***Official Political Discussion Thread***

Soros engineering the market crash just before the midterms :pimp:

But don't worry, Teflon Don is sitting on $100 billion and will artificially keep the market afloat all on his own.

Excuse me for a second, I just got some new information.

What's that, he doesn't have that much? Well I was exaggerating a little. He has tens of billions, right? Wait, no? Does he even have a billion? A million? A penny?

Oh, he's in debt? Well he has stellar credit, I'm sure he can get a loan from any reputable American bank. He is the president, after all.

What? Only Russia and Saudi Arabia? Oh, and North Korea?

ok, economy's toast.

How does one mismatch a signature anyway?
I'm sure if all of my signatures on official documents were examined they'd look pretty different, especially as my handwriting declined due to disease. My signature will always have the same basic components that (should) identify it as being mine but I've definitely made some horrid attempts.
How does one mismatch a signature anyway?
I'm sure if all of my signatures on official documents were examined they'd look pretty different, especially as my handwriting declined due to disease.

The people who work at poll stations are left to decide whether a signature doesn't look the same - without having any specialties in the field of handwriting whatsoever.

Guess what doesn't "look right" to the mostly older white volunteers? If you said "high percentages of minority names", here's a cookie.
The people who work at poll stations are left to decide whether a signature doesn't look the same - without having any specialties in the field of handwriting whatsoever.

Guess what doesn't "look right" to the mostly older white volunteers? If you said "high percentages of minority names", here's a cookie.
As a test I wrote my signature a few times, some as controlled as possible and others more spontaneous. Ironically one of the rushed ones is (first left on the bottom) is the best representative.
I mean, I'd be disappointed in the Chinese and Russian intelligence's abilities if they weren't doing so.

May 21 2018: https://niketalk.com/threads/official-political-discussion-thread.509493/page-4930#post-30342165
‘Too inconvenient’: Trump goes rogue on phone security
The president has kept features at risk for hacking and resisted efforts by staff to inspect the phones he uses for tweeting

May 22nd 2018: https://niketalk.com/threads/official-political-discussion-thread.509493/page-4700#post-30076846
Trump warned of ‘great danger’ posed by Clinton’s emails. Naturally, he rejects security procedures for his own phone.
Basically nothing was sacred to Donald Trump during the 2016 presidential campaign, except Hillary Clinton's email account. This was the one thing he insisted needed to be handled by the book. And in Trump's telling, Clinton's choice to use a private email server while she was secretary of state had grave consequences. At one point, Trump said he was “sure” that China had hacked her server and that the whole thing was “putting all of America and our citizens in danger, great danger.”

You'd think a guy who felt so strongly about that would go above and beyond to protect his personal communications once he became president. But apparently you'd be wrong.

Politico is reporting that Trump has eschewed the normal security procedures when it comes to his personal cellphones. He has at least two — one for making calls and one for Twitter — but the call-capable phone has a camera and a microphone, which was against protocol in the Obama administration because those things could be used to monitor a president's activities and movements. As for the Twitter phone, Trump reportedly has gone as many as five months without having it checked by security experts, despite phones being checked every 30 days during the Obama administration.

Trump's reasoning for resisting the regular security sweep? It's “too inconvenient,” one official said.

That sound you hear is 60 million Clinton supporters tearing out their hair. You may recall that this was exactly the justification Clinton used for her private server: convenience. “When I got to work as secretary of state, I opted for convenience to use my personal email account, which was allowed by the State Department, because I thought it would be easier to carry just one device for my work and for my personal emails instead of two,” she said.

Whether convenience was truly Clinton's reason for the private server is up for debate (it certainly seems possible that she was attempting to avoid disclosure). But even if you set that aside, there are eerie parallels between what Trump attacked Clinton for and what he's doing now.

“Clinton’s home email server that she lied to the American people about was a profound national security risk,” Trump wrote in one Facebook post. “Hillary Clinton has bad judgment and is unfit to serve as President.”

He said in July 2016 in a campaign speech: “This is not just extreme carelessness with classified material, which is still totally disqualifying. This is calculated, deliberate, premeditated misconduct.”

He added on the eve of the election: “It's believed that no less than five foreign intelligence agencies successfully hacked into Hillary's illegal insecure server. In other words, Hillary's corrupt criminal scheme put the safety of every American family in danger; that's what's happened.”

A lack of regular security checks on Trump's cellphone may not be on the same scale as a “home-brew” private email server, but the practical implications are similar — the possibility that foreign actors could gain access and use it against Trump and the United States. Trump seemed very bothered by that possibility as a candidate; he seems far less bothered as president — almost as though he wasn't really that concerned in the first place.

A White House aide insisted to Politico that technological advances have made for more secure devices and necessitate less procedural security. But Trump went big on the importance of taking every precaution as a candidate. Matching the Obama administration's protocols would seem a very basic way to avoid any possibility of the “great danger” Trump warned about as a candidate.

May 26th: https://niketalk.com/threads/official-political-discussion-thread.509493/page-4713#post-30104115
Trump’s Phone Is a Hacker’s Dream
Unfortunately for this president, Twitter seems more important than protecting his own secrets—and the nation’s.
Earlier this week, Politico broke the news that President Donald Trump refuses to give up using off-the-shelf mobile phones, the imposition of better security being considered “too inconvenient.” While it would be difficult to hack these phones, it can be done, and there are few targets of a higher priority to potential hackers than the president of the United States.
Do any of you honestly think the person, or people, behind these bomb attempts will be caught?
Do any of you honestly think the person, or people, behind these bomb attempts will be caught?

Going go out on a limb and assume they're looking for an middle aged white Male

So nope!

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