAL TRAIN b

Da Don is out here fighting for us, making coal great again and making the libbies' tiny brains spin from all this winning so we got no time for snowflakes 

They been relegated to da dustbin b, and the remaining ones are gonna melt as the sky is covered in coal smoke 
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