***Official Political Discussion Thread***


Even his senior advisors at F&F's were like
First time listening to anything from trumpito in a while. Bruh is losing it :lol:. He is so scared and it's great to see. It's impossible to keep up with all his lies in real time. Pretty much everything he says I just assume the opposite is true
Everyone knows when you get to a certain age, driving becomes dangerous. So why do we let a 71 year old be in charge of arguably the greatest economy the world has ever seen?
Everyone knows when you get to a certain age, driving becomes dangerous. So why do we let a 71 year old be in charge of arguably the greatest economy the world has ever seen?

71 is not old for jobs that require brain power, presence, and trust in the people you surround yourself around to help you make these key decisions. Many of our presidents have turned 70 whole in office. The issue is this guy is an idiot and really doesn’t know anything except that he’s the best at it all somehow. Your analogy is wrong because of this. Hilary who is almost the same age would be more tempered.

This is the issue when you elect someone with no political experience, no real negotiating experience except the use of lawsuits and their threats, and a narcissistic egomaniac.
I understand this board is probably 95% liberal, 3% conservative and 2% Kanye, but can we all take a step back and agree on one thing?

Forget fake news and all of that nonsense, but can we please recognize how biased and monetarily motivated media is as it relates to the president?

If N and S Korea did what they just did under Obeezy, the media world would have exploded ... I honestly believe that would have been O's biggest accomplishment as president ... And todays it's treated as an 8th page news story on all but one network ...

I get it, people hate the don ... but damn this world is some kind of screwed up when we can't even celebrate the end of the longest damn war in our lifetimes ...
I don't think people are mad at peace, sounds like a false equivalence there. Still trying to figure out how it's an accomplishment for Trump? Because it happened while he was in office?
Ahhh had to check the third page again lololol ...

Figured as much when the report comes out that no collusion was found ...

What's the next nothingburger the Left wants to pursue?
Ahhh had to check the third page again lololol ...

Figured as much when the report comes out that no collusion was found ...

What's the next nothingburger the Left wants to pursue?
Figured you wouldn't respond to my response to you that actually discussed foreign policy in a broader manner than "lol #MAGA libs!!1!1!"
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71 is not old for jobs that require brain power, presence, and trust in the people you surround yourself around to help you make these key decisions. Many of our presidents have turned 70 whole in office. The issue is this guy is an idiot and really doesn’t know anything except that he’s the best at it all somehow. Your analogy is wrong because of this. Hilary who is almost the same age would be more tempered.

This is the issue when you elect someone with no political experience, no real negotiating experience except the use of lawsuits and their threats, and a narcissistic egomaniac.

While I agree with your point that Donny isn’t bad because he’s old but because he’s an idiot 2 isn’t many - Trump is the oldest elected president and only 2 have even turned 70 while in office - Eisenhower (just) and Reagan (who was 73 when elected for the second time). Reagan - and especially his second term - shouldn’t be the template for any leadership position amd septuagenarians in high powered positions are definitely the exception rather than the rule.
I understand this board is probably 95% liberal, 3% conservative and 2% Kanye, but can we all take a step back and agree on one thing?

Forget fake news and all of that nonsense, but can we please recognize how biased and monetarily motivated media is as it relates to the president?

If N and S Korea did what they just did under Obeezy, the media world would have exploded ... I honestly believe that would have been O's biggest accomplishment as president ... And todays it's treated as an 8th page news story on all but one network ...

I get it, people hate the don ... but damn this world is some kind of screwed up when we can't even celebrate the end of the longest damn war in our lifetimes ...
Don gets this one but you have to remember this isn't over. No ink on paper and we don't know all of the details that comes with it.

Let's not count the chickens before they hatched.

Also N. korea has a history of lying. Plus alot of us have seen this coming. They are trading nukes for a seat at the big boy table. This was predicted by Clinton in the election
The same people who let themselves get stonewalled by non-existant executive privilege. Hope Hicks refused to answer any question about her time in the WH, Lewandowski refused to answer questions post-transition events and stated "I'm not answering your ******* questions" to Democrats in one of his interviews. He was interviewed twice and stonewalled twice.
Kushner was brought in on a voluntary basis and not under oath, ...
Bannon is the only one who stonewalled the House and got subpoenaed. And coincidentally Bannon happened to be a thorn in the side of the GOP establishment (Alabama election etc.)
Other key individuals were never questioned or invited at all or the committee didn't follow up on them.

Even Trey Gowdy, House republican Oversight chairman, has stated to not take the house investigation too seriously back when they announced they were ending it.
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