***Official Political Discussion Thread***

So what are the actual consequences here? Recession? Depression? Layoffs? I'm ignorant on the stock market despite having taken multiple finance courses lol

Trumponomics :pimp:

Where I come from, the "light at the end of the tunnel" is a metaphor for economic prosperity after a very long period of austerity. Let's hope this isn't us entering that tunnel.
So what are the actual consequences here? Recession? Depression? Layoffs? I'm ignorant on the stock market despite having taken multiple finance courses lol
On its own, it means very little. The market swings up and down like this regularly. A single good or bad day is not indicative or predictive of a crash or boom.

However... my amateur opinion is that we are due a correction. The economy hasn't been that "booming" over the past 2 years, yet the stock market has increased a large amount (for example, NASDAQ hitting 8000 after starting in the low 4000s two years ago). Granted, the stock market isn't meant to be a direct reflection of the current economy, but rather a complicated mix of the current economy, predictions on the future, and confidence in the markets). But it's hard to justify an increase in the market of that magnitude. Mix in tariffs and other reasons to be pessimistic, and I wouldn't be surprised with a recession. Whether it starts now or a few months from now, I don't know.

Now I hope someone who actually understands and studies economics can come in here and give a better answer.
Do any of you honestly think the person, or people, behind these bomb attempts will be caught?
Well they caught Theodore Kaczynski...eventually.
And whoever this perpetrator/group is doesn't really suggest some criminal mastermind at work.


The "racist believe he is a racist" is one of the best political jabs I have heard in a minute.
Two of the few remaining, self-enforced rules in political discourse is you are not allowed to simply call your opponent racist. The other rule is that if your opponent insinuates that you are racist, you must deny it and claim indignation at even being indirectly accused of racism.

It is like how in chess you cannot take your opponent's King but your opponent must immediately take his King out of check if he is able to do so.

So we have a situation where no matter how flagrant their record or behavior or governing choices may be, no from the political class can simply be called a racist. So you get the checkmate by pointing out the preferences of a less socially accepted class of white supremacists. DeSantis is not called racist by Gillum but DeSantis has no more legal moves remaining, so checkmate.
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